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Display Remaining Rom Space

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Is there some way to have disam display how much rom space remains everytime you compile your homebrew? I remember someone saying something allong the lines of:

echo "bytes free:" *-$F800

But thatonly produces garbage output. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.




Primordial Ooze

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You can do something like this:



 ECHO ([$FF00-*]d), "bytes free"

 ORG $FF00

;code continues



That will print the number of bytes left (in decimal). DASM will print it twice though, and if you have multiple banks it gets kind of ugly. One solution is to wrap each echo statement inside an IF statement, and have the condition that defined after the echo statement.


What happens is the first pass DASM doesn't know if the IF statement is true or false, so it doesn't execute it. On the second pass the IF statement is resolved, and DASM executes it, so it only prints once, not twice. Example:



  ECHO ([$FF00-*]d), "bytes free bank 1"

 ECHO_1 = 1

 ORG $FF00
;code continues



The address in your echo statement should match the address in the org statement after it, and if you have multiple ECHO statements give them all unique conditions (I called mine ECHO_1 in the above example, call yours whatever you like).

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