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About this blog

Just a little blog about my favorite 90s video game mascot. I know a lot of people here have probably done this, and I wanted to make one too. I will be uploading screenshots/old magazine ads/drawings I've created/etc. You can also submit stuff t

Entries in this blog

More Magazine Ads (and a little update)

Managed to dig up some more ads from Mega Machine Sega. I merged the first two ads together. (The second one had an advertisment between the pages.) They also seemed to have made art for the cartoon pilot, which is cool...   Speaking about the pilot, I've decided to upload the photos to a gallery. Trying to put them in seperate blog posts just feels dumb. ?   And lastly, I might be uploading more art on here soon. I ordered a digital pen from Ebay, and it'll arrive in a few days. I'm longin



Concept Art?!

I was browsing on google a few weeks back, and I managed to snag a few gems. I'm not sure who uploaded the images, but I do know that Ken Macklin was the one who came up with these sketches. I'm sure that the BB fan blog will love these.     I believe that this was one of the first sketches that Ken Macklin drew up. Bubsy seemed to be considered to be a dog at one point.     This one is a little more well known, actually being published in a GamePro Magazine. It's a bit more simplist



My second drawing

After hours of drawing and erasing last night, I completed my second drawing. This time it's one of the level cutscenes from Bubsy 3D. Actually had a lot of fun doing this one.   But by the time I was doing the audience of woolies, I got a little lazy. XD   I need to learn how to properly scan and color digitally. It'd look so much better...  



My first drawing

Yeah. This was my first time ever drawing the bobcat. Can't remember if I used a reference or not...   Looking back at it, at least for me, it's kinda hard to look at, because after two years of practice, and a couple of design changes, I can finally draw without using a reference. But seeing how I drew this while I was at least 14, and it was a first attempt, that's a little impressive.   I'm a bit of a perfectionist, which means I will redo completely finished drawings if I'm not satisfied



Gonna have to edit the 'cartoon pilot' entry posts. -_-

Just like the title says. I managed to capture a lot more screenshots than the first time, but I can't put them between the ones I already posted and update the entries. So I might have to start them over.   Here's what I'll do: I'll copy and paste the original drafts (the text) and update it with the more screenshots I managed to get.   Man, this might take a while. I'm sorry. XD



Screenshots from the Cartoon Pilot (Part 2)

Like I promised, here are more shots I managed to capture. I must admit, because of that recording's better quality, it actually makes the animation nicer. They actually fixed the lip synching too. Would you think of that? XD   Some, if not most, of these are kind of in between frames, so the characters' expressions might look a little weird...  



Bubsy Cartoon Pilot (Some History and Screenshots...) Part 1

(This entry might have to be split into several parts because of the sheer amount of frames. XD)   While I was searching around Youtube today, one lucky youtuber managed to have the original recording of the pilot when it aired, along with the commercials between the cartoon. It was actually in better quality (480p instead of 240p) than the re-uploads and much cleaner, not feeling as over saturated to look at. The music and voice acting is also less static-y and is easier to hear. The best par



Old GamePro Magazine Ads

I was digging around in an old site where you can read old videogame magazines. While looking around I managed to stumble upon some of these.(Sorry if they're not in the best quality...)   Cool, huh? If you want me to upload more, just ask.  



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