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About this blog

My attempt to fix and collect consoles and games

Entries in this blog

RCA switchbox solution

After visiting relatives and having to fix their antenna cables I looked at the masthead amplifier for their antenna. It amplifies the signal coming from the antenna (duh).   Because of where it is located the power and the signal travel through the same cable much like the studio ii. The voltage and current are a little different but it essentially does the same thing



A Setup change

After looking around for quite some time i found that shelves did not exist for a console setup that I wanted. The wall is shaped like so:   C ***************************************** B ** A ** ** **********************   For the past week I have designed shelves that will work and fit to individu



Magnavox Odyssey 2 Cap replacement

Awhile ago I purchased an Odyssey 2 to add to my collection. I knew it didn't work when I tested it ,but it powered up to some lines and jumbled up letters. I immediately thought "Why not?" Being a "Genius" with other cartridge games i immediately bought it figuring that it needed cleaning. After a thorough cleaning of the carts and games I plugged the system back, shoved in a cartridge, and hit the on button. Waiting for my moment of triumph I was puzzled why my work didn't pay off.    



Purchase of a RCA Studio II

Another console has been added to my small growing collection. In box it is missing a power supply and essential power and signal switch box. An Atari 2600 PS should be suitable and schematics are available for the unique switch box.



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