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Quick reference guide


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Right, so I realise that with all the incremental updates documentation is not rb+'s strongest point :). Newcomers have to find their way across forum posts, source code - it's a mess. Well, let's put an end to this!


The latest commit has a first try at a quick reference guide in folder "docs". Basically I copypasta'd said forum posts and other stuff and grouped them together ;). It's by no means complete (mainly descriptions are missing) but, heck, we got to start somewhere!


I'll post the contents of the file here, and people can ask questions or submit corrections/descriptions so we can have a tidy and complete guide. (hopefully this post will be able to be edited so it'll be current).


  ___           _             ___          _      _
 | _ \__ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ _  | _ ) __ _ __(_)__ _| |_
 |   / _` | '_ \  _/ _ \ '_| | _ \/ _` (_-< / _|_   _|
 |_|_\__,_| .__/\__\___/_|   |___/\__,_/__/_\__| |_|

                 Quick reference guide

Note: this is not a compehensive guide - it only covers
the commands, functions and variables introduced in
Raptor Basic+. It does not cover bcx functions, commands
and syntax. For that you are kindly referred to read the
bcx help file, "BCXHelp.chm"

Binary bitfields in basic   - Just use B8(binary byte) for bytes,
                                       B16(binary byte,binary byte) words and
                                       B32(binary byte,binary byte,binary byte,binary byte) for longwords.
                            Example: B8(11110000) is 240 in decimal.
raptor_ntsc_flag            - is non-zero if machine is ntsc.
rbsort(table,no_of_indices) - sorts an array of longwords from smallest to largest.
                              Only longwords (4 byte integers) for now.

colour x  - set plot colour (0 - 15)
plot(x,y) - plot pixel in coordinates x,y with the colour set using "colour"
cls       - clears the pixel/print text buffer

VSYNC    - waits till the next vertical blank
DELAY(x) - waits for x vertical blanks.

poke x,y  - writes byte y to address x
peek(x)   - returns byte from address x
dpoke x,y - writes word y to address x
dpeek(x)  - returns byte from address x
lpoke x,y - writes longword y to address x
lpeek(x)  - returns byte from address x

General notes about build.bat:
- automatically switches to ROM building if there is even one ROM asset in assets.txt. You can still use build PROJECT ROM though.
- will abort build to RAM if the resulting binary is too large.
- when building a ROM, it will be padded up to 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8mb depending on size. Note that 8mb is only available for skunkboard. A normal ROM file cannot be larger than 6mb. Also note that only the first 4mb will be visible to the system at boot time, to expose the last 4mb the programmer will have to employ the skunkboard's bank switching scheme. Read the skunkboard documentation on how to do this.
build.bat (no parameters)     - lists all projects in "projects" folder
build.bat <project> new       - creates a new project folder from "template".
build.bat <project> sendy     - builds project and uploads it to skunkboard
build.bat <project> ROM       - builds project as a ROM file. Assets in RAM are packed with the program code and depacked into RAM during boot. Assets in ROM simply are mapped inside ROM space.
build.bat <project> ROM sendy - builds project as a ROM fiel and uploads it to skunkboard. NOTE: THIS WILL OVERWRITE ANY ROM YOU HAVE ON BANK 1 OF YOUR SKUNKBOARD WITHOUT WARNING!
build.bat <project> sendy bjl - uploads built binary using bjl transfer (note: you might need to edit the upload settings). Will not work for ROM builds.

RMOTION - can be enabled with RSETOBJ and RMOTION scripts can now be added to assets.txt for parsing.
Assets can be packed. Suffix field C with "_pack" in assets.txt

powaunpack(source_address,destination_address) - unpacks data from source_address to destination_address.
                                                 Note that it's your responsibility to reserve enough RAM 
                                                 for unpacking. Also, no checking to see if a packed asset
                                                 exists at the source address - again it's your responsibility!

