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  2. Mine is pal as well. Though I've got a slightly beat up vbxe I could install in my xld.. This might be the incentive to get that done.
  3. Cool. I've looked at some of the code and documentation for this game some years back also with a view to converting it. The graphics mapping has a hardware addon that allows byte based addressing using the (ind,X) instructions - external hardware monitors the Sync pin on the 6502 and detects when certain instructions execute then modify the subsequent memory access. That alone was just about enough to turn me off attempting to do much with it. I just gave it a quick run - nice how you've set up ZXC to shoot from each base. Of course the aspect ratio isn't right but not much we can do about that other than adjust H-width on monitors that allow it. Though in fact a lot of LCDs will allow stretching a 4:3 image to fit in 16:9 which would probably make it about correct. Another thing I noticed - the sounds are practically identical. The arcade version runs 6502 at 1 MHz and supposedly it's Pokey at 1.25 which would mean that any AUDF values would need to be adjusted (and entirely possibly some poly sound esp type C would turn out very differently)
  4. On this occasion I would like to collect ideas to avoid future inconveniences for PlusCart and PlusStore users, if services of the PlusStore are down.
  5. Cartpack is the funniest one, because there's almost no PC executable code in there. It's a bunch of structures, ROM data, copyright debug, and four 1-line functions to report the ROMs to the emulator. Oddly, using OutputDebugString is now considered suspicious activity. I had no idea many viruses make a point of reporting every step they take. (Maybe the vendors assume that such things are removed from release builds, but running DebugView will quickly show you they aren't ).
  6. Triple Challenge on Ebay right now for anyone looking.. https://www.ebay.com/itm/204760545822?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=N4I9uxRnRYu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mEXHEiIoQQG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Also to be fair, the 2600+ supports both the 2600 & 7800. Under the original 7800 hardware, the Difficulty Switch settings are physically reversed from the 2600. People with consoles under the original firmware with the Difficulty Switch settings reverse, may actually try flipping the switch to the other setting if not receiving the expected result. They would probably put 2 + 2 together and figure out the switch settings are reversed. One of the internal dialogue for such an individual, may go something like this: "Hey, my Space Invaders ship is still fat, but I have the Difficulty Switch in the correct position... Hmmm... Okay, let me try flipping the switch over... Yes, that fixed it! I guess the switch is mislabeled or set reversed. All I have to do is remember that fact going forward... Or maybe I'll check online to see if others are experiencing the same thing... There could be a system update for it."
  8. Sir, this is the Jag forum, please take your facts and rational thoughts elsewhere.
  9. Is there a empty first row on the first page?
  10. Same here, although given how bad I suck at gaming, the slower gameplay would probably be good for me! I will try it at least, to see how it looks. I love all things VBXE.
  11. AMAZING JOB!!! Thank you so much for this!!
  12. Got ‘Final Lap Twin’ for Turbogrfx HuCard to play on the Analogue Pocket! Nice!! Ordered ‘Afterburner 2  - PC Engine’ straightaway.

  13. Pit Fighter just gotta be way down into the pit, but bottom 5…? Well, its really strong contender technically in most respects, but somehow they managed to let tiny bit of actual fun remain… ‘Fussball Soccer’ is definitly down there somewhere. They’ve worked hard to perfect its dreadfulness in every respect and make sure it just cannot provide any fun in any way; not fun in some ‘terrible-game but guilty pleasure-thing’, nor ‘bad game but with some obscure or nebulous redeeming quality’, just utterly depleted of fun.
  14. Over the last few years, I've come to realize that I don't actually like JRPGs, despite some of my favorite games being in said genre.

    1. Reaperman


      It's a reconsideration from "I like JRPGs...except for _____, ____, or games like _____," to "I really only like about 5 games in this whole genre"--turns out I've pretty much hated 99% of them the whole time.

  15. I got Dirty Larry now. I haven’t played it much. Don’t want to either after the 2 first goes.
  16. Yesterday
  17. It should still work - just a little slower.
  18. I just had a quick look at what's happening again... It uses the first two nibbles of the register, giving one nibble to each axis. The x-axis uses the first nibble, the y-axis uses the second nibble. As the mouse is moved on a given axis, the nibble will rotate through the 4 values; not in numerical order, but as follows. 00 -> 01 -> 11 -> 10... and then in the opposite order when it's moving in the opposite direction on the same axis.
  19. What is the price? Did I miss that?
  20. I have VBXL installed in an 800XL NTSC machine with a PAL GTIA installed. Works great!
  21. @Atariboy You usually know where things are. Do you know where the different pieces of MicroProse ended up.
  22. There was a French guy listed as in charge, he has to work somewhere.
  23. @InsaneMultitasker Works well here!
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