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[ASM] Official labels and default cartridge header

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How do code this ASM to make a longer title, one on two or three lines? For example: "PRESENTS NINTENDO'S DONKEY KONG" (on two lines)?




cv labels and default cartridge header.zip

Note : This file can be used as a template for those who like to code from scratch and would like to use the ColecoVision BIOS calls in their projects.


Description : I've made a zip file with the essential labels for getting started (sort of) with CV asm coding. It's just 3 versions of the same thing : a list of the official labels from the Coleco Industries documentation and a default Coleco cartridge header ready to be modified by you. There is 3 versions of the same file because I've tried 3 different Z80 assemblers and none of them can compile the same source code because they use different syntax and keywords. Anyway, hope you someone find this useful.


Z80 assemblers used : tniasm, pasmo, sjasm


Note: I've tried KAsm, a Z80 assembler written in Java, but I can't find a way to make it generates files that start at $8000 instead of $0000, except if I modify the source code or cut the first 32KB of void manually which is annoying. :(


As usual, let me know if you find this useful by leaving a comment and "rating this topic".


And for those who just want to see a list of labels...


AMERICA @ $0069
   AMERICA value (in decimal) is either 60 (NTSC) or 50 (PAL)
   ASCII_TABLE is the pointer to where the uppercase ASCII pattern starts.
   NUMBER_TABLE is the pointer to the numbers 0-9 font, not the entire ASCII font.


DECLSN @ $0190
   Decrement low nibble (in UTILITY)
DECMSN @ $019B
   Decrement high nibble (in UTILITY)
   Copy high nibble to low nibble (in UTILITY)
ADD816 @ $01B1
   Add signed 8bit value A to 16bit. HL := HL + A
   Called by a special sound effect function when done
   Pixel to pattern plane position
   Copy a block of names to VRAM
GET_BKGRND @ $0898
   Copy a block of names from VRAM to RAM
   Returns DE := offset for the coordinates (E,D) for a 32x24 chars screen.


And so on, there are many more official Coleco BIOS symbols and calls you can use.

Edited by newcoleco
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