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Games I've beaten over the years

I feel a little bit bad if I don't finish a game I paid for. It's like I have let that tiny investment in entertainment go to waste. However, I have beaten some games. Let me do a rough list of games I can think I have beaten off of hand, in reverse chronological game release(rough) order. Fallout 4(all DLC) Dishonored 1(no DLC) GTA 5(the only GTA I beat) Skyrim Saints Row 4(not proud of this) Saints Row 3 Deus Ex: Human Revolution RAGE Mass Effect 1 Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Borderlands 2



Christmas in Japan

Several years ago, I chained some days off around Christmas time to give myself 9 days in a row off. Sadly, I wasted it. I took naps and just played Skyrim. That was it. Nobody to hang out with, nobody new to meet, no social activity. Nothing. In retrospect, it felt like 9 whole days were just wasted where I could have done something much more fulfilling. So, I decided to change that for this year. Instead of sitting around the house, where everybody is busy with everyone else, I thought. "Hm



Working on 3 podcasts at the same time

Don't try to work on 3 podcast episodes at once. You can, but you shouldn't. You will be in editing purgatory. Things could potentially bleed into each other. Last night, I made good on my own word to work on the next CCG episode. I made some progress, but not through the whole way. But I'm getting there. While the 2015 poddies isn't due for a while, there's a mountain of editing & cropping audio I have to do. When you're doing an episode that celebrates retro gaming/computing/pinball podc



test poll

This is just me testing out the polling option for blogs.   How come the questions don't show up?



Today's idea: "Wastelanders" pinball

When I'm at work, there are times I can't use my computer(but it's still working). So I get to doodle out ideas.   Today was a pinball machine called "Wastelanders". It's inspired from the numerous Mad Max copy movies made back in the day of post-apocalyptic nostalgia.   Elements:   1. Marauders = the typical bad guys in the wasteland. They have motorbikes, ragged clothes & are general antagonists. 2. "The Order" - not unlike The Authority in Rage, Enclave in Fallout, Omega in "Warrio



Selling stuff

I need to lighten up the load. Selling an Atari 5200 lot and a TI-99/4A lot. This is serious business.



No free time, dangit

So I record about 10 minutes into my podcast, only to have Audacity replace it with some failed recording test I made. Dammit. I worked hard on those 10 minutes of mostly filler content. How am I ever going to get this podcast off the ground? But I'm going to keep trying. Mark my word, I will make the absolute worst retro gaming-flavored podcast EVAR. That's going to be difficult since there's a lot of bad ones out there.



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