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You play what looks like a ghost from Pac-Man in what is essentially a Pac-Man clone. That fact is cleverly disguised because you're being chased by mice and instead of eating dots you lay down pipe.



Once the whole level is covered in pipe you move to a new board (as far as I know it's also like Pac-Man in that the board never changes). There are these squares that make me think of fly paper (if they're mouse traps they're crappy looking ones) that you can lead the mice into and they freeze for a few minutes. This fly paper stuff only appears on one spot and it comes and goes.


There is the typical Pac-Man tunnel except it runs up and down. And where you would think would be power dots are little icons that look like cats but I have no idea what they do (they just connect to the pipe).


I can't think of the name and it's killing me.

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Definately MouseKattack.


The little "cats" you can pick up and drop anywhere in the "maze". Mice cannot move past them normally (so you can carry one around and drop it if they start ganging up on you). The cheese squares that appear occasionally are a plus/minus kind of thing. You can destroy a mouse or mice on the bit of cheese, but in a moment they will reappear at the center again. The disadvantage to doing this is that they sometimes reincarnate as "supermice" with a little S. These mice are not deterred by the cat faces you drop, and will stream right toward you. The only defense you have against them is the cheese...if they get stuck, you can try to reincarnate them as a milder mouse again.


Anyway, all this time you are trying to build the pipe so that it covers the entire layout of the screen (except the tunnels and sides of the center box). If you move too quickly around corners, the pipe layed may use an incorrect piece (very hard to spot later). That's the most challenging aspect, since after the screen is covered with pipe...you'll have to search the screen for the incorrect pieces. And of course there is no way to pause.

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Mousekattack is it - thanks!! Out of curiousity, did they actually capitalize the K? That would've been rare back in 1981 methinks.


@Nukey Shay: extra thanks for that bit about picking up the cats and moving them. I had no idea. That's the problem when you have pirated stuff with poor labeling and no title screen (and that wasn't yours originally) :) You're right about the broken pipe bit - I played a quick game of it and that drives you nuts.


FYI: I've recently inherited all my dad's and uncle's and dad's friend's floppy disk collection (all pirated stuff), so I'm going through it, labeling things properly, and trying to determine which stuff needs XL Fix and which is okay on it's own. Which is how I came across this gem.

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