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  2. The fcc database search shown above covers fcc intentional radiator certification. Their engineers were clear they hadn't submitted for that certification. The two employees that spoke on video were the engineers responsible for the hardware prototypes, the other engineer commenting on reddit was one of the two people responsible for firmware. You don't have to believe them but what they said about achieving fcc unintentional radiator compliance and not submitting for the fcc intentional radiator part is consistent with what the fcc database above shows.
  3. I'm not too familiar with them but I scrolled through a lot of their games and I really like the company's "style" in the games they're putting out. I hope they continue to do well!
  4. Interesting, the longer the console is powered up, the faster the shadows move and they become a fair bit less noticeable. This was my number one concern, so it's a win. Might be heat related, just needs to warm up a bit?
  5. The randomness is a bit of a problem yes, especially at that jump for the pond. It took me probably 10 tries before I could get a run where ghosts weren't spawned in the middle of it.
  6. Yes. Kingmakers looks incredible and got plenty of attention, I think top 50 wishlisted on Steam. Streets of Rogue II is another upcoming project that's highly anticipated. These games are crucial for Tinybuild's survival.
  7. Who can tell if this is normal behaviour? If so I can finally finish my sdrive max. By the way on my other arduino print the text next to the hole I should use for 5v says something different than 5v. If I use it it works and makes no difference to the other 5v hole.
  8. It's definitely big news! What a great way to embrace history. I also love the redesign of the logo.
  9. That's pretty cool. That game looks really fun. I'm definitely going to grab it today for Nintendo Switch. Unrelated to Atari, their upcoming Kingmakers game looks awesome. I don't normally play first person shooter type games, but that one looks incredible.
  10. No game update this time, but here is a very early draft of possible cartridge cover
  11. You can place the triggers and games where you want, however, I prefer visibility to also exist via folder navigation (/sdcard/games) and not limit them to the GUI alone. Plus if I don't have image files at first I can get back to that later, or I can leave it as is. If you put files under data, they aren't exposed in folder nav. They don't have to be under data to show in the gui. If the actual game roms can't be natively selected, I prefer to keep them separate and not expose them either way. My quick start actions are meant to get your feet wet, and then you can learn what's happening and configure it as you like. You can move it all under data if you want and edit the records accordingly.
  12. Infogrames is one of the most iconic video game publishers of the 80s and 90s so it makes sense that that tweet would get so much engagement, it will probably reach a million views by the end of the day, if one day Sierra or Bullfrog comeback from the dead the levels of hype would be similar or even higher than this.
  13. Great Garfield srtip with Arlene. I use to belly laugh to this one. :D


    The Garfield Daily Comic Strip for April 18th, 1987 | Garfield, Garfield  comics, Comic strips

  14. Well, I am also watching this space carefully, and getting all lubed up for this, my USB blaster arrived, seems that my Quartus installation recognizes it, I ordered parts and PCBs to make my own Ultimate Cart as a practice for this, I will work on my 130XE to get the A5+ lines out on cables, I have my custom shopping list ready at DigiKey, read up on BGA soldering, the only two things that are still in the way is to get a confirmation that there are no fatal mistakes in the design, and figuring out why I can't synthesize the PokeyMax4 core (see above).
  15. More VBXE artwork samples. Gremlins-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex HERO-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex International-karate-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex Montezumas-Revenge-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex MoonPatrol_-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex Pitfall-II-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex Pitfall-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex RiverRaid-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex SilentService-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex
  16. Check PIA then. I once had such an XEGS on the bench, which refused to tur off Basic (so it was the opposite but who knows) due to a faulty PIA chip.
  17. Interesting: "Infogrames' purpose is to acquire IP and publish games, across multiple genres, that fall outside the core portfolio of IP associated with the Atari brand." ...and btw damn, within a few hours this tweet got probably more views than Atari's last 10 game announcements.
  18. Here are some screenshots from Altirra of the VBXE executable artwork images for a few games (there are many more on the website). AlleyCat-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex commando-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex DonkeyKongJunior-VBXE-PLANSZA.xex
  19. Ok, there is an official announcement: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/04/23/2867337/0/en/Atari-Revives-Infogrames-as-a-Publishing-Label.html
  20. Today
  21. This is a cause for celebration and I think I have the perfect song to celebrate the occasion.
  22. Another totally unexpected announcement by Wade Rosen's Atari, this was a welcome surprise for me since I've always had a fondness for the great armadillo and it's contributions to gaming culture and history. https://twitter.com/atari/status/1782653150119252477?t=TaHk1wZ-N92Sd4rpPMhxwQ&s=19
  23. I wasn't saying your judgement about it not being tinkered with was wrong. I was just asking why you thought it hadn't been tinkered with. Contrary to thinking you were wrong, I presumed you were correct, given the preponderance of evidence that I dug up before I gave my response. Yes, I corrected the error and reposted the image and spreadsheet.
  24. That's correct. I tried to stay as close to the implementation of turtlegraphics in Apple Pascal for Apple ][ as I could, to make it as easy as possible to run programs originally designed for that computer. It wasn't possible to match it completely, since the Apple has a different way of handling colors than the TI. Not the same video processor.
  25. Or in the PlusCart menu "Setup -> System Info". If your PlusCart is connect to the internet and the server API is working correctly!
  26. The turtlegraphics unit is in a "proof of concept" phase, and has been like that for 35+ years. There are some functions in the different write modes that don't work and some other stuff that's not implemented. But if you include uses support and then set the screen color the normal way, I think that's compatible with the turtlegraphics unit too, since it only changes a VDP register. Update: I checked in one of my test programs. It does uses support and then starts with this sequence. (* Gives a darker background *) set_scr_color(ord(black),ord(red2)); grafmode; The color change is done prior to entering bitmap mode. Not sure what happens if you do it with bitmap mode active. But the default background color for screen items is transparent, so the backdrop should be visible.
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