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Well yeh. Why spend time, gas, and more money to buy something? Retail stores should only exist for a few types of items. The rest can be bought online.

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Can't say I'm surprised. I just went to the store with a short shopping list of just seven items, and found only one of them. And that was something locked to the display, and I couldn't find anyone to unlock it. So I came home empty-handed, and I'll just order it all on Amazon. I hate what retail shopping has become. It didn't used to be this bad. They either can't compete, won't compete, or are too stupid to compete.

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Our mall used to have a nice arcade years ago, but they raised the rent on them 6 times! So they shut down.


Now the space is DONATED to the local library to use! Smart business people they're NOT!

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Our local mall used to be so much better!


Even without the constant threat of online stores to deal with, they just made mistake after mistake...They have the rent too high on stores that matter, forcing music stores out etc., Then allowing in cell phone store after cell phone store and shoe store after shoe store...


It's OK if you want a pair of shoes, an e-cig, a cell phone, or need to catch a movie and can't get to the good theater in town...

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