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Thought I'd release some PacMan sfx code


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I'd always planned on doing my own Pac-Man adaptation but who knows when I'll get to it. For now, I thought someone might have fun with my Pokey code.


This does not work correctly under emulation
This is old TASM code so I apologize if the formatting is awkward
This uses a 3rd voice for the triangle mode to boost the volume.
I don't remember how the trick works, but I used an oscilloscope to figure it out.
There is commented out code which I believe was part of 'pop' mitigation attempts.
When you play a note in the triangle mode, you introduce DC offset into the output which must be managed when the note is stopped or you'll hear all kinds of clicking in the tune. This is done through:
1. ramping down the volume of channels at the end of the notes
2. leaving those channels in a state where they produce an ultra-sonic frequency that keeps the output at the DC level until the next note.
....more effects to come....

;Pac Man tune
;Bryan Edewaard
AUDF1 .equ $D200
POT0 .equ $D200
AUDC1 .equ $D201
POT1 .equ $D201
AUDF2 .equ $D202
POT2 .equ $D202
AUDC2 .equ $D203
POT3 .equ $D203
AUDF3 .equ $D204
POT4 .equ $D204
AUDC3 .equ $D205
POT5 .equ $D205
AUDF4 .equ $D206
POT6 .equ $D206
AUDC4 .equ $D207
POT7 .equ $D207
AUDCTL .equ $D208
ALLPOT .equ $D208
STIMER .equ $D209
KBCODE .equ $D209
SKREST .equ $D20A
RANDOM .equ $D20A
POTGO .equ $D20B
SEROUT .equ $D20D
SERIN .equ $D20D
IRQEN .equ $D20E
IRQST .equ $D20E
SKCTL .equ $D20F
SKSTAT .equ $D20F
time .equ  $80
note1 .equ $81
period1 .equ $82
decay1 .equ $83
note2a .equ $84
note2b .equ $85
period2 .equ $86
decay2 .equ $87
sndindex1 .equ $88
sndindex2 .equ $89
;When making a file...
.ORG $9FFA ;Make room for binary header
;Set up binary header
.db $FF, $FF, $00, $A0, $FF, $AF
;PacMan Music Code
lda #3
lda #$00
lda #$70
lda $14
sta time
ldy #$00
sty sndindex1
sty sndindex2
jmp playing2
lda $14
cmp time
beq playing ;cheap VBL test
sta time
dec period1
bne skipnote
ldy sndindex1
lda intro_ch1,y ;Get new note
cmp #$FF
bne playcont2
jmp endtune
sta note1
ldx intro_ch1,y ;Get the period
lda pertab,x ;From the table
sta period1
sty sndindex1
lda #15
sta decay1
ldx decay1
bpl decaycont
ldx #$00
stx decay1
lsr a
ldx note1
bne decaycont2
lda #$00
ora #$C0
sta AUDC4 ;Set the volume for this channel
stx AUDF4
;Lead Voice
ldy sndindex2
beq playing2b
dec period2
bne skipnote3
lda intro_ch2,y ;Get new note
cmp #$FF
beq endtune
sta note2a
lda intro_ch2,y
sta note2b
ldx intro_ch2,y ;Get the period
lda pertab,x ;From the table
sta period2
sty sndindex2
lda note2a
beq silence
; ldx #$10
; stx AUDCTL
sta AUDF1
lda note2b
sta AUDF3
lda #0
sta AUDF2
ldx #$AF
stx AUDC1
stx AUDC2
stx AUDC3
; ldx #$70
; stx COLBK
; stx AUDCTL
jmp playing ;back to wait loop (return)
jmp skipnote3
; lda #$60
ldx #$B6
stx AUDC1
stx AUDC2
stx AUDC3
; sta AUDCTL
; ldx note2b
; stx AUDF1
; stx AUDF3
; ldx #$A2
; stx AUDC1
; stx AUDC2
; stx AUDC3
; inx
; sta WSYNC
; sta WSYNC
; cpx #$B0
; bcc volup
jmp playing ;back to wait loop (return)
lda #$00
; sta AUDC1 ;because of Pokey's DC offset in triangle mode
; sta AUDC2 ;turning off all voices at once
; sta AUDC3 ;results in a POP! 
sta AUDC4 ;best method would be to turn the voices down gradually
jmp endtune
.db $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80
;Bass line (volume decay)
.db 63, 4, 0, 3, 42, 3, 63, 4, 0, 3, 40, 3, 60, 4, 0, 3
.db 40, 3, 60, 4, 0, 3, 42, 3, 63, 4, 0, 3, 42, 3, 63, 4
.db 0, 3, 42, 3, 42, 4, 37, 4, 33, 4, 31, 5, 255
.db 34, 36, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44, 44, 2, 0, 0, 2, 41, 42, 2, 0, 0, 2
.db 45, 46, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44, 44, 2, 41, 42, 2, 0, 0, 3, 45, 46, 3
.db 0, 0, 3
.db 33, 35, 2, 0, 0, 2, 43, 43, 2, 0, 0, 2, 26, 28, 2, 0, 0, 2
.db 44, 45, 2, 0, 0, 2, 43, 43, 2, 26, 28, 2, 0, 0, 3, 44, 45, 3
.db 0, 0, 3
.db 34, 36, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44, 44, 2, 0, 0, 2, 41, 42, 2, 0, 0, 2
.db 45, 46, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44, 44, 2, 41, 42, 2, 0, 0, 3, 45, 46, 3
.db 0, 0, 3
.db 31, 33, 2, 45, 46, 2, 44, 45, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44, 45, 2, 28, 30, 2
.db 41, 42, 2, 0, 0, 2, 41, 42, 2, 26, 28, 2, 25, 27, 2, 0, 0, 2
.db 44, 44, 3, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255
;File end
.ORG $B000
.db $E2, $02, $E3, $02
.WORD (start)



