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TIPI enabled software listing

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CHATTI - A simple chat program that I wrote to develop and exercise the concept of exchanging messages between consoles via a central server. I have a server running in Dallas TX that hosts myti99.com's website and APIs for connecting TIPI-enabled TI consoles. The goal was to have a place where people could register accounts and enable message exchanges between consoles, messages meaning chat messages or game info since peer-to-peer is more complicated and problematic with firewalls.



CHESS - I wanted to create an E/A 5 version of the chess game that I created for Stuart's browser a couple years back, so this was the next project I undertook to demonstrate turn-based games via TIPI and a central server. It's just plain chess without some features, but playable.




SNEK - This is a snake-genre game that simply lets you move around the screen until you crash into a wall, or yourself. It's very simple and meant to be yet another proof-of-concept where game high scores could be synced among all players, via myti99.com. I created a simple API for allowing this with the plan to make it available to any game developers who want to make use of it.





Question regarding the programs. Is there a filename/path I can enter and use on a MENU path so it is a letter selection on the MENU program?

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Question regarding the programs. Is there a filename/path I can enter and use on a MENU path so it is a letter selection on the MENU program?


I answered part of my question here. I was able to enter the PI.HTTP://pathto the chess game, but was lost with input. Had no idea what was being entered, etc. in the chess game.


Could not access CHATTI, as the filepath and name was one character too long for the MENU program.



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I answered part of my question here. I was able to enter the PI.HTTP://pathto the chess game, but was lost with input. Had no idea what was being entered, etc. in the chess game.


Could not access CHATTI, as the filepath and name was one character too long for the MENU program.



In TIPIcfg change URI1 to be http:/myti99.com then in menu use URI1.CHATTI


Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

CHATTI - A simple chat program that I wrote to develop and exercise the concept of exchanging messages between consoles via a central server. I have a server running in Dallas TX that hosts myti99.com's website and APIs for connecting TIPI-enabled TI consoles. The goal was to have a place where people could register accounts and enable message exchanges between consoles, messages meaning chat messages or game info since peer-to-peer is more complicated and problematic with firewalls.



CHESS - I wanted to create an E/A 5 version of the chess game that I created for Stuart's browser a couple years back, so this was the next project I undertook to demonstrate turn-based games via TIPI and a central server. It's just plain chess without some features, but playable.




SNEK - This is a snake-genre game that simply lets you move around the screen until you crash into a wall, or yourself. It's very simple and meant to be yet another proof-of-concept where game high scores could be synced among all players, via myti99.com. I created a simple API for allowing this with the plan to make it available to any game developers who want to make use of it.



All these programs are still being polished. Any feedback is welcome. So far, thanks to jedimatt and PeteE for coding tips, arcadeshopper, jonecool, and Omega for helping me test these programs out.


Programmers: Adding support for syncing high scores to a game is quite easy and requires only a couple of calls to fetch high scores, and to submit scores to the server. Currently it requires having first logged into myti99.com, so SNEK has a login page for this. I may remove this requirement so that it'd be even easier for anyone to add this score-syncing to their own games - it'd just be a matter of registering your game with myti99.com and receiving an app GUID so that the API will accept new score submissions from your game, and allow for reading them back for display within your game. If you are interested, Please contact me and I'll share the necessary info.


Hey, may I suggest the Mass Transfer program image files be added to the MYTI99.com website and the list of programs updated? This would give someone without any other disk i/o device besides the TIPI, 32K, and a console, the ability to start transferring files to their TIPI so they can use. There is another topic area where someone does not have a Windows machine to drag and drop programs, so this is one route and maybe the only route someone can transfer files to their TI-99/4A - TIPI system. If someone put together a video configuring the TIPI for MYTI99.com, how to launch the program, then calling a BBS using the manual connection option in Mass Transfer as they would not be able to load the PHONE1 file, this would get them started. I do not want to plug any particular BBS, however, of the Telnet'able BBS's out there, 9640NEWS BBS has the largest selection I am aware at the moment.


Food for thought.



