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Game Boy stuff




So I got an e-mail saying my Game Boy games were finished (it took at least 3 months) and that the 10 copies I had wanted will be shipped now. I think the guy is in Europe, so it will probably take a while for them to get here, especially during Holiday season where people ship a lot of packages.


That inspired me to work on my second Game Boy game (third if you count Oranges). It took a few hours, but I finally made the title screen for Mr. Stick a lot better looking. I added another tree and a mountain. It looks a lot better on the BGB emulator. But game play wise, it's still missing...something. It's a lot like my Channel F game I was making where you dodge the veggies and eat the candy. Only instead of a face with a moving mouth, you get a popsickle stick with a face (think Stick Stickly, the inspiration), that can duck down when a bean flies by.


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