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Programing trouble

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Driving controllers use the same registers as the joystick...SWCHA for the knob (reading bits 4&5 for the left port and bits 0&1 for the right), and INPT4 and INPT5 for each trigger - bit 7 on (negative) = not pressed.


IMO Zuma seems to be quite advanced for a beginner project (if this is your first). Good luck.

Edited by Nukey Shay
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Driving controllers use the same registers as the joystick...SWCHA for the knob (reading bits 4&5 for the left port and bits 0&1 for the right), and INPT4 and INPT5 for each trigger - bit 7 on (negative) = not pressed.


IMO Zuma seems to be quite advanced for a beginner project (if this is your first). Good luck.


I'm Afraid that didn't help Here is my current code



















if joy0fire then goto gamescreen


Hope this helps

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Looks like you meant to post in the batari Basic forum:





Speaking of the bB forum, this thread might be helpful:



Edited by Random Terrain
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