Object manipluation
rsetlist                                                                    - 
RSETOBJ spr_index,offset,value                                              - sets the attribute at offset "offset" of object "spr_index" to value "value".
                                                                              See table A for offsets, their descriptions and user friendly names.
                                                                              Example: RSETOBJ 1,R_sprite_x,10<<16
variable=RGETOBJ(spr_index,offset)                                          - gets the attribute at offset "offset" of object "spr_index" and saves it to "variable".
                                                                              See table A for offsets, their descriptions and user friendly names.
                                                                              Example: player_x=RGETOBJ(spr_index,offset)
rhit (<source first object>, <source last object>, <target first object>, <target last object>)         
                                                                            - will return 1 (hit has occurred) if anything within the specified range has collided.  this is only a general indication of a collision and
                                                                              further interrogation via the 'was_hit' variable will let you know which object has actually collided with any of the source objects.
                                                                              The values of damage variables of the source objects is deducted from the target objects.  raptor can be set to automatically kill an object when its hitpoint variable
                                                                              reaches -1 (dead) by setting the object variable 'remhit' to 'cd_remove' (1)
                                                                              The collision check will only work on objects that have their 'colchk' variable set to 'can_hit' (1), objects that are set to 'cant_hit' (-1) will be skipped
powaset(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, array_of_values)                    - will write longword values from address "array_of_values" no_of_times times in raptor table offset "offset", starting with index "spr_index".
powadiff(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, array_of_values)                   - will add longword values from address "array_of_values" no_of_times times in raptor table offset "offset", starting with index "spr_index".
powazap(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, value)                              - will write longword value "value" "no_of_times" times in raptor table offset "offset", starting with index "spr_index".
powabset(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, array_of_values, skip_offset)      - Exactly the same as powaset but you can control the offset to skip to the next object (it's hardcoded to 188 for the other)
powabdiff(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, array_of_values, skip_offset)     - Exactly the same as powadiff but you can control the offset to skip to the next object (it's hardcoded to 188 for the other)
powabzap(spr_index, offset, no_of_times, value, skip_offset)                - Exactly the same as powazap but you can control the offset to skip to the next object (it's hardcoded to 188 for the other)
rlist [object list number].<raptor object list variable name> {= new value} - a faster version of RGETOBJ and RSETOBJ, to 'SET' an objects list variable use RLIST [object list number].<raptor objest list variable name> = <new value>
                                                                              to 'GET' an objects list variable use RLIST [object list number].<raptor objest list variable name>
                                                                              this command can be used in both forms 'SET' and 'GET' in a single command line without issues, example: RLIST [enemy_object_number].x = RLIST [player_object_number].x
                                                                              supported raptor object list variables: active, x, y, xadd, yadd, flip, width, height, vbox, hbox, gfxbase, framesz, framedel, curframe, maxframe, animloop, wrap, timer,
                                                                              track, colchk, scaled, scale_x, scale_y, CLUT, animspd, bytewid, tracktop, was_hit, coffx, coffy, remhit, bboxlink, hitpoint, damage, flash, gwidth, rmotion, rmcurfrm,
                                                                              rmfrm, userdat1, userdat2, userdat3, userdat4, userdat5, userdat6, userdat7. See table A for descriptions.
                                                                              don't forget to add the dependency 'rlist=(RAPTOR_LIST *)strptr(RAPTOR_sprite_table)' to the top of your code before using this command

RPARTI                             - 
RAPTOR_particles_GPU_erase         - 
RAPTOR_particles_GPU_plot          - 
RPARTI(address_of_particle_struct) - "address_of_particle_struct" points to a 6 column by user definable rows
                                     table of longwords. First row must have (0,0,0,x,y,no_particles) and the other
                                     the particle definitions
                                     (angle, speed, angular speed, initial colour, colour decay (per frame), pixel life (in frames))
raptor_used_particles              - 
raptor_free_particles              - 

Map module

loadclut palette_address,target_clut_number_of_indices - takes the palette values at address "palette_address" and
                                                         copies them to CLUT "target_clut_number" (0 to 15).
                                                         "clut_number_of_indices" tells the routine how many to copy.
                                                         This routine can be used to set up anything from 2 to 256 palette indices at once.
fadepal(int clut_no,int fade_cols,int *palette)        - fades CLUT "clut_no" (0-15) to CLUT values address "palette".
                                                         "fade_cols" is the number of CLUT entries to process.
                                                         Note that fade_cols is 0 based, so to fade 16 cols pass 15.
fadesingle(index_to_fade,desired_colour_in_16_bit_BBG) - fades CLUT index "index_to_fade" to "desired_colour_in_16_bit_BBG".
raptor_fade_delay                                      - delay (in function calls) between steps (.word)

