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Ideas n00b me has been thinking of...

The Usotsuki

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I've got "generic terminal code" written that needs only a memory map, screen dimensions, and a means of getting input. (And a beep function). I think it's generic enough to adapt for this. Haven't gotten anything up on the 78 yet :(, but once I do, it'll all fall into place.


Needs about 1K of ROM space and 8 bytes of the zero page.

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  • 2 months later...

Bit of thread necromancy so I don't fog up the 7800 Development thread.




This is the "retargettable terminal driver" I wrote for a hypothetical 6502 machine I implemented in emulation. (It works there.) It's not written for a 78 yet.




This is the raw, 6845-style font I am planning to use. (8x8 monochrome) You can see it in the image I have spammed in both threads.


Sample Char: A ($41)  Offset: +$0208

80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01
0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  ........ 0208:00
0  0  0  1  1  0  0  0  ...**... 0209:18
0  0  1  1  1  1  0  0  ..****.. 020A:3C
0  1  1  0  0  1  1  0  .**..**. 020B:66
0  1  1  0  0  1  1  0  .**..**. 020C:66
0  1  1  1  1  1  1  0  .******. 020D:7E
0  1  1  0  0  1  1  0  .**..**. 020E:66
0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  ........ 020F:00


It's all I got right now and nothing's 7800-specific or even, at this point, 7800-compatible.

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It's all I got right now and nothing's 7800-specific or even, at this point, 7800-compatible.


What part of MARIA initialisation are you having problems with?


I didn't even get that far... I tried writing just some quick code, but as it didn't "flash the fuji" I couldn't even test whatever I had. (so I'm not sure my signing tools are even working.) I did find this file, which looks like my attempt. (A second .a65 generates the .a78 wrapper because mess insists on it.)


charbase   =        $34

         .org      $C000
A78adr     =        *
font:     .incbin   "ataruso.78f"

; each line is 2 DLs and an end-of-zone code, 12 bytes. 25 lines need copied

irq:      rti
reset:    cld
         ldx       #$FF
         jsr       initty
hang:     jmp       hang

initty:   lda       #>font
         sta       charbase

         .res      $FF7A-*
         .res      $FFF8-*, 0          ; signature
         .byte     $FF
         .byte     ($07+>A78adr)
vnmi:     .word     nmi
vrst:     .word     reset
virq:     .word     irq
A78len     =        *-A78adr


(Keep in mind that I'm on Linux and prefer to use MESS for initial testing because it forces the ROM to run through the BIOS. I'm using CA65.)

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I have a few txt files, gcc1702b_maria_specs.pdf, MARIA_01.txt, dlltemplate.zip, maria.i65. but even until I get as far as flashing the fuji all of this is moot as nothing will run on metal or in MESS if it doesn't flash the fuji. the two different signing programs I have don't even agree on how to do THAT, they each consider each other's checksums invalid. >_>

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Change this :-


         .byte     ($07+>A78adr)


To this :-


          .byte ((>reset)&$f0)|07


Sign it and post the binary. I'll check what my tools say.


What the heck, did I break my header generator or something? x.x since MESS just segveed when I tried to load the output. :( Or maybe I just forgot what the heck I had been doing to build this damn thing before... :(


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For comparison here is the A78 header from kenfused's Beef Drop in CC65 :-


.segment "A78HEADER"

       .byte 1
.byte "ATARI7800       "
.byte "Beef Drop                       "
.dbyt 0	  ;data length high word
.dbyt $8000
.if .def(FORCEPOKEY)
.dbyt 1 ;cart type   1=pokey + 2=super cart bs + 4=Super Cart RAM
.byte 1 ;controller 1 type  0=none 1=joy 2=gun
.byte 1 ;controller 2 type
.byte 0 ;0=ntsc 1=pal
.res 42

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          .org      $2000               ; can be anywhere really
         .byte     0
         .byte     "ATARI7800       "                      ; voodoo bytes
         .byte     "incomplete firmware test       ", 0    ; name of rom
         .word     A78len, 0
         .byte     $00, $00            ; XXX
         .byte     1, 1                ; joysticks
         .byte     0
         .res      $2064-*
         .byte     "ACTUAL CART DATA STARTS HERE"

A78adr     =        $C000
A78beg     =        *
         .incbin   "atarexp.bin"
A78len     =        *-A78beg


...it's been so long I don't know where I got my mumbojumbo :/

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Having replaced the header bytes with these, it still faults the emulator trying to load it.


         .org      $2000               ; can be anywhere really
         .byte     1
         .byte     "ATARI7800       "                      ; voodoo bytes
         .byte     "incomplete firmware test       ", 0    ; name of rom
         .word     A78len, 0
         .byte     $00, $00            ; XXX
         .byte     1, 1                ; joysticks
         .byte     0
;         .res      $2064-*
         .res      42
         .byte     "ACTUAL CART DATA STARTS HERE"

A78adr     =        $C000
A78beg     =        *
         .incbin   "atarexp.bin"
A78len     =        *-A78beg


I guess I just get frustrated easily and prone to give up but if I *can* get this off the ground (it took 3 attempts and a lot of bungling for me to even get my Apple ][ emulator running and showing the BASIC prompt), I can try to get further on what I really want to do.


(I *did* say I was a n00b.)

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