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Ideas and concepts - is really what I am into...



This topic has nothing to do with videogame design, etc etc - and is about who I am... etc...


This blog (and it's comments - couldn't find how to add another blog entry?) is really about using your brain and to work things out for yourself too.

That those who are after the truth about anything and everything - should be able to agree on certain concepts, etc which hold true, no matter what. The truth is all around us - yet we are always held down by old outdated ideas, etc etc that should have been discarded so long ago. Religion especially tends to drown out the human spirit - rather than let it roam free with a clear view of reality, etc.


The purpose of life - is all about education. That life is all about learning.

When you enter the later part of your life - say into your 50s' - things/life etc become very clear.

That the answer to all our problems - will be through education.


Truthfulness is necessary - to not perpetuate myths and wrong/false ideas and concepts. To see things as they are - reality.

Too often the human imagination is engaged - in some form of deception - that is a hurdle to overcome in the evolution and progression of mankind. There is a definite stupidity within man - this is not helped by so-called leaders who engage this stupidity to their own advantage.


Life applied to an individual - also applies to mankind as a whole. If you cannot admit to and own up to your own responsibility - in the problems you create for yourself - how can you ever fix the problems you have?


Mankind as a whole - has lost it's memory - and also it's heritage, etc. Religion does little to help - there is no admission that with two very influential texts - they are not what they pretend to be - and lack validity. Namely the Koran and that which is the Bible (and it's various texts). Science tells us that modern humans are of the order of millions of years old - say 4 to 5? But we can only go a little back time to around 12,000 to 14,000 years? What could account for the greater part of our missing history? The possibility of a worldwide deluge (flood) is possible - especially tying in with the exit of the last ice age? perhaps. Further back in time - there would be comet/meteorite strikes - and past ice ages?

I think there is something to the Atlantis story - that mankind could have reached a pinnacle of high technology - only to be destroyed by the last worldwide catastrophe - forcing humans to start all over again. This could be back as far as 60,000 years ago? That little evidence for Atlantean technology remains. Perhaps the Great Pyramid etc dates from this time period?


Precision high-tech machining can be seen around the Great Pyramid - ie. toolmarks. Christopher Dunn has been good in pointing this out (repeating Flinders Petrie's findings) - and also Brien Foerster have posted videos at Youtube. There seems to be a commonality with megalithic building done at various locations and time periods etc ? Where such massive stone blocks are used to the utmost precision - with a lack of being able to explain - how did they do it? The disbeliever can of course cite that the ancient Romans and Greeks also built on a grande scale and there is no mystery over what techniques/etc they used... There are excellent documentaries which detail their achievements, etc - such as Time Scanners and Ancient Impossible - as well as others.


An interesting series is Ancient Aliens - but it really goes overboard saying aliens were responsible for this and that. What the series does best - is to take you to faraway places and let's you see what is there, of interest - quite often the dialogue makes too many assumptions without the evidence (or logic) to support it.

I do go along with the idea however - that aliens have always been part and parcel of mankind's development and evolution. That there was an early mating between so-called aliens and early mankind - and this is what caused our dramatic emergence from being 'primitive' into modern man. Like Daniken said - Was God an Astronaut? Just like Egyptian history has to be rewritten to being something more accurate and truthful (eg. that pyramids were never tombs in the first place - and date back to a more ancient time) - religious text needs also to be re-examined and translated more accurately - which should reveal that so-called 'God' was never a non-physical entity - but always a physical presence - in human shape and form. That all Gods and Goddeses from all cultures were likewise human beings (though aliens as such) - and their magical devices and abilities were all due to advanced technology instruments (likened to laser guns, antigravity machines, etc) which we don't have yet.


Of course - religions and their followers etc etc will not admit to this revision - because it will then be admitting to the incorrect and misguided interpretations passed down today.


I do agree with one source - ie. Billy Meier - information can be found at the futureofmankind.co.uk website - which does read like some kind of science fiction story - but is claimed to be real as such. There is a lot of material there to go through - and it must be over ten years now, that I have gradually gone over much of the material, which is still the tip of the iceberg of information.

Of course, parts of it - is still hard to accept - but a lot of it, is in keeping with plain common sense.


Other life stories that sound as fantastic - would be - Nikola Tesla (who gave us the Alternating Current electricity system we still use today - amongst many other patents etc), Ed Leedskalnin (creator of Coral Castle - who claims to know the method used in building the Great Pyramid etc) - and John Searl (who is the only one still alive - of this fantastic threesome I chose to highlight). Meier is still alive - but only just.


I do lack a scientific and engineering background to fully understand the details concerning all of the above.

For example there is a lecture series at Youtube which revisits Leedskalnin's written text about how magnetic (and electrical) current works - with diagrams and experiments - and there are people reconstructing his Perpetual Motion Holder and his flywheel mechanism - trying to understand the theory and practice of these devices? There must be a third device involved - which probably directly allows the moving the cutting of enormous blocks of coral rock.




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Truth is always short, sharp, simple and to the point. You can answer the great questions of all time, with a simple yes or no... And most intelligent people should be able to know which is the correct answer. eg. Does "God" of religions exist? It's a definite no - because there is no evidence for it, and circular logic is only present. Religions do no research into their authenticity, provide no evidence - and above all do not invite discussion about their central ideas/concepts they promote. You have only to compare religion with science - and know that science has all manner of ongoing projects going - such as CERN, various astronomical observatories etc being built or have been built - and no religion has anything going in this kind of manner. Though there has been some archaeological uncoverings here and there.- which shed a little light. Hardcore evidence though is always lacking.

