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Back to harmony menu without power off/on ?


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Nope, still working on Bus Stuffing. After that's done, Draconian will be rebooted to take advantage of the extra kernel cycle time. Work on the reboot will be shown in my blog. The homebrew topic won't see any updates until the reboot is playable.


Have no idea what "Turn 2 sailor" means.

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I can think of some heuristics where you might get maybe 75% of games to be able to reset, but those odds are not good enough to implement it, especially since the act of detecting itself could make some of the remaining 25% of games not even play at all.

It is tricky. The only thing I can think of is to have Harmony monitoring the reads of SWCHB, and if the reset bit is continually asserted for ~2 seconds have the game boot to the menu.

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Have no idea what "Turn 2 sailor" means.


I was being sarcastic. Turn 2, is a naval term that means get to work. When the work day starts, an announcement is made to the crew to "Turn 2 Ships Work". Work continues until it's "Knock off" time. I have no idea where the terms came from. But navy lingo to get busy is "turn 2".


I know you are busy, I was trying to make a joke. if failed miserably.

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Ah - when I searched for "turn 2 sailor" the results showed a bunch of stuff about Sailor Moon. I just did another search with "naval turn 2 sailor" and this page showed up:

Turn To - Begin working, or "Get to work!"

One minor problem with that is whenever my hobby feels like work I'm less inclined to spend time on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'd like a 'soft reset' button because I'm lazy. Push it once and you're done, instead of switching off and then back on again (2 step process) I can think of no other reason.


The problem is that the 2600 hardware was not designed for this. There are no hardware interrupt lines from the cartridge port that would reboot the machine. The only thing you can do from the cartridge side is simulate a "hot plug" of the cartridge, and this was specifically discouraged by Atari.


The 2600 was designed for the user to power off the system, change the cartridge, and power the system on.


As soon as the ROM is loaded, the cartridge looks identical to the VCS as if it is a normal cartridge. Thus to exit out of the existing game, you have no safe alternative but to turn off the device. And while some sort of warm reset might be possible by simulating a hot plug of the cartridge, I for one do not wish to jeopardize my 2600 by doing something its designers warned against.


The 2600 power switch was designed to be cycled continuously, it is a high quality switch. It is designed to be cycled often. I prefer it remain that way.

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