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viewing a .bas file


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The only way to view a programed saved in Atari Basic is on a real machine or in an emulator. But, if you save a program using the List statement you can then view it in a text editor on your PC or Mac. One problem is that the carriage return on the Atari is different than on a PC/Mac. After you export the file out of Atari Basic you have to replace the carriage return symbol at the end of each line with a different symbol. The PC/Macs use r symbol, the Atari uses õ symbol, except for the last line of the program which uses a õ and then r symbol. (If you forget the last r symbol the last line of your program will be deleted.) Just use your search and replace command of your favorite text editor. I don't know how to get this symbol other than to cut and paste it from this posting.


The other problem is getting your code in and out of your emulator. The Rainbow emulator for both PCs and Macs have an export and inport feature which allows you import/export basic programs saved with the List command. Example: LIST"D:PROGRAM1.LST"

To save it in this form on the Atari use: ENTER"D:PROGRAM1.LST"


I don't know if Atari800win has this feature but as I said you can use the Rainbow emulator to do it.



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To view the .BAS file using Atari800WinPlus -


1. Create a directory called HD1 or something similar


2. In the emulator, select ATARI | HARD DRIVES and set H1 to the directory you created in step 1.


3. Load your BASIC file from your disk image - LOAD "D1:MYFILE.BAS"


4. List the file out to your hard drive - LIST "H1:MYFILE.LST"


5. Now convert the file from ATASCII to ASCII. In the emulator, select MISC | CONVERT | ATASCII to ASCII. Open your MYFILE.LST and save to MYFILE.txt


6. Use Visual Notepad or another text editor to open the .txt file for viewing.



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how can I view the actual program of a .bas file for an atari 8-bit program? I want to view the code to some old antic programs, and then type them out on my xegs.. how do i go about doing this using atari800win, or maybe just a text editor?


You may also use my program ChkBas, which allows viewing source of various atari-basic-based :) basic's on PC. Except for ATASCII special chars, of course.

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how can I view the actual program of a .bas file for an atari 8-bit program? I want to view the code to some old antic programs, and then type them out on my xegs.. how do i go about doing this using atari800win, or maybe just a text editor?


You may also use my program ChkBas, which allows viewing source of various atari-basic-based :) basic's on PC. Except for ATASCII special chars, of course.



This little DOS program works great, thanks for the program name, I hadn't heard of it before, haven't dabbled in Basic in years.


Here's were I found a copy:





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