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BTW, let me know if it's playing correctly from the XEX (compared to the MP3 -which I made a long time ago). I extracted the code from my big messy Pac-project and don't have an A8 set up at the moment to test it.


The next bit of code will be the death sound. Here's a comparison of the original and the Pokey version.


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Btw, the first of the two versions in PACDIE.MP3 is the vastly superior, IMHO.

That's the arcade version (so it should be!). The 2nd one is as close as I got with Pokey. That doesn't mean it can't be improved.


I created these using a sample loop on a PC and an A8 both connected to an oscilloscope. I tried to find waveforms on the A8 which approximated the arcade sounds. I also made careful note of the pitch changes in the arcade sounds to match the progression of the effects. Eventually, I'd built sounds which had the same timing and pitch and a similar timbre. It's really interesting what you can do with Pokey if you work with a scope and feed it as many nonsensical settings as you can. Eventually you find something that sounds cool that perhaps no one has ever done.


The triangle effect is more complex than I originally thought and it can be tweaked beyond simply beating two HF voices off each other.

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I just tried bry_pactune.xex in Altirra set up as both NTSC and then Pal. I wanted to see how much slower it sounded with Pal, but I was surprised to find it sounded completed messed up using the Pal configuration. Are others finding the same thing, or do I have some other setting interfering with it under Pal?



Edited by bfollett
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I'd always planned on doing my own Pac-Man adaptation but who knows when I'll get to it. For now, I thought someone might have fun with my Pokey code.


This does not work correctly under emulation
This is old TASM code so I apologize if the formatting is awkward


I thought that emulation has been pretty much perfected on Altirra. Does anyone know why this does not work correctly with Altirra?

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I thought that emulation has been pretty much perfected on Altirra. Does anyone know why this does not work correctly with Altirra?

Because emulating every aspect of Pokey is a daunting task. Altirra is very compatible with existing software but some of the more advanced tricks are based on the precise interaction of very high frequency waveforms and are dependent on both the precise digital and analog properties of Pokey. The way to emulate everything is to throw a lot of CPU power behind emulating the whole circuit of Pokey rather than the expected output.

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I just tried bry_pactune.xex in Altirra set up as both NTSC and then Pal. I wanted to see how much slower it sounded with Pal, but I was surprised to find it sounded completed messed up using the Pal configuration. Are others finding the same thing, or do I have some other setting interfering with it under Pal?



It sounds worse under Altirra in PAL for me too. Has anyone run it on a PAL machine?

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I ran the first program on my 7800 POKEY Dev Cart! It sounds fine but the triangle channel is too quite compared to the bass line. It's hard to hear in fact. Is there some way to boost the volume? Or do we just need to reduce the volume of the bass channel?

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The triangle doesn't swing very far unfortunately. It's actually a wave that swings between the DC average of a square wave and the somewhat different level produced when one voice is high and another low. The trick is to find ways to push those two levels apart.


Is the main voice lower on the dev cart than in the MP3?

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I haven't listened to the two side by side, but it is noticeably lower. This was the same problem I ran into when I was experimenting with the technique on my 400.


Maybe playing around with the volumes of the voices would help.

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I wonder if it has to do with the way Pokey's output is connected in the 7800 cart. Perhaps the triangle doesn't work as well there.


Maybe at some point you can send me a WAV or MP3 of it and I can see what it looks like.

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I did a simple test trying different combinations of volumes on audc1,audc2,audc3. Two combinations gave me better volume for the triangle wave. But I need to do another test to make sure it's repeatable. What I did was try 8 combinations of $AF and $A5. These two combinations gave good results.


1) audc1=$A5, audc2=$AF, audc3=$AF

2) audc1=$AF, audc2=$A5, audc3=$AF

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I did a simple test trying different combinations of volumes on audc1,audc2,audc3. Two combinations gave me better volume for the triangle wave. But I need to do another test to make sure it's repeatable. What I did was try 8 combinations of $AF and $A5. These two combinations gave good results.


1) audc1=$A5, audc2=$AF, audc3=$AF

2) audc1=$AF, audc2=$A5, audc3=$AF

Interesting. I'll be leaving for a week but when I get a little time I'll post scope captures of what it gives me.


If I remember correctly, C1 and C2 are 1.8MHz & 16-bit joined. Normally, you turn off C1 in 16-bit mode, but I discovered that leaving them both on made for a louder signal (need to re-investigate why). Perhaps it's that I'm not using the 16-bit range and instead I have both channels toggling together.


Channel 3 is the other Hi Freq channel needed for the phase effect that makes the triangle.


Looks like C4 is 4-bit poly...

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