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Raster Music Tracker 1.1 released


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Radek released new version of his cross plattform music tracker Raster music tracker 1.1 for PC... with new unbelievable features... check it out...









by Radek Sterba, Raster/C.P.U., 2002-2003





Changes in RMT 1.1



- Main RMT assembler routine changed to version 01:

- Backward compatibility:

* Support for loading of previous (version 00) RTI instruments.

(saving RTI instruments version 01 only)

* Support for loading of previous (version 00) RMT modules.

(saving RMT modules version 01 only)

- New RMT routine features:

* Support for manual AUDCTL settings (but also automatic management is preserved,

if you will use command 6 or "filter" switch).

* Support for VOLUME ONLY settings by command 7 with parameter value $80.

(Volume only forced outputs are indicated by light blue color of volume analyzer box,

see the easy example song file "examples/volumeonly.rmt".)

* Support for NOTES/FRQS TABLE length from 1 to 32.

* A lot of speed/size optimizations (RMT modules with easy instruments are smaller than before).

- Support for speed/size optimizations of RMT assembler routine for concrete RMT module.

(See the RMT player routine assembler source code and "Export song as.. RMT stripped

song file (*.rmt)" dialog and optimized routine example in "asm_src/optim" directory.)

- Hotkeys' changes:

Pause ... mute all sounds and reinit RMT routine only.

Shift+Pause ... mute all sounds, reinit RMT routine and sound output.

- If any instrument parameter is changed, then turn off this instrument on all

channels where it sounds.

- If save or export process is aborted or failed, destination file will be deleted.


Bug fixes

- RMT routine - instrument table speed bug (each first note/frq table item was shorter by 1/50 sec).

- Tab key while edit the instrument name (no CapsLock off).

- PageUp/Down for octave up/down in Prove mode.

- Instrument volume curve fault by mouse position after the instrument load.

- Mouse doubleclick to track/channels turn on/off.

- All the showed messages (message boxes) are owned by RMT application now.



Changes in RMT beta 1.02



Since the RMT beta 1.02 version all the parts based on GPL sources are totally removed

from the RMT project (i.e. Pokey sound emulation and Atari 6502 processor emulation)

and these aren't a part of RMT henceforth.


Description of dynamic DLL functions for standalone Pokey and 6502 emulation

is specified in the readme file. If you run RMT without this way described DLLs

(sa_pokey.dll, sa_c6502.dll), RMT will work, but there won't be any Pokey sound output

and Atari sound routines won't be executed.



- Use the hardware sound buffer if possible (instead of software sound buffer).

- Initialize the file load directory to program location.

- Block toolbar is showed by default.

- Much more summary informations in the About box.

- Text parameters editing was changed a bit. Because of ShiftKey is used for playing

the notes, You have to press the CapsLock key for switch to "normal" ShiftKey behaviour

(i.e. ShiftKey+Key for entering uppercase and other (!@#$%^&*()_+:"<>?|) characters).

CapsLock mode is turned off automatically when text editing is over by pressing the Tab key

or Enter key.

- CapsLock state indication in the status bar ("CAP").

- Reinit also RMT Atari sound routines when the Pause key is pressed.

- Functions for turn on/off the sound channels (tracks):

* Control+ 1-8 ...turn on/off the sound channel (track) 1-8.

* Control+ 9 ...turn on all the channels (tracks).

* Control+ 0 ...turn off all the channels (tracks).

* Control+ BackQuote ...turn on/off the active sound channel (track).

* Shift+ BackQuote ...negation of turned on/off sound channels (tracks).

* BackQuote ...solo play of active sound channel (track) / turn on all channels (tracks).

Note: Muted sound channels are indicated by gray color of track title and volume

analyzer scope.

- Status bar tool tips and short flying help messages completed.

- Other internal improvements.



- Mouse control of turn on/off the channels (tracks) - it's indicated by mouse cursor design

change to "hand with title 'on/off'":

* LeftMouseButton ... turn on/off relevant channel (track).

* RightMouseButton ... solo play of relevant channel (track) / turn on all channels (tracks).



- Drawing of envelope volume curve by mouse - it's indicated by mouse cursor design

change to "pen with title 'volume'":

* LeftMouseButton ... draw volume curve.

* RightMouseButton ... set volume to zero value.


Bug fixes

- Playing the block area.

- Inserting and deleting song lines from track edit when "go to line" is active.

- Other internal corrections.




Changes in RMT beta 1.01



All modes

- Set the octave up-down hotkeys changed from Shift+up,down to Shift+page_up,page_down

(it works now in TrackEdit and InstrumentEdit only).

- Correction of bug with instrument copy/paste.



- No more set number of the track by Control+0-9A-F keys.

- Hotkey changed: Control+I - insert new line into the song.

- Hotkey changed: Control+U - delete the current line from the song.

- Show title "EMPTY" for empty tracks.

- Shift+up,down,home,end - the block select functions.

- Control+A - select all data in the track (from the begin to the end of the track).

- Control+Insert,Control+C - copy block to clipboard.

- Shift+Insert,Control+V - paste data from clipboard.

- If the block is selected and paste function is used, then data from clipboard is placed into the block select area only.

- If the block is selected, then Delete key will delete data inside the block area.

- If the block is selected, then Control+X key will cut data inside the block area.

- New toolbar for block data modifications: menu View - Block toolbar. All this modify functions are available also by hotkeys.

- Block data modification hotkeys (the block must be selected at first):

* Shift+Control+A switch between block modify mode all / current instrument only.

* Shift+Control+page_up,page_down do transpose up,down notes in the block (by semitones).

* Shift+Control+left,right do change of instrument numbers in the block.

* Shift+Control+Num-,Num+ do change of volumes in the block.

Note transpositions, instrument changes and volume changes are indicated in window statusbar at the bottom.

- If the block is selected:

* Enter key will play the lines inside the block around.

* Home or End key set the cursor to the first or the last line in the block.

* Control+B will restore the block data changed by modification functions from the backup (backup is created when the block is getting start to select and destroyed when the block is deselected).

* Control+F4 will start cyclic playing of the part from the top to the bottom of selected block area.


Operation manual

- All this changes included to operation manual (see the rmt_en.htm, rmt_cz.htm).




RMT beta 1.00



- The first published version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the best tool without correct Resources? With my Song "DREAM" i've noticed, while playing it on my XL, that the POKEY Emulation is a whole Bug.

The 16 Bit dependency is wrong even as the 1.79MHz switch "sounding".

That makes RMT a worse Tool for making Music on an original ATARI.

Simple 8 Bit Sound and Filtering is OK ... so far.

I hope anyone can correct that Bugs anyway...



That's why ADMIRANDUS is sounding weird.....

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