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Understanding Sprites

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Here's a quick look at something else I don't quite get:


   sta WSYNC

; graphics updates go here

   lda SpriteLine
   cmp #5
   beq .skip
   lda #%01010101
   sta GRP0
   inc SpriteLine

   bne ScanLoop

   lda #%00000010
   sta WSYNC
   sta VBLANK
   ldx #30 ; setup 30 scan lines for overscan


So, what I'm trying to do, is load 5 lines of sprite data so that I can make a block.


SpriteLine is my variable and is initalized as 0. Every iteration I am comparing this to 5, if the zero flag is set, then I know it has reached 5 so i skip that drawing.


For some reason, the state of ScanLoop doesn't seem to matter because this is the output:


I can see that it is "working" when it comes to drawing to the screen, but it isn't working as it should.


Edited by johnnystarr
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TIA is a scanline based video chip. If you set a register, such as GRP0, on one line and don't change it then that value will continue to be displayed on all following scanlines.


You're setting GRP0 to %01010101, but never setting it to any other value, so the strips are drawn down the screen.


You need to load GRP0 with 0 to make it stop displaying.

        lda SpriteLine
       cmp #5
       beq .skip
       lda #%01010101
       .byte $2c
       lda #0
       sta GRP0
       inc SpriteLine


$2c is the opcode for BIT $ABSOLUTE, so it "hides" the lda #0 by treating it as the $ABSOLUTE address. It doesn't affect the registers, but it does change the N, V and Z flags.


There's undocumented opcodes that can also be used. NOP $ABSOLUTE can be done using .byte $0c. Like the $2c, it'll "hide" the lda #0, but it won't change any registers OR flags.

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Hmm, I applied this code and I'm just getting a scan up and down. I must be doing something wrong here:


Maybe you could look at my source?


   processor 6502
   include "macro.h"
   include "vcs.h"
   ORG $F000
; constants
; variables
SpriteLine = $80

   ldx #$FF
   lda #0
   sta 0,x
   bne .clearmem
   lda #$23
   sta COLUBK
   ;setup sprite
   lda #$20
   sta COLUP0
; Main gameloop
   lda #%00000010
   sta VSYNC
   sta    WSYNC
   sta WSYNC
   sta WSYNC
   ; set timer to handle the rest of VBLANK draw
   lda #41
   sta TIM64T
   lda #0
   sta VSYNC
   ; main logic goes here
   ; this is where you put all your controller logic and score, etc.
   ; -----
   lda INTIM
   bne WaitForVBlank
   ldy #191
   sta WSYNC
   sta VBLANK
   sta WSYNC

   sta WSYNC
   ; graphics updates go here
   lda SpriteLine
   cmp #5
   beq .skip
   lda #%01010101
   .byte $2c
   lda #0
   sta GRP0
   inc SpriteLine

   bne ScanLoop
   lda #%00000010
   sta WSYNC
   sta VBLANK
   ldx #30 ; setup 30 scan lines for overscan
   sta    WSYNC
   bne Overscan
   jmp Main
   .byte #%00011000
   .byte #%00111100
   .byte #%00011000
   .org $FFFC
   .word Start
   .word Start

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Will do.


I have scanned over those chapters, but I was hoping to try to figure this out so I can get what I'm doing wrong.


I've tried a second attempt to no avail.


; in above code
   lda #5
   sta SpriteLine ; initialize to 5

   sta WSYNC

; --- begin graphics

   lda SpriteLine    ; load current state
   beq .skip		 ; if is 0, branch to skip
   lda #%01010101    ; line pattern
   sta GRP0		  ; store
   dec SpriteLine    ; decrement the counter
   jmp .done		 ; jump past the skip portion

   lda #0		    ; load 0
   sta GRP0		  ; store in sprite register


The output is just my background. When i change "beq .skip" to "bne .skip" I get the strip down the screen again.

Edited by johnnystarr
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