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DLIs... Again

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Hi all,


I'm back to messing around with DLIs again, and trying to figure out how to change colour on every scanline.


Say for a graphics 1 screen you can set each line of text to be a different colour, but not every scanline *within* that line of text - I'm thinking something like the "tiger attack" title screen.


I guess one way would be to have a graphics mode where you can change every scanline and draw the characters in but is there a simpler way I'm missing?


I hope this makes sense!


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Graphics mode just puts constraints on how often a DLI can occur. In some cases it's not desirable for a DLI every line anyway because the overhead is such that you're not left with much time left to do stuff.


In Gr. 1 it's easy enough - just use a store to WSYNC to skip ahead to the end of the visible display. So for striped text you'd just setup a table with the colour values then read them in a loop.




dli  pha
  ldy #7
docolour  lda ctable,y
  sta wsync 
  sta colpf1
  bpl docolour
ctable .byte $a4,$a6,$a8,$aa,$aa,$a8,$a6,$a4


Note in this case the colours should be stored in reverse order that they appear.

This should work OK - you have to be careful with the amount of stuff that goes on before the first WSYNC otherwise you miss a line.

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Thanks Rybags - I'd almost had it after all.


I'd done the sta wsync before the lda ctable,y which seems to be ok, but the bpl i'd screwed up when I hand-assembled the routine and it was jumping to the wrong place, but not crashing!


I think I understand now - Thanks a million :)



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