print                            - 
RPRINTINT                        - 
bin2asc(number, digits, string$) - converts number with (digits+1) digits very fast and render it to string$.
                                   Note that the number has to be an integer.
                                   Example: bin2asc(987,2,out$) will convert number 987 to string using 3 digits
                                   and place it into out$. If we used 3 instead of 2 we'd get "0987"
RPRINT string                    - prints a static string to screen at coordinates set by RLOCATE.
                                   No fancy formatting allowed (i.e. it'll only work with something like
                                   RPRINT "hello". RPRINT "hello"&"world" will fail). Font is set via
                                   basic_r_indx and size from basic_r_size.
RLOCATE x,y                      - Locates the cursor at coordinates x,y. Notice that those are pixel coordinates,
                                   not cursor coordinates.Font is set via basic_r_indx and size from basic_r_size.
basic_r_indx                     -
basic_r_size                     - 

raptor_mt_present         - negative if no Memory Track is present
raptor_highscores_hex     - points to the highscore table (10 entries, one longword each)
raptor_highscores_nam     - points to the highscore names table (10 entries, 8 characters each, not null terminated)
hiscore_check(score,name) - checks if score is a high score. name, like above, is 8 characters.
RAPTOR_resort_score_table - re-sorts the highscores as well as the names.
RAPTOR_mt_save            - saves the highscore table. Use it in combination with present.
raptor_user_savedata      - points to 512 bytes for user data which will be appended to the MT save

Sound/input engines
Either U-235 or Zerosquare (selectable at rapapp.s via equate "player", 0=Zerosquare's player, 1=U-235 player)

MODPLAY(mod_address)   - plays a .mod file at address "mod_address"
MODPLAY(0)             - stops .mod playing
GETPAD(x)              - returns values from either pad 1 or 2.
                         Can be replaced by reading U235SE_pad1 and U235SE_pad2 directly.
SNDPLAYFREQ(voice,x,y) - triggers sample x from module into channel "voice" at y frequency in Hz
MODVOL(x)              - sets mod music volume (x in range 0 - 63)
SNDVOL(x)              - sets global sfx volume (x in range 0 - 63)
SNDKILL(x)             - stops playing sample at channel number x
SNDVOLRESET(x)         - resets volume of current sample on channel x
SNDFREQRESET(x)        - resets frequency of current sample on channel x
SNDDELTA(x,y)          - set or adjust the volume on channel x to y (0 to 63)
SNDFREQ(x,y)           - sets frequency of channel x to y (0 to 65535)
rotary_mode1           - +1 = rotary, - 1 = jagpad (Port 1) (.l)
rotary_mode2           - +1 = rotary, - 1 = jagpad (Port 2) (.l)
turn_direction1        - rotary value (bigger is faster) - +=left / 0=nothing / - =right (Port 1) (.l)
turn_direction2        - rotary value (bigger is faster) - +=left / 0=nothing / - =right (Port 2) (.l)
rotary_interval1       - trim value for rotary (Port 1) (.l)
rotary_interval2       - trim value for rotary (Port 2) (.l)
spin_delta1            - value to add to turn_direction per increment (Port 1) (.l)
spin_delta2            - value to add to turn_direction per increment (Port 2) (.l)
Direction pad masks    - PAD_UP, PAD_U, PAD_DOWN, PAD_D, PAD_LEFT, PAD_L, PAD_RIGHT, PAD_R, PAD_HASH, PAD_9,
                         PAD_6, PAD_3, PAD_PAUSE, PAD_A, PAD_OPTION, PAD_STAR, PAD_7, PAD_4, PAD_1, PAD_0, PAD_8,
                         PAD_5, PAD_2, PAD_B, PAD_C.
                         Example: "if x band (PAD_U bor PAD_L) then" will'check for up+left

