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This happens to be my favorite colecovision game right now basically you fly a plane through an obstacle course and its really difficult to control the plane and shoot all the weird (bouncing balls? Plus sign thingies) that threaten to crash into your plane. Here is a hint. When you get to the last chamber, there's three balls bouncing from openings into the chamber, and one ball inside the chamber bouncing around. Take out the ball on the western side of the chamber, so you have a straight



The "damsel in distresss" trope in some video games

Awhile ago I stumbled across this interesting youtube series on about how many video games use a "damsel in distress" plot device, and how few had strong female player characters.   Here is part I: .  Over the past few days I've also played the colecovision "Donkey Kong" certainly a strong and early entry in this theme. If you look at the flyer for the game the scenario is far more salacious than the graphics of the day were able to portray.   Why was this a pattern? I think it's a c



"The Shining" (film)

I don't know why I'm obsessed with this movie. Maybe I empathize too much with the main character; he's driven insane by his rage, alcoholism and the fact that the hotel he has to take care of is haunted. It's almost like he was set up for moral failure given his disposition and weaknesses to the extent that his violent rampage is more something that grew out of those faults. I could be wrong, but the movie seems to say that this could happen to any of us, under the right condition; that there



Missile Command

Taking a break from learning Batari tonight and taking advantage of the television not being in use. I decided to work on one game tonight and that is Missile Command. Here are my scores tonight:   Game 1:7240 Game 2:11010 Game 3:9055 Game 4:8075 Game 5:11355 Game 6:19085   I realized later I forgot to record how I set my difficulty settings so these scores are a total waste. I'll have to remember to record that next time. i need to learn what the difficulty switches are and how the




I have a colecovision; it doesn't have its original motherboard, that was ruined due to it being in a dusty and humid basement, but the case is original. I have a few games for it, some from my original collection, some which I acquired later, I don't know for sure for some of them which is which. I was concerned about graphics glitches so tonight after a brief Atari session (grand prix, attempted barnstorming (the cartridge didn't work for some reason), yar's revenge (need to read the instruc



They wrote *that*?

In my programming (mis)adventures, I've become completely confused about how something like missile command was produced using two sprites, a "ball" and two missiles. Clearly magic has occurred or someone has been terribly clever. To be specific, I don't see how they did on top of the attacking missiles the explosions and the "cities." It's a great game. I just don't understand how they did it. It seems a lot of the hardware and software for 2600 was about doing something with almost nothing,



Targeting code update

I looked at the batari source code for a very simple game, and was a sequence in the code to allow you to have a crosshair fire at a blue circle, and it used sprite collision to tell if you were aiming at the circle or not. I couldn't get it to consistently score a hit even when the crosshair was visually on the target, and I didn't know how to make it work better. So that's why I'm going to focus on learning the language now instead of experimenting with code. Although I think I might have c



Learning to code games

I've been working for about a week and a half on learning to code games for the Atari 2600. I've come up with 19 game ideas and installed batari basic. Now I feel my next step should be to learn batari, before I try anything else in terms of coding. I was able to comment some code that I got the source code off atariage but I think the best method is learn the language, before I try to write anything; I wouldn't attempt to write in French, without first learning French.



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