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Tax Avoiders (2600) Review



Okay, it's tax season so I pulled this game to play - Tax Avoiders (shouldn't it be Tax Evaders or at least wouldn't that sound cooler?).


Here's the bottom line - this game is not good. In the main screen you are supposed to collect $ while avoiding government red tape (Oh! that's what that red mis-shapen object is!). You can run and jump (not up but forward) and I don't know how this game "decides" what you touch or collide with but most of the $ goes right by you and does not add to your total. There is an elevator that comes at random and can carry you to the other levels where (I guess) you can earn more $. Eventually you will be taken to a second screen where a man could either be an IRS agent, an investment adviser or something else depending on their color, so you should run from or run too them depending on their color. This is also the screen where you are to invest and put your holdings in a briefcase. I have read the HTML manual and it makes sense on paper but this game is a mess. Your goal is to a make a cool million over the course of a year - good luck, I tried.


The graphics are simple, John Q. (you) are nicely detailed. The main screen is very plain and boring, the secondary screen at least has more to do (ladders, platforms, running from or too the little agent). The sound is standard 2600 fare. The controls are fine but figuring out how to climb the ladders in the second screen is a bit difficult.


Because I can't program anything (the most I can do is hack others work) I am never too hard on a game. So it's not the best game in the 2600 library but it has some original ideas I just wish they were better implemented.


Overall 6/10


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