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Another Milestone

Another long gap between posts, but... another milestone hit.   Today Rebooteroids ran for the first time from a production Jagtopus board, complete with all high score tables (4 of them) and all game options (control config/audio settings/etc) saved to the card EEPROM chip.   Since the last update there have been many changes/fixes/additions, some of which are below:   The boot loader intro has been completed. Name entry and high score screens added. Interlaced High Resolution title pic



Primary coding completed!

HAPPY DAY: Rebooteroids - Primary coding completed.......     So, is it finished? No. Still awaiting some assets (music, graphics, level data), play-testing and any and all bug-fixes that brings to the surface.   However, this is a major milestone! - CJ



Work Resumes!

Just wrapping up on another Reboot project, which means its nice to be working on this again!   The final code module required is nearing completion - the high score / name entry / eeprom management screen. With this done, I can finally start assembling a 'feature complete and working' ROM - leaving 'only' bug fixes, level designs and clean up left.   Lots of work ahead, but the end is finally in sight!    



Rebooteroids video

I Posted this on facebook, may as well add it here...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwAEUP7-oWk&feature=youtu.be



Just Cruisin' Along...

I haven't updated this in a while... not because we haven't been busy, and not because there's nothing to report, but because, well, I've just not felt like it lately.   Many, many non-Jaguar (or even hobby) related things are happening at this time, both with myself and with the other guys in Reboot, so much so that 'Reboot' is taking a back seat to reality (as it should) and things have slowed down.   But, there is a heartbeat, if you listen closely enough.   We have in the wings....  



Building a game in public

Well, last time we tried something like this the environment was a tad more hostile (Project One) - so let's see how this pans out this time.....   We're going to try and build a mini game in public, via the forum. I'll be posting snippets of code along the way to highlight how RAPTOR handles things, along with regular builds.   Anyway, enough preface, over to the thread here!



Make yer mind up, will ya?

Played with the code a bit more today, this is currently awaiting testing on real hardware by the testing team     (Yes, that's a 2nd player... that thing we initially promised, then said we removed.... Are there any Jaguar owners out there with a friend, and a second rotary?)



eJagFest and last minute coding!

Less than one week to go, and some frantic activity on Rebooteroids to make the eJagFest 2012 build for sh3 to take with him. Lots of new stuff added and a few bugs squished. This one really is moving along nicely now, and with luck, shouldn't take much more to push to completion.   I've also done some work on the Bubble Bobble port. Still a long way to go there until I'm happy with it, but again, this one is moving along well and will make a nice addition to the Jaguar library when we're fin



Plodding along....

More slow progress. Time is really limited lately, and the time that is available seems to be spent saying things like 'golly gosh darn it's a tad bit brisk this evening. I can't jolly well feel my fingers it is so blummin' chilly and make no mistake!' (Or slightly more colourful versions of the previous sentence....)   [edit] ColoUrful is not a typo, Atari Age!!!! Silly Americans missing letters out of words. [/edit]   Anyway, the bonus pickups now decay away back to regular mode, the bac



Progress report!

Things are still moving forward. This week we've seen some major work done on Rebooteroids for the first time it what feels like ages. Off and on over the last few months I've dabbled with the code, but recently sh3 has been able to spend some time working the graphics and we have had several discussions regarding game play and mechanics which has resulted in a much improved new build. If you are all very, very good you may even get some screenies soon   I know we also said we were taking th



Sommerhack 2012

Reboot will be represented here by ggn - Please stop by to play our games and say hi.  



Rebooteroids Returns

OK, so real life is still keeping us all busy, but we have managed to almost finish the Raptor example game we mentioned (It just needs some sound effects and a few spot graphics) so that should be around soon.   I took some time this week to look back at the Rebooteroids code, and I'm not at all happy with it. Raptor's object handling was derived from the core code from this game, however this early 'version' of the engine (before it was even an engine) is, compared to the current Raptor bui




Well, real-life elbows its way back into things. For the next few months Reboot will be busy doing non-Reboot things, however we will be back. RAPTOR development will be continued by Matmook in the meantime, and hopefully I'll get some time here and there to help out.   See you all on the other side of this short intermission!   CJ.



What's been going on?

Well, It feels like ages since I wrote anything here... so what have we been up to? Well, we've released HMS Raptor - and I've been cleaning the source code up to get ready to ship with the RAPTOR library. We've re-worked Kobayashi Maru to v1.1 (FINAL! - even the titlescreen says so!) ready to be sent off to the pressing factory, and then turned into available to buy boxes. We've converted Rebooteroids from a ROM cased cart format to a CD-ROM application. This means we'll be able to s



Happy Holidays Everyone

Well, here we are again - another Christmas.   It's been an interesting year. A long year. A satisfying year. And a frustrating year. But most of all, it's been a happy year.   I'd like to take some time now to say thank you to several people.   The gang at Reboot - It as been an absolute pleasure working and playing with you all. Here's to another great year ahead full of fun!   The Jagware Team - Your continued support and assistance has made all the difference, thank you all. I am ex




Phew, busy few weeks again.   Since RAPTOR was released internally to Jagware things have moved along at a swift pace. LinkoVitch of u235 has released his DSP Sound Engine, which has been swiftly incorporated into the project, and Matmook of CVSD has written a complete animation engine that takes text-based script files and produces code that interfaces with RAPTOR to handle all kinds of sprite magic, including conditional branching!   This weekend has seen the first implementation of RAPTO



Run, it's a RAPTOR!

Well, another project successfully completed, and a new game engine/api announced. Busy week! Many thanks to u-235 for committing to the RAPTOR project and handling the audio side of things! Collaboration ROCKS, far more gets achieved when people work together instead of dance together   Head over the the Reboot website for more details, and thanks for reading.   Push those buttons!



Kobayashi Maru!

Well, the name of the game has leaked out..... but that is ok!   The final build has just been uploaded to our internal testing share and the play testers are all over it. If you would like to be one of the first people to play our new Jaguar game then I suggest you head over to eJagFest this coming weekend and say a big "Hi!" to sh3 at the Reboot table.   It will, of course, be available to download shortly after the event from our website, however what it actually is is in no way as impo



BETAs are the Future of the Jaguar!

Yep, we're in BETA phase again.... Could there possibly be a major Jaguar party next month?     The last few weeks have been a bit busy getting things ready for eJagfest and RGC. Right now, we're planning to have something available for both events, hopefully you will enjoy them. Both things are on track to be ready in time, unforseen events non-withstanding.   Rebooteroids is still on the back burner, I would estimate its probably about 75% complete right now, but we are waiting on a supp



Site updated!

sh3 updated the news page on the Reboot website, linked http://reboot.atari.org/rbt/index2.html



Boxing things up

Sorry for not posting recently.   It's been a while, and to be honest, not much has been done recently due to 'real life things' getting in the way of 'making fun games happen'. Anyone writing code as a hobby will understand that one.   However, this week some stuff did happen.   Boxes are really boring. But if you join lots of them up you can get some interesting shapes that don't really resemble boxes any more.   That'll do for now. More laters!



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