Actual truth is not like the romantic truth popularised for the public - that more often than not - it is thought provoking, controversial, hard to accept - and confronting. That a lot of concepts the public accepts - is simply not true.

Or that the public is fed a lot of nonsense - a lot of the time. This comes especially from religion(s) - and politicians of course.


I will say that a lot of the stories we are told - are not valid. Or endorse the wrong kind of values. Such as the hero stories as such. Stories in which the hero uses or resorts to violence to stop the evil doer - is sending the wrong message to the public/reader. This is endorsing "Might is Right" - whereas the overall message should be - be fair, or do good rather than commit evil. All the superhero stories are sending the wrong message home.

If we want a peaceful world in our future - we need to foster the correct mindset to bring that about. The answer is not to have better and better high tech weapons, etc etc. But to have a better educated public - who understands how evil comes about in the first place - by having people deprived of a decent way of life through inequality and hardship.


Of course, there has to be a method to deal with those who will commit murder and killing for their own ends. That such people will not change their ways through discussion and communication - and only in this extreme circumstance - one has to use violence to stop the violence being committed. In the current world situation - the answer should be - to have an international cooperative body of the best of the best - of the intelligence, police, military, etc to work as an international team - and given the permission to track down those who commit such evil to their source - to bring them to justice - but not to execution, but to lifetime imprisonment - so that they can serve as examples - to recognise such characters in future.


Religions should be recognised for what they are. That they mislead the public and their believers/followers with their incorrect and misinterpreted stories, etc etc and reveal the original stories they fail to tell. There is a version of Jesus/Jmmanuel that most people do not know of. It is a version in which the resurrection did not take place - that yes he did suffer on the cross - but was near death and taken down to be thought of as being dead. But that he was revived and did recover. He fled the scene - for fear of his life - made his way to Kashmir, where he lived out the rest of his life, and is buried there. The text - The Talmud Jmmanuel is thought to be the most accurate version of events. Anyone interested enough - can probably find a copy of this on the internet somewhere, although it is officially available through steelmark online I think. You should avoid the George Green version. The steelmark version is the latest/official version - but an earlier version is locatable.

Documentaries such as "Did Jesus Die?" - and "The Hidden Story of Jesus" present this story of Jesus in India.


Anyway in getting to the truth - you should have an open mind, and be willing to do some research and further reading, etc etc.


The text known as the The Holy Bible - is not so holy after all. Some parts of which could be said to be accurate - whereas other parts can be said to be not accurate at all. Of course, there are contradictions within the text itself - and claims of it being the word of God - and it is accurate is nonsense. The same can be said of the Koran - the same can be said of it being accurate. It is not. Like Biblical text - more often than not - it was not written not at the time of the events - why not? Weren't scribes present then? And it is said, that it was written down afterwards - as people recollected their memories, etc etc.

But if you were to even look at the story structure of the text - you should see that this is not the case at all. eg. Biblical text - it is not written from a personal viewpoint - but in third person.


Anyway all such stories can be said to contain some truth to them - and some stories could contain a lot more ....

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There is the general view, most probably of man emerging from the ice age and becoming civilised - say from about 14,000 years ago or thereabouts... but it is not usually viewed, that this process was a cycle - of which how many times before has such a similar event happened? That of mankind having to restart all over again from a natural catacylsm. The story of Atlantis predates this, in which man causes his own destruction through warring with himself - Atlantis and Mu - their capitals being Florida and Mongolia - also in this time period (of ancient ancient history) - the story of our solar system being that Earth was not the only planet having life (also human life present) - but there were 2 others - being Mars and Malona (also called Phaeton) - this being the planet that now is the remains of the asteroid field - that the goldilocks zone was of 3 planets - that was radically changed when a great destroyer comet changed the orbits, which was a natural event as such - causing the destruction of one, and the radical change for Mars - having it's atmosphere ripped away, with it's orbit changed. Perhaps at this time - the Earth got's it Moon - which is a captured planet/moon as such - which was an outer orbit planet. It is easy to see that our Moon is not the earth's natural companion - because what other planet has a moon of this size? Only the 2 largest planets of our solar system - have sizeable moons, even Mars has what looks like to be captured asteroids, than true moons as such.


Anyway the full story can be read in a text titled "The 251st Contact Notes" by Billy Meier at the futureofmankind.co.uk website - and elsewhere.


Anyway it is quite an incredible text - and it will take some years to fully appreciate it - while it's only so many pages - it takes some years to fully appreciate what it contains...


Consider that man is suppose to be millions of years old (some 4 or 5?) and that we only know about the last 16,000 years in some detail - there is still some millions yet to be accounted for... Was man truly primitive during all that time....


Also consider the age of the dinosaurs - how long ago, and how long were they on this planet?

Also note how animals were supersized back then - and also the plant kingdom - trees etc would have been abundant...


You have only to acknowledge how silly our world religions are - when they teach us so much that is incorrect and distorted.

There is too much emphasis given to say the Middle Eastern religions/etc text - whereas there should have been more attention given to the Indian continent texts - which are far older - and said to be less misinterpreted etc - ie. are more accurate texts than that of the early Israelites/etc.

There is never any acknowledgement given to how self-promoting they were - how they most probably stole/borrowed from other cultures their stories etc to claim as their own. The same fault with the Holy Bible - is present with muslim/islamic text too.

All religions suffer from the same circular logic - whereby they do not question their own material - as to how accurate is it?

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