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Combat like rotation


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I cannot find out how to do a rotating vehicle like in Combat, Asteroids, or Indy 500 etc. The only way I could think of is if joy0left && f < 39 && f > 29 then player0: and so on until it reaches the end and resets f to 0. Does anyone else know a better way to do this where the sprites will look nice?





I am trying to make a plane like Combat

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Not sure this will be what you want but it
might give you some ideas.

Here all the sprites data is in a table
called ships and the sprite pointer is
pointed to the correct spot in the table

  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim swfl = s
  dim swsv = t

  rem I prefer shorter names

  dim p0plo = player0pointerlo
  dim p0phi = player0pointerhi
  dim p0ptr = p0phi.p0plo
  dim dtmp = temp2.temp1

  rem name the bytes of the sprite table location

  const shipslo = <ships
  const shipshi = >ships

  const upper_limit = shipslo + 105

  rem start with the first entry in the table

  p0plo = shipslo
  p0phi = shipshi

  player0height = 6

  COLUBK = $64
  COLUPF = $1F

  COLUBK = 0
  COLUPF = $64
  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2

  player0x = 110 : player0y = 44
  player1x = 80 : player1y = 54



  rem sets a bit in swfl if a switch was not pressed last time
  rem and is pressed this time. bit 7 is right. bit 6 is left

  swfl = ((SWCHA ^ $F0) & swsv) & $F0 : swsv = SWCHA

  rem increments or decrements the sprite pointer by 7
  rem ie the number of rows per sprite, and wraps at the limits
  rem there are 16 sprites (and so 16 possible orientations)
  rem in the table, 0..15 15 * 7 = 105  
  rem since the table is page aligned shipslo should always be 0

  if swfl{6} then p0plo = p0plo + 7 : if p0plo > upper_limit then p0plo = shipslo
  if swfl{7} then p0plo = p0plo - 7 : if p0plo = 249 then p0plo = 105 

  rem displays the low byte of the pointer on the screen
  rem $55 is just for reference to show which bits are which  

  var36 = p0plo
  var40 = $55

  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2
  goto main

  align 256

  data ships
  $10, $10, $38, $38, $7C, $7C, $00, $08, $18, $38, $78, $F8, $38, $08
  $00, $0C, $3C, $F8, $78, $30, $10, $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $78, $30, $20
  $00, $60, $78, $7E, $78, $60, $00, $20, $30, $78, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $10, $30, $78, $F8, $3C, $0C, $00, $08, $38, $F8, $78, $38, $18, $08
  $00, $7C, $7C, $38, $38, $10, $10, $20, $38, $3E, $3C, $38, $30, $20
  $10, $18, $3C, $3E, $78, $60, $00, $08, $18, $3C, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $00, $0C, $3C, $FC, $3C, $0C, $00, $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $3C, $18, $08
  $00, $60, $78, $3E, $3C, $18, $10, $20, $30, $38, $3C, $3E, $38, $20
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Not sure this will be what you want but it

might give you some ideas.


Here all the sprites data is in a table

called ships and the sprite pointer is

pointed to the correct spot in the table



  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim swfl = s
  dim swsv = t

  rem I prefer shorter names

  dim p0plo = player0pointerlo
  dim p0phi = player0pointerhi
  dim p0ptr = p0phi.p0plo
  dim dtmp = temp2.temp1

  rem name the bytes of the sprite table location

  const shipslo = <ships
  const shipshi = >ships

  const upper_limit = shipslo + 105

  rem start with the first entry in the table

  p0plo = shipslo
  p0phi = shipshi

  player0height = 6

  COLUBK = $64
  COLUPF = $1F

  COLUBK = 0
  COLUPF = $64
  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2

  player0x = 110 : player0y = 44
  player1x = 80 : player1y = 54



  rem sets a bit in swfl if a switch was not pressed last time
  rem and is pressed this time. bit 7 is right. bit 6 is left

  swfl = ((SWCHA ^ $F0) & swsv) & $F0 : swsv = SWCHA

  rem increments or decrements the sprite pointer by 7
  rem ie the number of rows per sprite, and wraps at the limits
  rem there are 16 sprites (and so 16 possible orientations)
  rem in the table, 0..15 15 * 7 = 105  
  rem since the table is page aligned shipslo should always be 0

  if swfl{6} then p0plo = p0plo + 7 : if p0plo > upper_limit then p0plo = shipslo
  if swfl{7} then p0plo = p0plo - 7 : if p0plo = 249 then p0plo = 105 

