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OSS Basic XL 1.02 Source Code

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Yes, for XE, there is only: BASIC XE Extension Disk.atr


SIMPLREL.ACT: Alfred, you did already major impacts to the community and now, one more? Christmas in February?


We have searched everywhere, every disk available, but didn't found that file. If it is on your tooldisk, then OSS did publish different disk version. We have bought the original disks and there were no file like the above. If you have it, that means therefore even more! Would be cool to compare the contents. Here are our ones:











Can't wait for your answer... :)

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The actual disks are packed away somewhere, I just copied all the files to my hard drive.


; Copyright © 1984 OSS, Inc.

; Permission is granted to change, duplicate, or distribute this program
; free of charge, provided:
; 1. This copyright message is retained intact.
; 2. The program is not sold for profit.

DEFINE File1 = "1",
File2 = "2",
OutFile = "3"

PROC Relocate()
BYTE ARRAY name1( 20 ),
name2( 20 ),
outName( 20 )
BYTE destPage, c1, c2, basePage

; Ask user for file names,
Print( "File 1: " )
InputS( name1 )
Print( "File 2: " )
InputS( name2 )
Print( "Relocated file: " )
InputS( outName )

; address of first file,
Print( "Page of file 1 (decimal): " )
basePage = InputB()

; and destination address (page number)
Print( "Destination page (decimal): " )
destPage = InputB()
Print( "Relocating to page " )
PrintBE( destPage )

; Open the files
Close( File1 )
Open( File1, name1, 4, 0 )
Close( File2 )
Open( File2, name2, 4, 0 )
Close( OutFile )
Open( OutFile, outName, 8, 0 )

; And perform the relocation
; Get one byte from each file
c1 = GetD( File1 )
c2 = GetD( File2 )

; Check for end of file
IF Eof( File1 ) THEN

; If bytes differ, then relocate
IF c1 = c2 THEN
PutD( OutFile, c1 )
ELSEIF (c2-c1 = 1) OR (c1-c2 = 1)
; Bytes differ by exactly one page - relocate.
PutD( OutFile, c1-basePage+destPage )
; Bytes differ by more than one page - error!
PrintE( "Object files are not 1 page apart!" )
PrintE( "Aborting program..." )

Close( File1 )
Close( File2 )
Close( OutFile )

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This is what I have from the various toolkit disks

