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Question about irregular cycles in Atari Basic

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Hi, I was experimenting with the joystick ports and found that the attached program which simply outputs a pin high and then low within a loop, performs very irregular cycles.


Frequencies can go from 79Hz to 91Hz to 77Hz, to 88Hz or any value really, while running the same instance. Both irregular in frequency and duty cycle. You can see it for yourself in the oscilloscope image.

I also found that TurboBasic XL runs much faster but shows equal inconsistency and also tested an 800XL and 65XE with the same results.


I am wondering what causes such irregularity. Is it PIA, is it software or what exactly?








Edited by RodCastler
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Not sure how the timing is achieved, but this is probably due to irregular DMA overheads, based on the selected graphics mode.


Also, seeing that it is a BASIC program, not sure at all how the looping and re-running is achieved.

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It's not PIA, or the OS. BASIC is just slow. Throw in the DMA overhead for the text mode. More than enough reasons for the inconsistent timing.



You might try turning off screen DMA ( POKE 559,0 ) during the test to see how it changes the timing.


Other variables: try a faster BASIC. Turbo Basic, or OSS BASIC XL.

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Disabling VBlank or at least Stage 2 might help a bit too.


POKE 54286,0


POKE 66,1


But VBlank is just a blip, the screen DMA would be the largest spoiling factor for timing. Onscreen there's around 40% slowdown, offscreen about 8% slowdown.


Another problem with Basic timing is that Floating-Point operations can be inconsistent in timing.


The best method overall would probably be to use Pokey Timers and an assembly routine. It's the best method for doing waveforms/speech, and allows you to have the screen active and program running normally in the foreground. You still get some jitter but it's only noticable if you're dealing with waveforms over about 4 KHz.

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Another problem with Basic timing is that Floating-Point operations can be inconsistent in timing.


Given the same input, the floating point routines always take the same time to generate the output. Since in this example no counting is involved and all numbers are constant, the mathpack is innocent. But the factors for the inconsistency have already been given: DMA, and the vertical blank interrupt.



Edited by thorfdbg
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Thank you all.


Interestingly enough, disabling DMA didn't make a big change besides running a bit faster. Still too irregular.

What really made the difference was disabling VBlank right after disabling DMA. Almost rock solid frequency.


Need the combination of the two. None of these pokes work on its own. They don't even work if one right after the other and had to add a small delay for some reason...


Edited by RodCastler
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You need the delay since you're disabling the VBlank, it needs to execute once to store the DMA shadow.


Weird that you'd get inconsistencies with that example - of course the duty cycle of the wave won't be 50% - the two POKEs will execute fairly quickly but the GOTO suffers from Basic needing to scan from the start of the program to find the target line - although every chance it might be quicker as the POKEs themselves have to convert 2 numbers from BCD to binary.


That's the weakness of Basic right there - you can't depend on it for much better than 1/50th or so of a second re timing and even then the control isn't very granular or reliable.


Using assembler would cure almost all of the problems - one problem I found though is that the rise time from 0 -> 1 of PORT bits is inconsistent and can take a few cycles, the fall time from 1 -> 0 is almost instant.

But that was for triggering scope monitoring of the video signal which requires that accuracy to give you a consistent trace.

Edited by Rybags
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Thank you all.


Interestingly enough, disabling DMA didn't make a big change besides running a bit faster. Still too irregular.

What really made the difference was disabling VBlank right after disabling DMA. Almost rock solid frequency.


Need the combination of the two. None of these pokes work on its own. They don't even work if one right after the other and had to add a small delay for some reason...

Don't know if you want. But here's my effort of your BASIC program in assembler.


10 *= $0600

20 LDA #48

30 STA $D302

40 LDA #255

50 STA $D300

60 LDA #0

70 STA $22F

80 LDX #255


0100 STX $650

0110 DEX


0130 LDX #255

0140 DELAY2

0150 DEX


0170 LDA #0

0180 STA $D40E

0190 CYCLE

0200 LDA #8

0210 STA $D300

0220 LDA #4

0230 STA $D300


0250 *= $2E0

0260 .BYTE 0,6

0270 .END


And a DOS 2.5 .ATR with ASM Editor and the source .ASM file.. And the .OBJ executable, RESET to exit.




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Maybe you could even do this to speed it up a little more and give it closer to a 50% duty cycle:


    ldx #4
    ldy #8
    stx $D300 ; 4 cycles
    lda $00   ; 3 cycles nop
    sty $D300 ; 4 cycles
    jmp loop  ; 3 cycles
Though, you'd want to have a loop timed with the RAM refresh cycles taken into account for ultimate control.
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