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Pure C pre-processor

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I'm having a difficult time getting my head around how to use C preprocessor directives in Pure C. In the English documentation, it appears as those the only #pragma option is "warn". I would like to be able to print some info out to the command window, such as __DATE__ and __TIME__ but something like #pragma message __DATE__ doesn't work nor does...


#ifdef __PUREC__

printf("Pure C version is %s", __PUREC__);



Eventually, I'd like to see if I can include different header depending on the compiler (PureC vs GCC). For example, in Pure C, v_opnvrk() exists in vdi.h but in GCC, it lives in mt_gem.h. I was thinking of handling that so that when I try to compile in both, I don't have to change the code.

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Nope, I don't know for sure. The English document doesn't specify. They also had __TURBOC__ which is supposed to mean the same thing, which is the version of the compiler. I guess it could be an Int or a float or...

So, if it's defined, then what?

Edited by Justin Payne
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Nope, I don't know for sure. The English document doesn't specify. They also had __TURBOC__ which is supposed to mean the same thing, which is the version of the compiler. I guess it could be an Int or a float or...

So, if it's defined, then what?

Its been a loooooong time since I looked at any "C" on the ST. However, in the PureC package I found online, I could see __PUREC__ used in some of the shipped header files so it should be available in your "C" code.


Try doing a printf with a sting and __DATE__ and then look in the executable with a hex editor for the human readable date that your emulator/ST is currently set to. Since its a German utility the date will most likely be in day.month.year format.

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The issue for now is that you don't know if it is a string.


printf("Pure C version is %s", __PUREC__);


may just cause a seg fault, but what you could try is


printf("Pure C version is %d", __PUREC__ + 1);


if __PUREC__ is not an integer then it will fail to compile, so now you know it may be a string, I say may because sometimes you can just define symbols for the sake of the preproc finiding them in #ifdef but they actually do not carry any info per se, not sure if back in the days it was possible, but if it was according to here http://www.cprogramming.com/reference/preprocessor/define.html it should be the "" empty string.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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  • 2 weeks later...


According to the English docs there is no support for "#pragma message" but the following will work for including headers based on the compiler.

#ifdef __PUREC__
	#include <vdi.h>
#else /* assume GCC */
	#include <mt_gem.h>

Yes, I think that might work. The printf()'s where throwing errors.



Edited by Justin Payne
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