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I'm telling you (about getting top games like Donkey Kong): If you buy it, they will come! Just trust them! All they need is 10,000,000 units sold.


(let me know if my parroting is too close for comfort)

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Artie seems pretty obsessed. icon_mrgreen.gif


Admittedly, the Chameleon makes for a pretty easy target. The trick has been to come up with new material, and not just revisit old RetroVGS jokes. I had about two weeks' worth of ideas written after the Coleco name change happened, but before they'd announced their game lineup. Once that happened, I ended up discarding about half of what I had written, and re-wrote a lot of it. I'm still revising strips for this week, and as Toy Fair gets closer, there will probably be more re-writes. But being able to keep current is a big part of what makes this fun.


That said, I don't really want this to completely dominate the strip, but we haven't had any self-absorbed ex-Atari programmers peddling overpriced games around here lately, so I need to take what I can get. ;)

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