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Help with hello world in MADS


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I am playing around with this Hello World program in MADS. Unfourtnatley I don't remeber where I found it. Anyway how do I change the color of the text? Maybe someone can explain what the different lines of code do? And where the code differs from the Atari Assembler cartridge?


Here is the code:


; "Hello world" in 6502 assembly language for 8-bit Atari.
org $3000
main lda #$21
sta $22f
lda #<dl
sta $230
lda #>dl
sta $231
jmp *
text dta d' HELLO, ',d'WORLD! '*
; Display List
dl dta b($70),b($70),b($70),b($47),a(text),b($41),a(dl)
org $2e0
dta a(main)
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You can change text by manipulating the colour registers, usual method is change the shadow registers in RAM.


The example you have uses Antic Mode 7 aka Graphics 2 which allows 4 colours for the displayed text.

The high 2 bits of the character codes determine which colour is selected for each character.

In Basic you'd normally select text colour by having the text as either caps/lower case, inverse video or not. For the alpha chars that is sufficient to select the colour per character. For the numerals and available special characters, the inverse bit works but the alternate characters to get the other 2 colours are different.


Not sure with MADS, some assemblers have .byte or dta directive that allows adding a fixed constant to the text, you could use that with $40,$80,$C0 to get the extra colour selections.

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here we go...



I am playing around with this Hello World program in MADS. Unfourtnatley I don't remeber where I found it. Anyway how do I change the color of the text? Maybe someone can explain what the different lines of code do? And where the code differs from the Atari Assembler cartridge?


Here is the code:

; "Hello world" in 6502 assembly language for 8-bit Atari.

; Assembler: http://xasm.atari.org/ or http://mads.atari8.info/

org $3000                                                  ; Start address of your code, should be between $2000 and $a000 to be sure it loads from most DOS
main lda #$21                                              ; main is a label
sta $22f                                                   ; write #$21 into $22f -> DMA on
lda #<dl                                                   ; load low part of the address of label dl into accumulator
sta $230                                                   ; write it into the low part of DL vector
lda #>dl                                                   ; now go for the high part of dl
sta $231                                                   ; write it into the high part of DL vector
jmp *                                                      ; endless jump to itselves

text dta d' HELLO, ',d'WORLD!  '*                          ; text is label; dta d writes things between ' ' into memory the star at the end is for adding 128 to each char,
                                                           ; so WORLD! becomes another colour. Try: dta d' HeLlO, ',d'WoRlD!  '*

; Display List
dl dta b($70),b($70),b($70),b($47),a(text),b($41),a(dl)    ; dl is label used in the upper code, $70 := 8 blank lines (or a full char line),
                                                           ; $47 := load memory address and set to charmode like BASIC GR. 2,
                                                           ; a(text) := store the address of text here,
                                                           ; b($41),a(dl) := ANTIC needs to know that the dl is over and where the start is for next run
org $2e0                                                   ; following code will be compiled to $2e0 (RUN address of a compiled programme)
dta a(main)                                                ; at least we have to set it to main


There are several things, that could be done in other ways on MADS.


So the Code could look like this, too:

; "Hello world" in 6502 assembly language for 8-bit Atari.
; Assembler: http://xasm.atari.or...ds.atari8.info/
; shorter version using MADS opcodes

org $3000
main lda #$21
sta $22f
mwa #dl $230
jmp *
text dta d' HELLO, ',d'WORLD!  '*
; Display List
dl dta $70,$70,$70,$47,a(text),$41,a(dl)
run main

Here it is hard to read, where the labels are. To have it better for the eyes - and to have better error research - I always write my code with tabs before asm and no tabs before a label



