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kiwilove's Blog - Kiwilove's Blog - Proper start to it


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First a run down of what people may already know about me?


Firstly - I only designed the graphics for the projects I worked with on. The first game being Laser Hawk - which was 'Hot Copter' - that was Andrew's title for it - but Red Rat wanted something hotter - namely Laser Hawk.

That Hot Copter got distributed around, ie. passed around was due to Red Rat's own lack of security - and I was very particular about the security of the demo copy of Hot Copter.

I did not work on the sound effects - Andrew did all of that - or rather he borrowed from other programs - ie. BASIC ones.

I did work with AndrIew on the overall game design for Hawkquest. It's amazing how much you forget from back then, on the details concerning this epic game. Paul Lay helped with a couple of the utilities - firstly in modifying Fontbyter so that it could satisfactorily handle the Secondary game maps, and allowing us to use his Graphics 9 character utility - enabling us to make use of Graphics 9 redefined characters.

I did work with Paul on several games as such - for A8, Atari ST, PC and SNES.


However our current work on GTIABlast!/AtariBLAST! looks to be our most successful to date - somehow all the elements coming together in this project make it what it is.


Perhaps it's illustrative of the difference between - of those who have 'experience' on their side, compared to say Centron-3D - someone who is putting together their very first project. That you cannot expect too much from your very first project - so, Centron-3D was way overhyped for what it is. I don't like the overall design of that project - the Amiga video is a bit of a let down - it does not use its target hardware to it's advantage - but is the opposite.


My real interest these days is to venture out into the writing/producing/etc field.


I take a keen interest dealing with ideas and concepts - in general, etc.


A revelation I've come to recently - is that the stories we've been told - are all wrong, embody the wrong kind of ideas/concepts/etc etc - in all the various media/storytelling etc etc.


I am very much anti-religion - and anti-violence.


World religions foster incorrect ideas etc - ie. false ideas and concepts. Their basic premise is wrong/incorrect.

Also they are not truly spiritual organisations etc etc - but purely political entities etc - which put on a pretense of being 'spiritual'. They are certainly power-based (focused) as such. They gain their power by proxy - by speaking for their 'God' all the time. Said God never speaks in current times - but is only referenced back in so-called historical/religious text.

We all know this text has been edited and rewritten extensively - and is very much unreliable. The Koran is no exception to this kind of corruption and distortion.


What is not plainly said today - is that anyone who uses murder and killing to get their ends - are just thugs - and should not be recognised by any government, etc etc. Any government which uses this method - also can be accused of being a thuggery government - whether it be the USA, Russia, China, etc etc.

The only way to stop violence - is to not commit it in the first place. Using violence to end violence never works - it only endorses the use of violence - and you'll never end up with world peace, nor a peaceful world.


World peace is possible - if the first law is - do no harm. To recognise that war is always madness - and is the end of civilisation.







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