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Movies and TV Shows Do Influence Us

Random Terrain


Many people who work in film and television claim that watching violence has no affect on viewers. They say that their product doesn't have that kind of power. It doesn't cause violence or influence people in any way, it's only entertainment. OK, If movies and TV shows don't influence others, what about product placement and advertising? If the entertainment industry really believed their own lies, there would be no advertising.


Since they claim to believe that their products don't influence audiences, then it must be true that no movie or TV show ever had an impact on fashion or caused millions of people to recite catch phrases. Sure, no one has ever recited, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," "kiss my grits," "up your nose with a rubber hose." "The plane! The plane!," "Nanoo Nanoo," "make my day," "I'll be back," "Don't have a cow," "Isn't that special," "show me the money," or "oh my God, they killed Kenny!"


Movies and TV shows affect our attitudes and beliefs. Depending on what our values are, they can either strengthen or erode them over time. TV shows and movies are made by people who want to affect viewers. They want to change minds, they want to 'enlighten' (which means they want to make you believe whatever they do). Most of them would do almost anything to get their project made because they understand the power of film and television.


Dick Cavett tried to make fun of the violence on TV issue by saying, "There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?" Dick Cavett may think he's being clever, but the answer to his question is yes. Comedy on TV does cause comedy in the streets, at the water cooler, and many other places. You'd have to be locked in a closet all of your life not to know that millions of people repeat jokes and act out skits they got from TV the night before.


Hollywood knows what's going on, they just don't want us to know about it because that would force too many changes in their industry.



Random Terrain



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