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I'm confused about what you mean. The TIPI does not NEED to use drag and drop. TIPI also has it's own 'web page' that can be accessed by nearly any modern browser on nearly any device, PC, Mac, even an Android cellphone.


Heck, even if a person did not have Internet access at home, they could still download TI files using free WiFi and send them to their TIPI when they got home.


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Myself, I use drag and drop to the \\TIPI folder I am logged into on my windows computer after processing with TIDIR to put headers in place on my TI setup. I am not copying over DSK images myself.


As far as the request, I was hoping the Mass Transfer program files could be added to the MYTI99 URL. That would instantly give people the opportunity to connect with BBS's and transfer files in a medium they be more familiar.


I do not know about others, but I do not believe an iOS iPad or iPhone would allow me to "download" files, and then subsequently upload them. I know I can deal with PDF's, but other things, not sure about other file types.



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Hey, may I suggest the Mass Transfer program image files be added to the MYTI99.com website and the list of programs updated? This would give someone without any other disk i/o device besides the TIPI, 32K, and a console, the ability to start transferring files to their TIPI so they can use. There is another topic area where someone does not have a Windows machine to drag and drop programs, so this is one route and maybe the only route someone can transfer files to their TI-99/4A - TIPI system. If someone put together a video configuring the TIPI for MYTI99.com, how to launch the program, then calling a BBS using the manual connection option in Mass Transfer as they would not be able to load the PHONE1 file, this would get them started. I do not want to plug any particular BBS, however, of the Telnet'able BBS's out there, 9640NEWS BBS has the largest selection I am aware at the moment.


Food for thought.




Or we can stick it on ftp.whtech.com and it can be accessed the same way..

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I think very few programs are directly executable "as is" on whtech. Perhaps someone should create a special TIPI folder on Whtech where programs can be loaded.


Probably would not hurt to add ARCHIVER to myti99.com and/or Whtech as well so it can be executed as well. It is not a TIPI program itself, but may be something someone needs in their arsenal for use.



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I think very few programs are directly executable "as is" on whtech. Perhaps someone should create a special TIPI folder on Whtech where programs can be loaded.


Probably would not hurt to add ARCHIVER to myti99.com and/or Whtech as well so it can be executed as well. It is not a TIPI program itself, but may be something someone needs in their arsenal for use.




http://ftp.whtech.com/Users/Gregory%20McGill/EA5LOADER/LOAD - xb loader for ea5 games with catalog

http://ftp.whtech.com/Users/Gregory%20McGill/RPSC/RPSC - ea5 rock paper scissorz compiled

http://ftp.whtech.com/Users/Gregory%20McGill/TIPIMAP/TIPIMAP - xb tipi-drive mapper tool

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  • 2 weeks later...

check this out



enter a us airport code in uppercase for this to work.. like PDX for portland..

ea5 program files and cartridge bin for fg99/fr99



enter a station code, so the above one would be KPDX


Question. Can something similar be done to pull stock information? Not sure if a graphic chart can be downloaded as well?



Edited by BeeryMiller
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  • 1 month later...


Here is the zip file.


Beery, I finally got around to adding your program to myti99.com. Sorry for the delay.


I continue to be out of the hobby for due to work and health, but I'll be glad to add things to myti99.com as requested by people, for as long as I am still able to run it.

I definitely had higher hopes for the site as I felt I could actually contribute something useful to the TI community, but this isn't proving to be the case. Aside from you, no one has expressed any interest in having their stuff linked there, or taken me up on having any tipi-support applications hosted, or making use of the high-score syncing system I made there.

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Beery, I finally got around to adding your program to myti99.com. Sorry for the delay.


I continue to be out of the hobby for due to work and health, but I'll be glad to add things to myti99.com as requested by people, for as long as I am still able to run it.

I definitely had higher hopes for the site as I felt I could actually contribute something useful to the TI community, but this isn't proving to be the case. Aside from you, no one has expressed any interest in having their stuff linked there, or taken me up on having any tipi-support applications hosted, or making use of the high-score syncing system I made there.

Not true i have also expressed interest in using it. You have been super busy with life so not bugging you




Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

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