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Advice on Unnecessary Code

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Dear Forum Members:


I have been following the Andrew Davie Tutorial on Randomterrain.com . I think that it is very well written. Essentially, I am learning assembly language from scratch. I have three questions that I hope that you may be able to help me with:


1. The code below is from an Excercise in chapter 13 : Playfield Basics. I have been able to complete the exercise making the playfield rainbow striped vs. the background. However, in achieving the effect, I believe that I have unnecessary code, which apparently is a 'no-no' in Atari programming because of the limitations. What unnecessary code can I take out below to make the solution still work?


2. The last exercise in this section asks, how do you make the Stripe appear on one side and not the other? It hints that you have to change the playfield mid-scanline. I do not know how to do this, but I think that it will be explained in a later chapter. Anyone have a very concise explanation?


I have a renewed appreciation for early video game programmers after going through the first 13 chapters! Any and all help is greatly appreciated!





; My VCS Game

; by Author


; VCS template file by Ian Bogost

; http://www.bogost.com



processor 6502

include vcs.h

include macro.h





PATTERN = $80 ; storage location (1st byte in RAM)


TIMETOCHANGE = 1 ; speed of "animation" - change as desired







ORG $F000








; Clear RAM and all TIA registers




ldx #0


lda #0


Clear sta 0,x




bne Clear






; Once-only initialization...




lda #%11111111


sta PATTERN ; The binary PF 'pattern'




lda #$54


sta COLUPF ; set the playfield color



ldy #0 ; "speed" counter












; Start of new frame


; Start of vertical blank processing




lda #0






lda #2










sta WSYNC ; 3 scanlines of VSYNC signal




lda #0










; 37 scanlines of vertical blank...




ldx #0


VerticalBlank sta WSYNC




cpx #37


bne VerticalBlank






; Handle a change in the pattern once every 1 frames


; and write the pattern to the PF1 register



iny ; increment speed count by one

cpy #TIMETOCHANGE ; has it reached our "change point"?


bne notyet ; no, so branch past


ldy #0











sta PF1 ; as the playfield shape




; Do 192 scanlines of color-changing (our picture)



ldx #0 ; this counts our scanline number




Picture ; change background color (rainbow effect)


sta WSYNC ; wait till end of scanline







cpx #192


bne Picture












lda #%01000010


sta VBLANK ; end of screen - enter blanking




; 30 scanlines of overscan...




ldx #0


Overscan sta WSYNC




cpx #30


bne Overscan












jmp StartOfFrame

















.word Reset ; NMI


.word Reset ; RESET


.word Reset ; IRQ





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very cool you are learning 6502 Asm! :)


The only unnecessary code I see is pretty minor:

1. you can remove notyet bne and ldy #0; this code is superflous because the register "wraps around" to zero after 255.

2. If you dex down x instead of incrementing it a cpx #0 is implicit - you don't need to issue it, can just beq or bne.


For the concise explanation you are looking for issue a bunch of nop's (try 10,15 or 20)

then lda #0 sta PF1; this will clear the playfield register after it's been written on one side of the screen but before it is written to the other side (later you could replace the nop's with usefull code that takes as many cycles).


You might also like to try the Abstract Assembly Development Kit (in my signature) to build games fast with less emphasis on counting cycles and optimising.

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Thanks, Moonsweeper. I have played with the Nops, but I am still getting symmetry. In the above code, where should I stick the Nops and PF1 =0?

Right after you've set it, however you are setting it outside your 192 colour changing loop so also move that block to right after

the colour change - everything should happen there so that it occurs with each visible scanline:


stx COLUPF lda PATTERN sta PF1 nops.... lda #0 sta PF1

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