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My history teacher ate lemons.

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I am so angry I want to kill myself. Why won't this work?!?!?!?!??! :mad:

        ldx PlayerX
        cpx #42      ; test for edge of screen
        bcs TestOnLips     ; save value as is if we're not at edge
        lda CXP0FB
        and #$80                   
        beq NoCollisions        
        ldx PlayerX
        cpx #18       ; test for edge of screen
        bcs TestSwallowing      ; save value as is if we're not at edge        

        ldx FoodType
        cpx #1
        bcs    Wrong    
        jmp    ResetPPPPP

        ldx FoodType
        cpx #1        ; used to be 2
        bcs    Wrong    
        jmp     ResetPPPPP

        lda CXP0FB
        and #$80                   
        beq NoCollisions

        ldx FoodType
        cpx #2
        bcs Wrong        
        jmp ResetPPPPP        
        lda #1
        sta AUDC0

        jmp ResetPPPPP2

        sed             ; turn on decimal mode
        lda Score+1     ; Score+1 holds the Tens and Ones digits
        adc #1          ; add 1 to score
        sta Score+1
        lda Score       ; Score holds the Thousands and Hundreds digits
        adc #0          ; add 0 to this digit, carry will inc by 1 if needed
        sta Score       ;
        cld             ; turn off decimal mode    

        lda #4    
        sta AUDC0

        lda #4    
        sta AUDV0
        lda #22
        sta AUDF0    

        lda #8
        sta OverscanValue
        lda #1
        sta SFXTimer
        ldy #140
        sty PlayerX        

        jsr Random
        and #$01
        sta FoodType    

        sta CXCLR

Lemon is 2 and French Fry is 1. I want it to do the following:


If Lemon hits lips then AUDC0=1. Otherwise AUDC0=4

if French Fry hits lips then AUDC0=4, otherwise AUDC0=1


I've tried every single possible combination and they're all wrong. WHY?


Edited by atari2600land
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I think this is what you want.


		ldx PlayerX
		cpx #40      ; test for edge of screen
	        bpl TestOnLips     ; changed to a plus, it works as a greater than symbol in basic
		lda CXP0FB 
		and #$80           		
		beq NoCollisions		
		ldx PlayerX
		cpx #18       ; test for edge of screen
	        beq TestSwallowing      ; Changed to an equal, branch on carry requires the carry flag to be raised.		

		ldx FoodType
		cpx #1
		beq	 Wrong	;changed to equal
		jmp	ResetPPPPP 

		ldx FoodType
		cpx #2		; Now a 2.
		beq	Wrong	; branch on equal to 2
		jmp	 ResetPPPPP 

		lda CXP0FB 
		and #$80           		
		beq NoCollisions

		ldx FoodType ;I assuming you want points to increase if a fry hit the lip.
		cpx #2       ;if not, you can comment these 3 out
		beq Wrong    ;	and replace jmp ResetPPPPP below with jmp Wrong
		jmp ResetPPPPP		
		lda #1
		sta AUDC0

		jmp ResetPPPPP2
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Thank you so much! That worked. I must remember to use beq instead of bcs, though. I thought bcs did what beq did. This is so confusing. Here is the latest version. I tested it to make sure the scanline doesn't go above 262, even when resetting it. The part in bold was the hardest part. It kept going to 263 for 2 frames before going back down to 262.



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Some text copied from a tutorial. Notice the differences between unsigned and signed, and between < and <=.


* If the Z flag is 0, then A <> NUM and BNE will branch

* If the Z flag is 1, then A = NUM and BEQ will branch

* If the C flag is 0, then A (unsigned) < NUM (unsigned) and BCC will branch

* If the C flag is 1, then A (unsigned) >= NUM (unsigned) and BCS will branch

* If the N flag is 1, then A (signed) <= NUM (signed) and BMI will branch

* If the N flag is 0, then A (signed) > NUM (signed) and BPL will branch





It can be tricky sometimes to get it right.

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