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Board Game Development 5 Sometimes You Gotta Commit

Ok, so after much hemming and even more hawing (it wasn't pretty), I think I'm going to build this game primarily as a solitaire game with multiplayer options. It was conceived as a solitaire board game way back in the day and I think that is where it's the strongest. That takes a lot of the pressure off making sure that the game is fun for 2+. I think if I focus on making the game for 1 it will be an overall better game. THEN I can figure out the best ways to translate that experience to mu



Board Game Development Part 4 Complexity

I was going to talk Scenario building, but something else is really bugging me. How much complexity will the average table top gamer endure? I've played a LOT of modern board games and some are very simple and easy to jump right into, and some are more complex and take a few "guided" play throughs before they become easy to play (by "guided" I mean play it with the instruction manual open and readily accessible). I also know that there are a lot of people who play things like WarHammer and AD



I Suck at Blogging (Board Game Development Part 3)

Turns out I really suck at blogging. Summer was super busy and even though I've made TONS of progress on the BOARD GAME, I simply suck at taking the time to sit down a write about it. Also, I have been advised to not be too forthcoming with details about the game play since I am getting near the prototype stage. So without saying too much and without improving my blogging skills, I will happily tell you that I think I've got the core of the combat system worked out. I've been working lately



BOARD GAME (Development Part 2)

So after getting some basic movements down and roughing in some combat, the game started to resemble the game from faded days of yore. However, the edges were still really rough and I hadn't fully put my finger on what the character stats meant. Since sometimes the only way ahead is through, I just kept playing very small micro-games with a rudimentary board and a singular goal (reach the end), to see exactly what gaps were glaringly obvious and needed to be filled. The first was monster spa



BOARD GAME (Development 1)

Developing a board game is hard. I can't even imagine starting from scratch now at my age. I am extremely fortunate that I did all of the groundwork for this 25 years ago by pulling from AD&D, Hero Quest, NES RPGs and god knows what else. Even so, developing a board game, even from a good start, is hard. There's a whole lot of playing a half-broken game and seeing if you can fill the gaps. That said, it is also extremely rewarding because you can see the potential there in front of you,



BOARD GAME (A Prospectus)

Below is the prospectus I wrote up for BOARD GAME to present to my fellow collaborators. I've got a guy who may do my artwork for me (another old high school buddy, we'll call him Matt), but if he's too busy I'll be shopping an artist. Again, I'm working from my original basic rules, but I'm tweaking them so that they are more user friendly and not reliant upon the fertile mind and free time of a nerdy teen. I realize that what I've written below is a bit vague and sometimes redundant, but un



So I'm making a Board Game...(A History)

25 years ago, as will come a shock to all, I was a very geeky, very lonely teen. I had a few friends of a similar ilk. Unlikely, I know. One of those friends, we'll call him Bill, was really good at painting miniatures, like Warhammer and so forth. He had a wide variety of minis that he hand painted, but the vast majority were fantasy themed. Bill played AD&D and had lots of affiliated paraphernalia. When he would finish with a big batch of minis he and I would play games with them or



Complete Guide to Tutankham (2600)

NOTE: I am attempting to port over all of my old "Ultimate Strategy Guides" from the old Atarinvader.com site. The site is archived somewhere deep in the annals of the internet and that is my only resource for retrieval. I apologize that for right now these will be text only, but I hope to migrate them all over at some point and revitalize them for everyone's enjoyment! Thanks       Ultimate Guide to Tutankham (circa 2002) by yer ol’ pal Stan This game gets a lot of flack from arca



Yars' Revenge The Comic Book Continued, Part 3

Now that I have established that there is fertile soil for planting in the Yars' Revenge universe, I'm going to take a minute to give you an overview of my vision for that universe and write a bit about the backdrop against which my (first) story is set.   Being such a fan of the original material, my first goal and my "Prime Directive" if you will, is to stay as faithful to the original 9 page story, written by Hope Shafer, as possible. Likewise, I plan on taking advantage of the visuals pro



Yars' Revenge The Comic Book Continued

Last time around, I gave you a peek into the inspiration behind writing a Yars' Revenge comic book that will (likely) never see print. It's a great writing project and will be a good way to get some practice in, should I ever be so bold as to make a pitch to one of the big comic publishers. It's also a fun way to merge two of my favorite hobbies. And since I am doing it, I figure it would be fun to share it with the only community who could really get the concept. Therefore, I am subjecting



Yars' Revenge: The Comic Book!

As some of you may have heard, I have been toying around with a Yars' Revenge comic book. I am doing this entirely as a writing exercise to see if I can do it. I am a huge comic book nerd and would LOVE to write comics for real, but as I am not an actual writer, this is more of a dream than something I could actually do. That said, if I ever want to even consider making that dream a reality, it is going to take some practice. So that's where this project comes from.   I always had a fondnes



The Evolution of Platforming Games

http://www.electricfrankfurter.com/2013/04/the-evolution-of-platform-gaming.html   I submit for your review, a little piece I wrote on the evolution of platforming games.   Thanks for reading.



Top 30 Vertical Shooters for the Atari 2600 Wrap-up

A big thank you to everyone who has been reading along this month. You can find the full list of the Top 30 Vertical Shooters for the Atari 2600 at the Wrap-Up Party. You can also check out the game I forgot!   I hope you had as much fun with this as I did!



Top 30 Vertical Shooters for the Atari 2600 #1

Here it is! The absolute best vertical shooter for the Atari 2600. You've waited all month for this day! And be sure to come back tomorrow for the wrap-up and find out what I think about the game I completely forgot!



Top 30 Vertical Shooters for the Atari 2600 #5

The Top 5 starts here with a highly unexpected choice I am sure! I think this top 5 class really does a top notch job of showing off the diversity of strengths that the VCS has at its disposal. Not only are these the Top 5 Vertical Shooters for the console, they are 5 of the best games for it as well!



Top 30 Vertical Shooters for the Atari 2600 #8

As we inch toward the Top 5, the games just keep getting better and better! #8 blew me away when I first played it and that was only a few years ago! It would have killed me as a kid. People always underestimate what the VCS can do, myself included.



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