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Concerto Cart


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Hey guys, been a few years since i visited. I'm glad to see the hobby still seems thriving. I'm back on an Atari kick again. I'm dating a woman who has a XX in 1 arcade machine in her livingroom. It runs a very limited Hyperspin. While I have very little interest in any of the games in it except for Asteroids, Space Dual and Galaxian (the rest are all modern fighting games), It has enticed me to reinstall Stella and EMU78 on my pc.


I have a 7800 console that I have wanted to upgrade with the composit RF kit, and some new controllers, then get a Harmony cartridge. I see there is a Concerto 7800 version in the works. Any idea when it will be available, and a price? How about the Cuttle Cart 2, are they worth trying to find?


There are a few guys selling complete hyperspin set-ups on ebay and local Craigslist for around $200. They have just about everything on them. GCE Vectrex on it is cool, I couldn't get the stand alone Vectrex emulator to work. I couldn't get MAME to work either, so I'd probably never be able to figure out Hyperspin. But for 200 bucks for a plug and play Hyperspin hard drive, It's not even worth wasting time setting up my own.


But I really don't even want all that. I'm just looking for the two systems to play on a dedicated console.


Any input from you guys that are completely immersed in this would be greatly appreciated.


Also, a little off topic. I'm really interested in the homebrew Space Rocks. In the thread for it there is a link that says to click for a rom of final verson. That link just leads to a random post within the thread. Is there a final ROM for it, free or fee?

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Also, a little off topic. I'm really interested in the homebrew Space Rocks. In the thread for it there is a link that says to click for a rom of final verson. That link just leads to a random post within the thread. Is there a final ROM for it, free or fee?


Just tested it and the link works for me on a Mac running Safari. It should take you to reply #322, if it doesn't there's probably an issue with your web browser. The final ROMs are named spacerocks20121129_NTSC.bin and spacerocks20121129_PAL.bin.


Just tried on my work computer and while Internet Explorer took me to #322, it was positioned at the bottom of the page instead of the top :? which made it appear as though I was taken to reply #321. I've edited that link in the first post to specify the reply number as well as the date. Hopefully that will help to prevent confusion in the future.

Edited by SpiceWare
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