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  2. PS: When I say XBOX I mean that one console ....Contemporary of the PS2... When I say PlayStation, I mean a console that came out in North America in 1995. If I meant PlayStation 4, Why would I not spend the extra second to type a "4"? PPS: I'm sure @johannesmutlu thinks I mock him on occasion. If yes, then only in good fun! Nothing mean spirited as I truly enjoy his work! It's easy enough to ignore something if it really bothers you. (Nope! I'm a willing participant over here)... In this instance at its heart, once you translate past the language, punctuation, grammar, and performance art barrier, you will find that I agree with him (Parker Bros could have made life easier...Though as the time frame comes into focus, their (possible) reasons make more sense), and add those sensibilities to my cause; Mainly I shouldn't be assuming any system as a base model, So if you say nothing; It's for PC? How is that a rightful assumption? Might as well assume all video games are for Atari unless otherwise stated...
  3. Not from what I've seen. Just two styles so far, the Jaguar at the top with the green circuitry border, and the straight up copy of the game cover. Two versions for two different game chains? I really like the green circuitry border (which is why I picked that version of Zool).
  4. Wait, Are you accusing me of not making sense? Or did I just make so much sense that you just blew your mind?
  5. Okay, hang on: so you only had two games, and you liked one of them, but you decided the entire library is garbage?
  6. First 1090XL Expansion Card Manual is now available... 1090 Expansion Card Instructions v01.pdf
  7. I played my copy of Mr. Run and Jump a while ago and I should get back into it sometime. It's quite a difficult game and it's the first one to make me use save states on my RetroN 77, funnily enough. Despite that, I still love it.
  8. Did you ever get a chance to test this?
  9. Definitely, and checked continuity of each configuration. I'm rewiring again now to pigtail 7 to 5 just at the dongle din end w/a diff (gauge) wire, maybe there's an issue with the wire large enough to affect communication.
  10. AFAIK save states only work on emulated games, not the handful or so of games running natively on the Evercade.
  11. Hard to decide which looks best... I tend to the (blue) last but one.
  12. EmuTOS exist as 192Kb and 256Kb. Some bits are missing in the smaller version. But excellent choice.
  13. Thanks for clarifying. I did a quick test and adding a 220 µf cap made no difference. This noise is something I remember being present even when using a 7805 regulator. From the TIA, it's the Tsync pin that is strange. There is always a ripple when the signal goes high. Rest of the pins look fine.
  14. The use of small caps for lowercase has been around for a long time. One of my favorite such fonts is Copperplate Gothic, which was developed in 1901. Small caps has many other uses than replacement of lowercase—see this interesting Wikipedia article on small caps. Small caps use apparently dates back to, at least, the 15th century. ...lee
  15. Spies have been know to help spies, even on the opposing team, and let's not forget those double and triple agents... 😮
  16. I found this post and wondered how to do it myself. I used a Dremel cutting disk and cut horizontally about a quarter inch into the plastic, which won’t hit any vital, unseen transformer parts. I cut around the cords because I didn’t know the bottom part of that section is not glued to the bottom. Next time, I’ll just cut horizontally around the 3 sides and cut just a little deeper near the corners by the cords. I used a thin screwdriver to pry the plastic apart. I’d recommend a fan since the cutting of this plastic produces smoke and fumes that probably aren’t healthy.
  17. are you sure of your pin out understanding, as plug and jack are reversed when mating?
  18. It's based on the Colecovision, but includes instructions to run the programs on MSX and SG1000. So yes, the book is multi-system because the programs are highly portable.
  19. Today
  20. I got the copy of Nam-1975 in the mail yesterday and WOW that is not what I was expecting. haha. I don't know what I was thinking the gameplay would be but it wasn't that. I didn't have much time to play or get used to it because I got home later than intended last night but I wanted to spend a few minutes checking out the gracious gift from @ColecoGamer. It was great! Different, but awesome for sure. I didn't want to look up the gameplay on videos or anything because I wanted to be surprised. And I was pleasantly surprised. It also worked great on my top loader. No issues at all. It seemed like the normal excessive loading times. 🤣 Thanks again so much for this wonderful opportunity!
  21. I placed it on the input 9v side. The 5v is the output pin. So it was installed with the + lead on the 9v and the - lead on the center ground.
  22. Really ? Wow, that's great. I was also under the assumption the arm chip made it impossible to run. Well, I'll have a copy of Turbo Arcade ready just in case.... y'all need any beta testers 😄
  23. I did swap to the DC-DC switching regulator. I can certainly try another cap. When you say to put a cap on the 'input' do you mean the 9V Input (pin 1) or the 5V to the system (Pin 3).
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