; quick and dirty specnotes - january 2011 - pps

hposp0    = $D000
hposp1    = $D001
hposp2    = $D002
hposp3    = $D003
hposm0    = $D004
hposm1    = $D005
hposm2    = $D006
hposm3    = $D007
sizep0    = $D008
sizep1    = $D009
sizep2    = $D00A
sizep3    = $D00B
sizem    = $D00C
colpm0    = $D012
colpm1    = $D013
colpm2    = $D014
colpm3    = $D015
color0    = $D016
color1    = $D017
color2    = $D018
color3    = $D019
colbak    = $D01A
gtictl    = $D01B
pmcntl    = $D01D
hitclr    = $D01E
skctl    = $D20F
portb    = $D301
dmactl    = $D400
dlptr    = $D402
vscrol    = $D405
pmbase    = $D407
chbase    = $D409
wsync    = $D40A
vcount    = $D40B
nmien    = $D40E
nmist    = $D40F


    org $a000

ant    dta $70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$f0,$42,a(scr),$70
    dta $02,$0,$02,$40,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02,$0,$02
    dta $40,$02
    dta $41,a(ant)


    mwa #ant 560        ;DL an
    mwa #dli 512        ;dann neuen eintragen

    lda #7            ;VBI
    ldx >vbi        ;wird
    ldy <vbi        ;jetzt
    jsr $e45c        ;angeschaltet

    mva #$c0 $d40e        ;und an

    mva #$ff skctl
l    lda skctl
    cmp #$ff
    beq l

    jmp $e477

c1    dta 0    ;aim $06
c2    dta 0    ;aim $0e


dli    pha

    lda #$E0
    sta chbase
    lda #$00
    sta colbak
    lda c1
    sta color1
    lda c2
    sta color2
    sta wsync



dli2    pha

    lda #$E0
    sta chbase
    lda #$00
    sta colbak
    lda #$0e
    sta color2
    lda #$06
    sta color1
    ldx #0
l1    sta wsync
    cpx zaehl
    bne l1
    ldx #$06
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync
    stx color1
    stx wsync



dli3    pha

    lda #$E0
    sta chbase
    lda #$00
    sta colbak
    lda #$06
    sta color1
    lda #$0e
    sta color2


zaehl    dta 0

vbi    lda zaehl
    cmp #$5
    bmi vbiout

    mva #0 zaehl
    lda c2
    cmp #$0e
    beq set_c1
    inc c2
    inc c1
    jmp vbiend
set_c1    mva #0 zaehl
    lda #7            ;VBI
    ldx >vbi2        ;wird
    ldy <vbi2        ;jetzt
    jsr $e45c        ;angeschaltet
    jmp $e462        ;VBI zuende und weiter mit System

vbiout    inc zaehl
vbiend    mwa #dli 512
    jmp $e462        ;VBI zuende und weiter mit System


vbi2    mwa #dli2 512
    lda zaehl
    cmp #120
    bpl set_v3
    inc zaehl
    jmp $e462        ;VBI zuende und weiter mit System

set_v3    lda #7            ;VBI
    ldx >vbi3        ;wird
    ldy <vbi3        ;jetzt
    jsr $e45c        ;angeschaltet
    jmp $e462        ;VBI zuende und weiter mit System


vbi3    mwa #dli3 512
    jmp $e462        ;VBI zuende und weiter mit System


    org $a800
    dta d'Some notes Rybags gave about Spectipede:'
    dta d'-'*
    dta d' The game should be able to run on a   '
    dta d'  32K machine so I',b(7),d'm targetting at that.'
    dta d'-'*
    dta d' It should be noted it',b(7),d's a conversion  '
    dta d'  of a budget 2.99 game from Master-    '
    dta d'  tronic for the Commodore Plus/4. It',b(7),d's '
    dta d'  got a bit of a bug in the game where  '
    dta d'  sometimes you can run into an enemy   '
    dta d'  without harm. Other times you get     '
    dta d'  killed. Maybe it',b(7),d's the reason it was  '
    dta d'  made into a budget title.             '
    dta d'-'*
    dta d' Be aware about a future VBXE version! '

    run mainload

... the text editor is far better than this web code tool :)

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