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The letter e.



I don't like the letter e. It looks like an upside down lowercase a. Perhaps I should hate the letter a because it looks like an upside down lowercase e. I also don't like the letter e because I'm trying to write a novel without it. I doubt it will ever get published though, even though it has a novelty gimmick of not once having the letter e in it. How do I know? I am writing it in Word, and I CTRL+F find the letter E. If I mistakenly use it, I delete it and find some other way to phrase what I'm trying to do without using the letter E. And it's hard. This means I cannot use half of the 50 most commonly used words in the English language, including the #1 "the". When writing "Gadsby", another e-less novel, Ernest Wright said his greatest challenge was not using the "-ed" suffix. So what? I think not using "the" would be harder. Of course, when there's a few lines of dialogue in my story, I have to find different ways of saying "said" without using the -ed suffix. Anyway, three other novels that I'm aware of have been written without the letter e. You can find a list as well as look at my own story on the webpage I have devoted to it. So why am I writing a novel without using the letter E? It's the most commonly-used letter in English (and French. But not Spanish. That title goes to "a".) So it's quite a challenge. So I invite you to try to write a novel without using the letter E. We need more than just three. And look at mine here: http://www.atari2600land.com/e/ It has almost 20,000 words, none of which have an E in them. And I don't even know the ending yet. It's only 15 pages long, though. It would be much more if it was an actual book instead of just a Word document.


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