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Loop condition in 5200 asm example

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There's an example of a simple 5200 hello world program here http://www.atarihq.com/danb/files/52hello.txt.

There's a bit that confused me, though. Specifically this loop:


       ldx     #$00
       lda     #$00
       sta     $00,x           ;Clear zero page
       sta     $D400,x         ;Clear ANTIC
       sta     $C000,x         ;Clear GTIA
       sta     $E800,x         ;Clear POKEY
       bne     crloop1


The x register is being set to 0, and then decremented. o_O

Now I assume when you decrement a register when it's set at 0, it goes to $FF. But why would someone do it that way? Most of the other examples I see would use ldx #$FF.

This is actually valid code, I've assembled it and it does create a runnable 5200 rom.

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You are correct, after the first execution of DEX, X will contain $FF. The loop will then continue until DEX yields a 0, which will break the loop. If you loaded $FF to X initially it would only clear addresses $FF, $D4FF, $C0FF, and $E8FF because X would be 0 after the first iteration of the loop, and BNE would not branch. Since you want it to clear $00 - $FF, $D400 - $D4FF, $C000 - $C0FF, and $E800 - $E8FF, it must go through 256 iterations.


Because you want to go through 256 iterations, you could actually replace the dex with an inx in this case. Instead of starting at 0 and counting back down to 0 from $FF like the code you posted does, the inx would cause it to start at zero, count up to $FF, and then in the last iteration reset to 0 again.


Count down loops are usually used where possible to save a both CPU time and ROM. Here's an example to illustrate this:



With a count up loop:

 ldx #0

;code to be looped

 cpx #5
 bne Loop


With a count down loop:


 ldx #5

;code to be looped

 bne Loop


So in that case, counting down will save you 2 bytes of ROM and a total of 10 machine cycles by omitting the CPX instruction. Seems like a trivial difference, but these small optimizations could mean the world in some cases :)

Edited by Wickeycolumbus
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TIP #2 (and this is VERY important): *don't write ANYTHING before your first coffee of the day!*, because if you do you end up making the kind of mistakes I did just then.


I meant

LDA #$00




LDX #$00



would do the exact same thing. What I wrote will just stick 0 in X then copy A to X, which could be just about anything. D'oh!

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TIP #2 (and this is VERY important): *don't write ANYTHING before your first coffee of the day!*, because if you do you end up making the kind of mistakes I did just then.


I meant

LDA #$00




LDX #$00



would do the exact same thing. What I wrote will just stick 0 in X then copy A to X, which could be just about anything. D'oh!


Given the way that Windows ``works, I think many coffees may be needed in Redmond,,,

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