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singen 1024 bytes

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is there an 6502 pendant to this z80 code:


;	_____		 __
;   /  _  \_______|  | ______  ______
;  /  /_\  \_  __ \  |/ /  _ \/  ___/
; /	|	\  | \/	<  <_> )___ \
; \____|__  /__|  |__|_ \____/____  >
;		 \/		   \/		 \/
; Generate a 1024 bytes long, 8bits, sinus-like curve.
; Grim/Arkos^Semilanceata

; Configuration
;cnf_math_singen_sizeopt_store	equ &2000
;cnf_math_singen_unsigned	equ 0

			; **********************************
			; * GENERATE 1024Bytes SINUS CURVE *
			; **********************************
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_store	= cnf_math_singen_sizeopt_store AND &FC00
			; Where is stored the sinus curve used as reference (1024bytes)
			; Address must be (and will be forced) at any &400 boundary.

			; autoconfig / do not change anything below
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_lenght 	= 1024
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_h	= def_math_singen_sizeopt_store/256
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_and_mask	= &03
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_or_mask	= def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_h AND &FC
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_q3	= def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_h+2
				LET def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_q4	= def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_h+3
			; Parabolic approximation:
			; sin(a) = ( (a-1)^2 ) - 1 @a[0, pi/2]

			; used here :
			; sin(a) = a^2 @ a[0,pi/2]
			; [0, 2pi] => [0, 1024]
			; 39 bytes long / 6405 NOPs
			; try to beat diz ! =)
				xor a
				ld bc, def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_q3*256 + def_math_singen_sizeopt_store_q4
				ld l,a
				ld e,l
				ld b,a; 256
				ld d,b
				ld c,b
				dec b
				ld e,b
				ld h,d
				ld l,d
_math_singen_sizeopt_square			add hl,de
				djnz _math_singen_sizeopt_square
				ld a,h
				ifndef cnf_math_singen_unsigned
					sub 128
				ld d,b
				ld h,c
				dec l
				ld (de),a; 3rd Quad
				ld (hl),a; 4th Quad

				res 1,d
				res 1,h
				ld (de),a; 1st Quad
				ld (hl),a; 2nd Quad
				inc e
				ld b,c
				djnz _math_singen_sizeopt_loop
				ifndef cnf_math_singen_inline

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No one else has responded so I'll take a whack.


I can't read that Z80 gibberish so I'm not really sure what it's doing ;)


You can generate squares by accumulating a constantly varying difference.

That is, the difference between consecutive squares goes up linearly.

So to create a parabola you increment a counter and accumulate the

the count as you go.


This code is just off the top of my head and not really tested so take it with a grain of salt.


y is used for the counter (and table pointer)

x is used as a table pointer to mirror

eor #$FF flips it around the horizontal axis


sin0 is the first quadrant, sin1 the second etc


The count is accumulated with the low byte in lo and the high byte in a

and/or the table


 ldx #$FF
lda #$00
sta lo

adc lo
sta lo
lda #$00
ADC sin3-1,y
sta sin3,y
sta sin2,x
eor #$FF
sta sin1,y
sta sin0,x
bne LOOP



(Edited to make it look a lot more like a sine and a lot less like an inverted cosine :P )

Edited by bogax
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thx. so in theory I would need a 256 byte sin first quadrant?


I have 256 byte singens f.e. :


//calc "sine" (or more like a set of parabolas)...

		ldy #$ff
loa:			lda #$18
		adc #$07
		sta loa+1
		bcc !+
		inc hia+1
lo:			adc #0
		sta lo+1
hia:			adc #0
		sta sine128+$c0,x
		sta sine128-$40,y
		eor #$7f
		sta sine128+$40,x
		sta sine128-$c0,y

		cpx #$40
		bne !loop-

		ldx #0
// copy sine...
		and #$40
		adc #$e0
		sta d018s,x
		and #$3f

		lda #%10101010
		sta sprite0-1,y
		sta sprite1-1,y
		lda #%11111111
		sta sprite2-1,y

ls:			lda sine128+$20,y
		adc #$60
ss:			sta sine2,x
		bne !-

		dec ss+2
		lda ls+1
		adc #$40
		sta ls+1
		bcc !-


ok...it is c64 code...

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well... and with this version is there a chance for a fixed point version? f.e. 8.8?


As in 16 bits total with 8 integral and 8 fractional bits ?


Not sure there's any point, a parabola is just not that close to a sine.

It only gives you something like 4 bits of accuracy in the worst case


I think the fractional part would be nonsense except for just a few table



I did 256 bytes per quadrant because it looked to me like that was what the

Z80 code was doing and because it fit neatly with using the y register as

the counter.


What exactly do you want to end up with? Four quadrants in 256 entries in 8.8 format?



I might also mention that the code I posted does not result in 2's complement

althought that would be easy enough to do.

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I have seen a lot of singens in 256 byte or 1k intros for c64 and speccy.... and as I realised that they all use kind of parabolic approximation which I forgot completly... ;)


but they are not using "real" sinus/cosinus for calculation but for sinus like effects.... so maybe forget my fixed point thing... ;)


another interesting way would be to use the build in basic and floating point maths... that would be cool, too...

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Just for the hell of it, here's a couple that do 256 byte tables.


Not as neat, I couldn't think of an elegant way to use y for

the counter.


They're basically the same, one using selfmodifying code.


   ldx #$3F
  lda #$00
  sta cntr_lo
  sta cntr_hi
  sta acc_lo

  lda cntr_lo
  adc #$10
  sta cntr_lo
  lda cntr_hi
  adc #$00
  sta cntr_hi
  lda acc_lo
  adc cntr_lo
  sta acc_lo
  lda sin+191,y
  adc cntr_hi
  sta sin+192,y
  sta sin+128,x
  eor #$FF
  sta sin+64,y
  sta sin,x
  bpl LOOP


   ldx #$3F
  lda #$00

  lda #$00	   ;cntr_lo
  adc #$10
  sta LOOP+1	 ;sta cntr_lo
  bcc SKIP
  inc CNTR_HI+1 
  lda #$00	   ;acc_lo
  adc LOOP+1	 ;add cntr_lo
  sta SKIP+1	 ;sta acc_lo
  lda sin+191,y
  adc #$00	   ;cntr_hi
  sta sin+192,y
  sta sin+128,x
  eor #$FF
  sta sin+64,y
  sta sin,x
  bpl LOOP

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  • 2 months later...
I have seen a lot of singens in 256 byte or 1k intros for c64 and speccy.... and as I realised that they all use kind of parabolic approximation which I forgot completly... ;)


but they are not using "real" sinus/cosinus for calculation but for sinus like effects.... so maybe forget my fixed point thing... ;)


another interesting way would be to use the build in basic and floating point maths... that would be cool, too...

The floating point ROM does not contain the sin() function, it's unfortunately in the BASIC rom, not in the mathpack. Anyhow, the implementation there is also pretty naive, it uses a 6th order Taylor approximation (thus, just a higher order polynomial) and is slow and not very precise. A much faster algorithm that can be implemented with a short table entirely in integer math is the CORDIC algorithm, used in the first pocket calculators. The idea is neat, and the table size is much shorter. Here's a short intro:




I've a C implementation of a cordic-based "arctan" function - requires a short table (depending on the precision you need), and only additions, subtractions and shifts. No multiplications, no division. Ideal for the 6502. Atari engineers had no big clue about mathematics when implementing the math-pack, I afraid.


So long,


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  • 5 years later...

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