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Amiga 1200 Luck+1

I lucked out on a 1200 on Friday. Purchased as 'faulty display', showing incorrect colours. Done every test I can think of and spent a good while looking at the board and measuring signals and components and I cannot fault it at all. There seems to be an ever increasing number of people selling things on EBAY as faulty when they actually work fine.



Dreamcast VGA

Got the components today to add a VGA out socket with switchable scanlines, and an additional switch for line intensity - that's 3 switches and a VGA D type to find a suitable location for, here comes the Dremel Whilst I am in there I will also fit the region mod chip to allow original Japanese and US games. Might video it and upload to youtube, not decided yet.



Dreamcast Rocks!

How on earth did I miss the Dreamcast when it was released?!? I've recently purchased a couple of these and fixed both of them. Been playing some of the games and I have to say it's an awesome console. Fast Striker, Shenmue and the South Park games are great! So many great games to chose from as well, I wonder what Atari systems it can emulate with that RISC processor.



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