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  1. Past hour
  2. Absolutely nothing to do with Yars in any way. But keep slapping them old names on to suck those retro dollars up!
  3. I saw this and ordered it. Thanks for the heads up. The few reviews on YouTube seem to be very good. Glad you mentioned it, no way I would have seen it. Thanks again!
  4. I use them all. Depends on what I need at any specific time. I wouldn't say there is an ideal DOS for the XF551 as it depends on your needs. Use them all and see which one you like best!
  5. Odd. I was playing Qbert last night and the sound was working. PM me and I can tell you more.
  6. Update! The 1040 STe and Mega ST keyboard were sold. The Mega ST computer is still available though
  7. Ah, ok, it's tasks that are the limiting factor not apps. I probably knew that 10 years ago. I did remember the limit you set was arbitrary, though, and not because it wasn't possible to go higher. Well, I'm still amazed when I start examining what's going on again. It's quite a feat for the humble 6502.
  8. Boeing to launch flying cars by 2030 https://www.dexerto.com/tech/boeing-report-reveals-flying-cars-plan-in-the-works-2654391/
  9. MaxTasks = 16 (an arbitrary value, chosen to keep the process table at a reasonable size). The following processes are run at start-up: Clock Desktop Idle File manager Kernel System Two of these (clock and file manager) are classed as applications, and the rest system tasks. So it would be possible to run ten profilers. Memory usage is indeed quite high right off the bat, but the kernel immediately counts 48K ($0000-$3FFF and $8000-$FFFF) as used (by ROM, the 8K display buffer, and internal tables), and the system allocates RAM (by 256-byte page) for quite a few large resources before the desktop comes up. Note also that one page (256 bytes) of each 16K extended memory bank is reserved for memory housekeeping.
  10. You can hit the gong as many times as you want on a level. The only requirement to hit it again is to have Hank exit the hospital waiting room. Hank’s feet have to be in the grass. Also, while the gong chime sound is playing, Hank can walk through the therapy dogs without being affected. Of course you got to be careful with the timing of this method but you don’t have to go completely around the dogs during this brief period of the gong playing.
  11. Looks like a generic platformer to me. Wouldn´t have interested me at all without the Yar title. The only positive is that the character has more mascot potential than a fly.
  12. Forgot about this thread until today. Last fall I brought the 800XL motherboard along with me to the "Vintage Computer Fair Midwest" and did sell it for parts. I had it priced at about $20 and it went quickly. I did finish the project and have it up and running with Altirra. I brought it to a "Wisconsin Computer Club" meeting and people thought it was cool to see the computer switch between playing Galaxian and then switch to running a Windows 10 screen. The only thing I wish I could change was to go with an Arduino chip that would let me add in the 5 silver function keys. An Arduino Mega might work, but I'm not sure that it would fit well into the case and I don't have the programming skills to modify the Arduino sketch to the Mega and add in the extra pins. I did map the Silver key commands to regular Control/x-key but it would look much better to be able to hit the original keys.
  13. I just played several Pico8 games on a Flashback 9. The menu button on the joystick exited all of them just fine.
  14. Since you already use software collision for the power pellet, why not for the other collisions?
  15. I can't imagine the backlash Blaze would get if they released a cart that required something that you need to buy to play the games and will never work on any of the handheld systems.
  16. Is this game bad or something? People seem to go nuts for all other ST ports and there's crickets here.
  17. Today
  18. They've been making games for 30 years, you know? 🙄 Also, I hope you're aware there are already 3 topics about that game. 😑
  19. Apparently you haven't paid very close attention to what's going on in this ancient video that @flashjazzcat posted on Youtube (and links to on his website's section about the GUI), back when the last demo was released. If you watch the "RAM (KB) - Used" (down in the lower-right of any "Profiler" he's opened), you'll see that number go far beyond 64KB: he reaches 118KB, and then 121KB after opening the "Jotter" (text) window towards the end. If you look at the number of "Apps" (on the lower-left of any Profiler window), you'll see it reach 9, and then 10 when he opens the Jotter. 7 of those apps are Profilers, totalling about 42KB (~6KB each), all running simultaneous, and having their window contents updated in real time. In fact, he could have as many as 12 Profiler apps total open (I think it's the current hard limit for the demo; 2 apps of which are the Keeper -- desktop/file manager -- and clock). If 10 profilers were opened, it would be 126KB total RAM used, of which Profilers would occupy 60KB.
  20. Finally a solution...........I had to go into "Repair" and get to the command prompt from the Windows setup and used the diskpart command to convert it to MBR https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/disk-management/change-a-gpt-disk-into-an-mbr-disk
  21. I just received two CIB games. And one comes with a Limited One Year Warranty! Who knew these games would last 50 year!!😆
  22. Listen to this while playing Outlaw... 🤠 lol Ennio Morricone-The ecstasy of gold 'The good the bad & the ugly'.mp3
  23. Not to rain on your parade, but I wonder if this thread would be better in the “General Chat” area of AtariAge, since it is not remotely Intellivision-related. Maybe the mods can move the thread?
  24. Thank you Giles, that's what I figured, a scaler type 2d racer. Looks like it could be a lot of fun, I'll watch the LP sometime later, but did watch the player beat the entire first track. Ill have to keep an eye out, maybe songbird has some? I'm forever forgetting to "just check YouTube" never mind a Google search would likely dump that in my lap lol.
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