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heavy sixer with sixer light guts



Hello, just got a lot of ataris one was suppose to be a heavy. the shell is but the boards are for a sixer light.

Not sure if I should be upset or not. I knew this day would come when I run into a problem like this.

I'm most likely just going to hang on to this case and use the guts for parts for other consoles.

I would assume that collectors would not be happy to find this.

I'm interested in any thoughts in this matter.

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That is sad. It doesn't do any favors for the hobby when people do stuff like this. These days, you have to be so careful with collectibles, especially complex things like game consoles. People can really rip you off if you don't check the thing over very carefully. I hope you didn't pay what a Heavy Sixer is worth for that cobbled mix.

If it still plays, I suppose it's okay, but I'd have a talk with the guy who sold you that thing and see if he'll at least sweeten the deal with some extra games or controllers or something, if not give you money back for the console that wasn't what he wanted you to think it was. If you got this from him through a site like Ebay, I'd certainly consider giving him a low rating if he doesn't make it right.

It's fine to mix parts, but he should have labeled the console as having 'light' console parts inside so you'd know.

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Hello, I did get it from Ebay as parts or repair.

Judging by the amount of dust and dirt. This had been like this for some decades now. This person was unaware.

I did spend more than I would for the items, but not whole lot. I refurbish them, than resell. So I can't spend a lot or I will not make anything.


I was excited to get a heavy. I get a few a year. Once repaired they sell fast. But It's not a total loss. I will take the parts and use them for other sixers. Save the casing and see If I can find the proper boards. Eventually I will have a heavy to sell.


thank you for your input. It's greatly appreciated. Ii will have a talk with the guy.

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