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Source Code Released! Scrolling MCS, PMU & RMT


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10 Years ago I wrote an interactive demo. It works on a stock XL/XE ATARI. It uses:


- Scrolling MCS

- Scrolling Antic 4

- Scrolling PMU, using no PMBASE but direct GRAFP0 - GRAFP3

- Quad width PMU sprites to add some extra colours; the PMUs can increase the number of graphics colours up to 6

- A series of DLIs


Last week I researched the source code, and now I remember what I did all then. I realize that the source code uses a general multi purpose structure, so another user can implement different antic 4 fonts and colours. The antic 4 field and the scrolling PMU field can be replaced by a totally different map.


I rewrote a small update today, and here I release the source code. Now it's quite easy to change the data maps. It is restricted to 5 blocks of 4 kB, LMS commands at every antic 4 line, with respect to ANTIC; 352 character columns (i.e. x-direction) and 54 character rows (i.e. y-direction).



More explanation of the source code includes:


'mappmucg.asx': The scrolling PMU world has 2 index maps of 256 bytes each. The colour map uses bit 0 and 1 to select which 'Player' number to programm. The other bits from 2 to 7 select a palette colour value (see 'main.asx'). The GRAFP data is listed in the 2nd index map.


'mapxpmu.asx': This is the map of index numbers related to the y-x-positions of the PMUs.


'mapyantic4.asx': This is the antic 4 map, and it uses canonical x-y-positions.



More explanation of the file maps (see the zip file):


'Basis SMB3 Instrumentarium': It uses 100 Hz commands, using RMT 125 Patch 3

'Basis SMB3 Moon Patrol': It uses 50 Hz commands, using RMT 125

'Basis SMB3 Silence': No RMT commands at all



MCS = 'Multiple Coloured Screen'

PMU = 'Player Missile Underlay'

DLI = 'Display List Interrupt'

RMT = 'RaSter Music Tracker'




AtariAge Forums - Atari Systems - Atari 8-Bit Computers - Scrolling MCS, PMU & Instrumentarium tune

AtariAge Forums - Atari Systems - Atari 8-Bit Computers - Instrumentarium: Final release, links & summary


Edited by analmux
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I'm thinking about a slight modification to get rid of the 'asl @' / 'lsr @' commands in one of the 'colorupdate' subroutines in 'main.asx':


val 0 -> bit 7

bit 1 -> bit 6

bit 0 -> bit 5

bit 6 -> bit 4

bit 5 -> bit 3

bit 4 -> bit 2

bit 3 -> bit 1

bit 2 -> bit 0



Old version:


	lda	z_cuf
	bne	cup_0
cup_0	cmp	#1
	bne	cup_1
	mva	#16		z_tmp0
	mva	#RIGHTX		z_px
	jmp	cup_2
cup_1	cmp	#2
	bne	cup_2
	mva	#253		z_tmp0
	mva	#LEFTX		z_px
cup_2	lda	z_colx
	add	z_tmp0
	lda	Bartabl,x
	sta	z_sour
	lda	Bartabh,x
	sta	z_sour+1
	ldy	#0
cup_4	lda	(z_sour),y
	beq	cup_3
	lda	names0,x
	sta	z_tmp0
	lda	names0+256,x
	sta	z_tmp1
	lda	z_tmp0
	and	#3
	asl	@
	asl	@
	asl	@
	asl	@
	asl	@
	sta	z_dest
	mva	#$87	z_dest+1
	lda	z_px	
	sta	(z_dest),y
	lda	z_dest
	ora	#128
	sta	z_dest
	lda	z_tmp0
	and	#252
	lsr	@
	lsr	@
	lda	palette,x
	sta	(z_dest),y
	inc	z_dest+1
	lda	z_tmp1
	sta	(z_dest),y
cup_3	iny
	cpy	#27
	bne	cup_4
	jmp	pmcheck

