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Pretty label (part 2)



In order to make the mouth's anti-alias the same as the pizza, I had to redesign the mouth. You'll notice the mouth is open wider now, I did that by mistake, but I am against work that doesn't need to be done, so I'm keeping it in. I also made the word "yum" the same anti-alias as the mouth and the pizza slice. All that work took about an hour. I made the copyright notice smaller and moved it to the bottom. So this is attempt #3.

I had a terrible time waking up. I slept for about 14 or so hours because I didn't want to wake up because I was sleepy. I am still quite sleepy, but now I'm hungry because I haven't had breakfast. I think I'll have my two slices of toast now. At almost 3pm.



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Hmm ... I kinda liked the blocky "YUM" against the anti-aliased mouth and pizza. It was stylized with big blocks, which looked good.


What I thought didn't look right was that the blockiness between the background items and the letters was different. That looked sloppy.

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