Directory: ACTLIB

ABS ACT 317 5-20-03 9:27p
ALLOCATE ACT 2778 5-20-03 9:27p
CHARTEST ACT 1447 5-20-03 9:27p
CIRCLE ACT 1049 5-20-03 9:27p
CONSOLE ACT 1595 5-20-03 9:27p
IO ACT 1898 5-20-03 9:27p
JOYSTIX ACT 842 5-20-03 9:27p
PMG ACT 5693 5-20-03 9:27p
PRINTF ACT 3886 5-20-03 9:27p
REAL ACT 4995 5-20-03 9:27p
SORT ACT 5962 5-20-03 9:27p
TURTLE ACT 2575 5-20-03 9:27p
DETOK ACT 7042 5-20-03 9:27p
AIRHOCK ACT 14309 5-20-03 9:27p
ANCHECK2 ACT 1306 5-20-03 9:27p
ASSEM ACT 1889 5-20-03 9:27p
ASSEMDOC ACT 8075 5-20-03 9:27p
AUTO ACT 1977 5-20-03 9:27p
BIGST ACT 1291 5-20-03 9:27p
BIRD ACT 2535 5-20-03 9:27p
BKEXT ACT 1787 5-20-03 9:27p
BKPRT ACT 812 5-20-03 9:27p
BLKIO ACT 1603 5-20-03 9:27p
CATCH ACT 2327 5-20-03 9:27p
CDIV ACT 1515 5-20-03 9:27p
CHAIN ACT 1323 5-20-03 9:27p
CMPTODSK ACT 5125 5-20-03 9:27p
COMEX ACT 1536 5-20-03 9:27p
COMP ACT 2834 5-20-03 9:27p
COM_EXEC ACT 1536 5-20-03 9:27p
CONFIGSP ACT 2403 5-20-03 9:27p
CRC ACT 4356 5-20-03 9:27p
CURSOR ACT 4777 5-20-03 9:27p
DEFAULTS ACT 190 5-20-03 9:27p
DIRCHK ACT 4081 5-20-03 9:27p
DLIXAMPL ACT 1544 5-20-03 9:27p
DOS322 ACT 12994 5-20-03 9:27p
DRAWUTIL ACT 2959 5-20-03 9:27p
ECHOLIST ACT 690 5-20-03 9:27p
EPSONCHR ACT 8518 5-20-03 9:27p
FADE2 ACT 3610 5-20-03 9:28p
FADE2DAT ACT 3928 5-20-03 9:28p
FADE2MSG ACT 634 5-20-03 9:28p
FATCHK ACT 11714 5-20-03 9:28p
FATPRT ACT 3778 5-20-03 9:28p
FMTLIST ACT 5912 5-20-03 9:28p
FORK ACT 5870 5-20-03 9:28p
FORMAT ACT 5158 5-20-03 9:28p
FREE ACT 1706 5-20-03 9:28p
FREEMEM ACT 1705 5-20-03 9:28p
FUBAR ACT 2040 5-20-03 9:28p
FUJI ACT 3002 5-20-03 9:28p
GETADOC ACT 1372 5-20-03 9:28p
GETARGS ACT 1689 5-20-03 9:28p
GR8TEXT ACT 2144 5-20-03 9:28p
GRAPHICS ACT 6977 5-20-03 9:28p
INVERSE ACT 1820 5-20-03 9:28p
IOCB ACT 3660 5-20-03 9:28p
IOFUNC ACT 6566 5-20-03 9:28p
LLACT ACT 13846 5-20-03 9:28p
LODPT ACT 3797 5-20-03 9:28p
LOOK ACT 377 5-20-03 9:28p
MAZE ACT 9484 5-20-03 9:28p
MENU ACT 2241 5-20-03 9:28p
MFBOUNCE ACT 11451 5-20-03 9:28p
MINIDOS ACT 3971 5-20-03 9:28p
PAINT ACT 718 5-20-03 9:28p
PDBATCH ACT 11000 5-20-03 9:28p
PDEDIT ACT 16140 5-20-03 9:28p
PDPRINT ACT 2163 5-20-03 9:28p
PDSYS ACT 4771 5-20-03 9:28p
PICTURE ACT 8608 5-20-03 9:28p
POPUP ACT 3611 5-20-03 9:28p
PORT ACT 2939 5-20-03 9:28p
PULSE ACT 2738 5-20-03 9:28p
RELDOC ACT 3090 5-20-03 9:28p
RELGEN ACT 5432 5-20-03 9:28p
RELOC ACT 1492 5-20-03 9:28p
RELOCATE ACT 1594 5-20-03 9:28p
RLE ACT 3337 5-20-03 9:28p
RTADDR ACT 3469 5-20-03 9:28p
RTADR ACT 3469 5-20-03 9:28p
RTM ACT 9526 5-20-03 9:28p
RUNTIME ACT 9725 5-20-03 9:28p
SAMTERM ACT 6903 5-20-03 9:28p
SCRDEMO ACT 324 5-20-03 9:28p
SCRNDMP1 ACT 3290 5-20-03 9:28p
SCRNDMP2 ACT 2935 5-20-03 9:28p
SECTIO ACT 1843 5-20-03 9:28p
SIMPLREL ACT 1804 5-20-03 9:28p
SIZE ACT 412 5-20-03 9:28p
SORTDIR ACT 7009 5-20-03 9:28p
SORTSCRN ACT 6045 5-20-03 9:28p
SPARTA ACT 1081 5-20-03 9:28p
SPLASH3 ACT 2364 5-20-03 9:28p
SPLASH4 ACT 3187 5-20-03 9:28p
SPRINTF ACT 18519 5-20-03 9:28p
SRT ACT 6978 5-20-03 9:28p
ST ACT 6123 5-20-03 9:28p
STARS3D ACT 4753 5-20-03 9:28p
STATUS ACT 969 5-20-03 9:28p
STDOC ACT 578 5-20-03 9:28p
STRINGS ACT 4966 5-20-03 9:28p
TERM ACT 7188 5-20-03 9:28p
TERM1 ACT 5231 5-20-03 9:28p
TERM2 ACT 2850 5-20-03 9:28p
TERMINAL ACT 2431 5-20-03 9:28p
TIMEACT ACT 4963 5-20-03 9:28p
TLTLOGO ACT 5685 5-20-03 9:28p
TODOS ACT 737 5-20-03 9:28p
TRAP ACT 1059 5-20-03 9:28p
VIEWCRPT ACT 20792 5-20-03 9:28p
WINDOW ACT 3709 5-20-03 9:28p
WINDOWS ACT 10277 5-20-03 9:28p
XINIT ACT 7626 5-20-03 9:29p
ZEROFREE ACT 8571 5-20-03 9:29p

Actually, ZEROFREE is not from a toolkit. As I recall it was a typein from Analog.

Edited by Alfred
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Found yes, but not released. I work on that the most. But please, every step needs its time. Stand by.


Yesterday, I had contact to two persons, who have CX401...


CX406 can be found here:


AtariWiki V3: Atari Personal Financial Management System


For all the big things, it seems, the time is now...

Edited by luckybuck
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