New version:


	lda	z_cuf
	bne	cup_0
cup_0	cmp	#1
	bne	cup_1
	mva	#16		z_tmp0
	mva	#RIGHTX		z_px
	jmp	cup_2
cup_1	cmp	#2
	bne	cup_2
	mva	#253		z_tmp0
	mva	#LEFTX		z_px
cup_2	lda	z_colx
	add	z_tmp0
	lda	Bartabl,x
	sta	z_sour
	lda	Bartabh,x
	sta	z_sour+1
	ldy	#0
cup_4	lda	(z_sour),y
	beq	cup_3
	lda	names0,x
	sta	z_tmp0
	lda	names0+256,x
	sta	z_tmp1
	lda	z_tmp0
	and	#96
	sta	z_dest
	mva	#$87	z_dest+1
	lda	z_px	
	sta	(z_dest),y
	lda	z_dest
	ora	#128
	sta	z_dest
	lda	z_tmp0
	and	#31
	lda	palette,x
	sta	(z_dest),y
	inc	z_dest+1
	lda	z_tmp1
	sta	(z_dest),y
cup_3	iny
	cpy	#27
	bne	cup_4
	jmp	pmcheck
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Then we need to modify the 'mappmuc' table in 'mappmucg.asx' also:



Old version:


	dta $00,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04,$05
	dta $06,$07,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04,$05,$06,$07,$04
	dta $05,$06,$04,$05,$04,$05,$06,$0B,$04,$05,$06,$04,$05,$0B,$04,$05
	dta $06,$07,$04,$0B,$0B,$04,$05,$06,$07,$0B,$04,$0B,$0B,$0B,$0B,$05
	dta $0B,$04,$05,$07,$04,$05,$06,$0A,$0B,$04,$07,$04,$05,$06,$0A,$0B
	dta $04,$09,$06,$07,$04,$0A,$04,$09,$06,$07,$04,$0C,$0D,$0A,$09,$07
	dta $04,$0F,$06,$0A,$0C,$0D,$0A,$09,$07,$04,$08,$0E,$06,$0A,$0B,$08
	dta $0D,$0A,$09,$0A,$07,$04,$08,$09,$0F,$08,$09,$06,$0A,$0B,$08,$0D
	dta $08,$09,$0A,$09,$0A,$07,$04,$08,$09,$0F,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$08,$09
	dta $0A,$0B,$08,$09,$0B,$08,$0D,$0B,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$08,$09,$0A,$07
	dta $04,$08,$09,$0A,$0F,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0A,$0B,$08,$0D,$0A,$0B,$08
	dta $09,$0A,$0B,$08,$09,$0A,$07,$04,$05,$0F,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00

New version:


	dta $00,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01,$21
	dta $41,$61,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01,$21,$41,$61,$01
	dta $21,$41,$01,$21,$01,$21,$41,$62,$01,$21,$41,$01,$21,$62,$01,$21
	dta $41,$61,$01,$62,$62,$01,$21,$41,$61,$62,$01,$62,$62,$62,$62,$21
	dta $62,$01,$21,$61,$01,$21,$41,$42,$62,$01,$61,$01,$21,$41,$42,$62
	dta $01,$22,$41,$61,$01,$42,$01,$22,$41,$61,$01,$03,$23,$42,$22,$61
	dta $01,$63,$41,$42,$03,$23,$42,$22,$61,$01,$02,$43,$41,$42,$62,$02
	dta $23,$42,$22,$42,$61,$01,$02,$22,$63,$02,$22,$41,$42,$62,$02,$23
	dta $02,$22,$42,$22,$42,$61,$01,$02,$22,$63,$02,$22,$42,$62,$02,$22
	dta $42,$62,$02,$22,$62,$02,$23,$62,$02,$22,$42,$62,$02,$22,$42,$61
	dta $01,$02,$22,$42,$63,$02,$22,$42,$62,$42,$62,$02,$23,$42,$62,$02
	dta $22,$42,$62,$02,$22,$42,$61,$01,$21,$63,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
	dta $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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And here's the download, with a new song included:


'Basis SMB3 Instrumentarium': It uses 100 Hz commands, using RMT 125 Patch 3

'Basis SMB3 King Crimson Level Five': It uses 100 Hz commands, using RMT 128 Patch 8

'Basis SMB3 Moon Patrol': It uses 50 Hz commands, using RMT 125

'Basis SMB3 Silence': No RMT commands at all


Edited by analmux
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