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Retro tech, current web stuff, literature.

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Rogue Port RFC

I'm trying to gauge public interest in a 7800 or 8-bit or 5200 port of Rogue. I've written a couple of test "Rogue-likes" for Linux and OS X just to mess with the level generation algorithms and I think it'd be fun to play, either as a straight port or as my own take on it.Cybergoth, I stole the image above from your website :PEDIT: I made this a draft and republished it, because I think I'm going to proceed with this project. I've been looking at the source of a lot of different versions of Rog




I've decided to start posting some of my writing on Deviantart (deviantart.com) so I can get some feedback on some of my poems. I have some stories but I don't want to post them just yet, as it may interfere with their future publication... though if the whole point is future revision they'll just be drafts...Anyway, my DA username is klipe. Anybody else from AA on DA?



Take this job and...

shove it.I'm going to be looking for a new employer soon.My boss, the company I work for (a small business, PC repair shop) has always bent ethics to the point that we'd lie to our customers but always leave a loophole for truth to come through. But this is the last straw, two developments basically forcing me to find somewhere where I can continue to work in good conscience.First, the cost of our parts has been rising lately, and we get all of our processors and motherboards and RAM from one su



A new beginning...?

Well, as of today, I've officially decided to learn to program a new console, preferrably one with a 6502 (but I'm not opposed to learning a new instruction set). The only problem is I don't know where to start. I've tried 7800 programming, but I didn't really pay close attention to the documentation and reading the source of Desert Falcon just confused me. I've never tried anything with the 8-bits or the 5200, and they sound interesting. I've never tried the Lynx or Jaguar, but I really would r



New game concept

You are a flight engineer at NASA, in charge of steering the Voyager 3 space probe as it flies through the outer reaches of the solar system. Your mission is to photograph drifting debris from the ancient explosion of an alien spacecraft.The problem is that the outer solar system is populated with large asteroids, small meteoroids, and lightning-fast comets. You must steer the probe to avoid these objects while keeping your eyes peeled for passing wreckage and snap pictures of it to beam back to



What's in a name?

Well... to me, a lot. For the longest time my faux software publishing company has been called Space Llama Games, but recently I've been trying to get rid of all the extraneous llama references that pepepr my work. The new name, that I've just decided on tonight, is Zorlon Games. Hopefully you already caught the reference to Yar's Revenge.I've been really looking back through my notes on some of my abandoned VCS projects, and the two that I'd most like to get back into are Thought Police and Cos



Back from the dead

With the return of my site on my university webserver to a static format, I've decided to return to blogging here. Most of the stuff I want to write about is much to technical and nerdy for a personal weblog, anyway. I know you guys understand most of what I say.The interpreter system for the 7800 (the VCS may yet get it's chance) is on indefinite hold. I kinda lost interest in the project once Curt Vendel started talking about releasing the long-lost 7800 computer add-on, realizing that that ac




Richard H. has offered me a free MemCard to experiment with on my 7800 (which should be arriving some time this week-- Check the "Good Deal on a 7800" thread to check it out) which solves the problem of program storage. The MemCard will be a better fit for this project than the AtariVox would have been because I'm not going to be using the speech capabilities of the AtariVox anyway.Maybe if this thing ever makes it to a cartridge release (speaking of which, what is the current state of homebrew



memory usage

Well... using my incredibly average Excel powers, I created a big sheet that, once I plug in the byte figures from hand-tokenizing programs written in the language I'm desiging (tentatively known as Yanushka but that's only because he's the Calculus II professor in whose class I've been doing most of the design work-- it will most assuredly not be the name of the finished product) keeps a running tally of how many bytes the program is taking up, how many this leaves free on the 2600 and 7800, ho



2600 + 5200 = 7800

I'm starting to doubt whether there's any way I can make a programming system that runs on an unexpanded 2600 any better than the already-existing BASIC Programming cart. I don't want to copy it, I wanted to do something better... and while the language I'm designing is certainly a little nicer than the one on the aforementioned cartridge, I don't think that the programs made with it can be any more substantial, or interesting.I may end up moving the whole thing to the 7800 platform... More RAM,



Syntax Changes

I'm one step closer to a final syntax for the language implemented in my 2600 interpreter system, which still doesn't have a name and probably won't for a while. The jist, if you haven't heard from me on [stella], is to have a propgramming system that runs on an unexpanded 2600 that is more advanced / easier to deal with than BASIC Programming.Anyway, today I refined the syntax a little bit more, following some pretty in-depth email discussions, and following some suggestions I'm going with the



Basic Programming Plus

I'm working on a new programming environment/interpreter cart for the 2600... Something along the same lines as the Basic Programming cartridge, but with a new language designed from the ground up in parallel with the cart, and with a faster, saner interpreter environment. I'll keep you posted as things develop... but for now here's a sample program: PROGRAM 'SAMPLE'    READ VAR1;reads the value input on the keypad into VAR1    IF VAR1 = 8:      VAR1+1=VAR1;      ELSE SUB FINISH;"SUB FINISH" ba




You may know me as the guy who stripped a lot of stuff out of Atari800Win PLus and made it a 5200-only emulator (albeit one that apparently crashes really hard in it's current state), or as the guy who started the short-lived Channel F homebrew mailing list, or as the guy who asks way too many dumb questions about writing 2600 games, but... I decided to let everybody in on what I'm really like. I'll probably ramble on about lots of nerd stuff here, or I might make incredible philosophical discov



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