  rem displays the low byte of the pointer on the screen
  rem $55 is just for reference to show which bits are which  

  var36 = p0plo
  var40 = $55

  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2
  goto main

  align 256

  data ships
  $10, $10, $38, $38, $7C, $7C, $00, $08, $18, $38, $78, $F8, $38, $08
  $00, $0C, $3C, $F8, $78, $30, $10, $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $78, $30, $20
  $00, $60, $78, $7E, $78, $60, $00, $20, $30, $78, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $10, $30, $78, $F8, $3C, $0C, $00, $08, $38, $F8, $78, $38, $18, $08
  $00, $7C, $7C, $38, $38, $10, $10, $20, $38, $3E, $3C, $38, $30, $20
  $10, $18, $3C, $3E, $78, $60, $00, $08, $18, $3C, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $00, $0C, $3C, $FC, $3C, $0C, $00, $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $3C, $18, $08
  $00, $60, $78, $3E, $3C, $18, $10, $20, $30, $38, $3C, $3E, $38, $20


That works great, but how would I go about making my own sprite table?

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Here's a slightly different version that uses
a variable, shipo for the ship orientation
It's limited to 0..15 and the sprite pointer
is set from that using a times 7 multiplication

I broke the ships table in to individual sprites
one sprite per line except for sprite 0 which
I've converted to binary

  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim swfl = s
  dim swsv = t
  dim shipo = o

  rem I prefer shorter names

  dim p0plo = player0pointerlo
  dim p0phi = player0pointerhi
  dim p0ptr = p0phi.p0plo
  dim dtmp = temp2.temp1

  rem name the bytes of the sprite table location

  const shipslo = <ships
  const shipshi = >ships

  const upper_limit = shipslo + 105

  rem start with the first entry in the table

  p0plo = shipslo
  p0phi = shipshi

  player0height = 6

  shipo = 0

  COLUBK = $64
  COLUPF = $1F

  COLUBK = 0
  COLUPF = $64
  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2

  player0x = 110 : player0y = 44
  player1x = 80 : player1y = 54



  rem sets a bit in swfl if a switch was not pressed last time
  rem and is pressed this time. bit 7 is right. bit 6 is left

  swfl = ((SWCHA ^ $F0) & swsv) & $F0 : swsv = SWCHA

  rem increments or decrements the shipo (ship orientation) by 1
  rem and since the number of possible sprites is 16 and 16 is
  rem a power of 2 wrapping is implimented by ANDing shipo with $0F
  rem p0plo is then set using a multipication table (times7)

  if swfl{6} then shipo = shipo + 1
  if swfl{7} then shipo = shipo - 1
  shipo = shipo & $0F
  p0plo = times7[shipo]  

  rem displays the low byte of the pointer on the screen
  rem $55 is just for reference to show which bits are which  

  var36 = p0plo
  var40 = $55

  COLUP0 = $28
  COLUP1 = $D2
  goto main

  align 256

  rem here I've broken the table in to individual sprites
  rem and converted the first entry to binary. notice that
  rem the data is flipped relative to how it appears on screen
  rem (here the ship 0 is pointing up, on screen ship 0 points down)

  data ships

  $08, $18, $38, $78, $F8, $38, $08
  $00, $0C, $3C, $F8, $78, $30, $10
  $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $78, $30, $20
  $00, $60, $78, $7E, $78, $60, $00
  $20, $30, $78, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $10, $30, $78, $F8, $3C, $0C, $00
  $08, $38, $F8, $78, $38, $18, $08
  $00, $7C, $7C, $38, $38, $10, $10
  $20, $38, $3E, $3C, $38, $30, $20
  $10, $18, $3C, $3E, $78, $60, $00
  $08, $18, $3C, $7C, $FE, $00, $00
  $00, $0C, $3C, $FC, $3C, $0C, $00
  $00, $00, $FE, $7C, $3C, $18, $08
  $00, $60, $78, $3E, $3C, $18, $10
  $20, $30, $38, $3C, $3E, $38, $20

  data times7
  $00, $07, $0E, $15, $1C, $23, $2A, $31, $38, $3F, $46, $4D, $54, $5B, $62, $69
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What I did recently was divide by 15 like this :


lda RotationVar ;(0-255)

and #$F0





tay ;Y = 0-15


So doesn't matter what value are in rotationvar, it's always be 0 to 15 (16 directions)


Naturally, inc rotationvar if you press left, or dec rotationvar if you press right.


Sorry I don't know how to translate this for BatariBasic.

Edited by LS_Dracon
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