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Cruiz'in the internet for Bobcats- August 2016



So we had a very busy time of things in May and June. July what can I say? I partied. :D

I mean that is what you do after you talk to the producer that started Bubsy and the man who produced the Jaguar version of Bubsy, which is my favorite.

So this account will be just to say, how's it been? We're still here.

While on Facebook there was this picture I've seen a few times. So cute with all the baby Bobcats. But remember where there are babies, there is usually a mom nearby...


Oh, while I was gearing up for the Jaguar podcast I had fun trying to see how close I could get Bubsy to one of the card guys. Mainly was trying to see if he would finally get hit when he went to knock on the screen. Was a fun experiment.

Bubsy close shave.mp4

During the month of July I get back into the Nuon scene, which is awesome because it allowed me to get the games I was missing, AND the rotary controller was demoed at a recent show that can play with Tempest 3000. At any rate, I came up with a new avatar for the Nuon Dome. I always had Bubsy as my avatar but this is more Nuon related. It is kinda based on Michael Berlyn saying how Bubsy's shirt was supposed to change.


Oh, and I'm just scrolling through tons of stuff I can't show here and finding things I've come across that Bubsy fans might like, or just things I've come across in the last two months, This one is not Bubsy related, but video games will get a kick out of it...


So true. Always thought that was a bit odd. You know out of the classic game characters like Pac-Mac, Frogger, the space invaders, I always like Pac-Man more than the game. The character and cartoon series was actually fun. But Frogger might be a close contender and a game I actually enjoyed. Especially the odd stuff in Frogger 2 where he is jumping in the clouds. And then like Bubsy made the transition to 3D. He still seems remembered at least and still loved.


Thought this was funny too. I remember once playing Dark Castle on the Macintosh and in the game they explain where all the bags of rocks come from. In that case a Sheppard tried to go against the Black Knight with a sling and rocks. The Sheppard didn't make it but left many bags of rocks around.
So what about Lara Croft? Did another hero fail just ahead of her and left a whole armory lying around? Makes you wonder.

Oh here is something I'm sure Bubsy Bobcat would, especially if he worked in a office...

Oh speaking of puns, another book series I like, Myth Adventures originally started by Robert Asprin now written by Jody Lynn Nye, has another book out apparently that I need to look for. A very punny series. Anyone ever read this or the more so punny Zanth series?


So as you can see, aside from some basic zoning I didn't find much new on Bubsy, but I did find a few interesting things on ebay and Facebook. Let me get past all the numerous pictures I can post and see if I can find those two...

Thought a prototype cartridge of the first Bubsy on ebay was klnda cool...

And then there is Bobcat-in-a-Box. A good friend of mine once joked that nothing would be more spontanious than just mailing a bobcat to someone. :P


Oh found this on ebay, "Bubsy and Bub". I know SpongeFox will find this interesting.

Alright, fun basic goofiness. More Bubsy and other fun next month. Until then keep it up, just keep it up.

-Doctor Clu

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One thought that came to my mind when you asked Mike Berlyn if Bubsy's shirt would show any "other symbols", and he responded, "I'll take it to my grave", I thought, "you mean symbols like Q-bert would utter when conked on the head?" That would certainly be a way of expressing annoyance at his enemies...

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