ZEROPAD()                                               - reads both pad ports and sends results back to variables zero_left_pad, zero_right_pad,
                                                          zero_mousex_delta, zero_mousey_delta and zero_rotary_delta.
                                                          By default the engine is configured to assume 2 joypads connected.
                                                          This command needs to be used in capitals.
                                                          example projects: chessboard, print
Input_SetNormalPadMode                                  - sets up the engine to read two pads (enabled by default).
                                                          zero_left_pad and zero_right_pad can be read using these constants: Input_Pad_Pause, Input_Pad_A,
                                                          Input_Pad_Up, Input_Pad_Down, Input_Pad_Left, Input_Pad_Right, Input_Pad_C1, Input_Pad_B,
                                                          Input_Pad_Star, Input_Pad_7, Input_Pad_4, Input_Pad_1, Input_Pad_C2, Input_Pad_C, Input_Pad_0,
                                                          Input_Pad_8, Input_Pad_5, Input_Pad_2, Input_Pad_C3, Input_Pad_Option, Input_Pad_Sharp, Input_Pad_9,
                                                          Input_Pad_6, Input_Pad_3.
                                                          example: "if zero_left_pad band Input_Pad_Star" will check left pad for star button press.
Input_SetJoyPort1                                       - enables joypad port 1 to be used for rotary/mouse input. This doesn't enable rotary/mouse mode.
                                                          zero_rotary_delta will give the number of rotary ticks since the last read command.
Input_SetJoyPort2                                       - enables joypad port 2 to be used for rotary/mouse input. This doesn't enable rotary/mouse mode.
                                                          zero_rotary_delta will give the number of rotary ticks since the last read command.
Input_SetRotaryMode                                     - enables rotary mode.
Input_SetAtariMouseMode                                 - enables Atari mouse mode.
                                                          Input_Mouse_Left and Input_Mouse_Right are the masks to check for button presses
                                                          zero_mousex_delta, zero_mousey_delta are the number of mouse ticks in x and y axis since the last read command.
Input_SetAmigaMouseMode                                 - enables Amiga mouse mode.
                                                          Input_Mouse_Left and Input_Mouse_Right are the masks to check for button presses
                                                          zero_mousex_delta, zero_mousey_delta are the number of mouse ticks in x and y axis since the last read command.
SNDZEROPLAY chan, start_address, len, frequency, params - plays a sample starting from start_address with length len to channel chan with speed frequency and with flags params.
                                                          Channel should be from 1 to 4. start_address should be aligned to 4 bytes.
                                                          len should be a multiple of 4.
                                                          frequency should be an integer that divides the base frequency of 46168Hz.
                                                          So for example if it's set to 1, it'll play a sample at 46168Hz, a 2 will play a sample at 23084Hz etc.
                                                          Available flags are: Zero_Audio_8bit_Signed (plays an 8-bit signed sample)
                                                                               Zero_Audio_8bit_Unsigned (plays an 8 - bit unsigned sample)
                                                                               Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw (plays a 8 - bit compressed μLaw sample)
                                                                               Zero_Audio_Looping (enables sample loop).

Table A
Offset's friendly name  Offset  Description   
----------------------  ------  -----------
R_sprite_obj            0       pointer to object in OL
R_sprite_active         4       active flag (-1 = inactive)
R_sprite_x              8       x position in 16.16
R_sprite_y              12      y position in 16.16
R_sprite_xadd           16      x velocity to add in 16.16
R_sprite_yadd           20      y velocity to add in 16.16
R_sprite_flip           24      if set, add _width to X and set mirror
R_sprite_width          28      width of sprite
R_sprite_height         32      height of sprite
R_sprite_vbox           36      vertical distance from midpoint for collision clipping
R_sprite_hbox           40      horizontal distance from midpoint for collision clipping
R_sprite_gfxbase        44      pointer to phrase aligned sprite bitmap data
R_sprite_framesz        48      size of sprite frame in bytes (offset to next frame)
R_sprite_framedel       52      vblanks till next sprite animation frame
R_sprite_curframe       56      current frame number (or 0 for no frames)
R_sprite_maxframe       60      maximum frame for sprite
R_sprite_animloop       64      -1 = loop animation, 1=terminate on loop
R_sprite_wrap           68      flag for wrap or disable on leaving screen
R_sprite_timer          72      frames to stay alive, or -2 for infinite
R_sprite_track          76      -1 = use fract update, else pointer to x.y co-ords
R_sprite_colchk         80      -1 = no collision detection
R_sprite_scaled         84      -1 = unscaled, 1 = scaled
R_sprite_scale_x        88      x-scaler
R_sprite_scale_y        92      y-scaler
R_sprite_CLUT           96      -1 for no change, else CLUT to use for sprite if <16bit
R_sprite_animspd        100     animation speed
R_sprite_bytewid        104     width of one scanline of sprite in bytes
R_sprite_tracktop       108     loop point for tracking, or -1 for exit
R_sprite_was_hit        112     set to +ve if by the collision routine if sprite hit
R_sprite_coffx          116     offset from center for bounding box (hbox)
R_sprite_coffy          120     offset from center for bounding box (vbox)
R_sprite_remhit         124     1 = remove if hit, else leave onscreen
R_sprite_bboxlink       128     -1, or pointer to bounding box link data
R_sprite_hitpoint       132     hitpoints of damage to take before removal
R_sprite_damage         136     damage to deal
R_sprite_flash          140     make sprite blink
R_sprite_gwidth         144     graphics width
R_sprite_rmotion        148     pointer to RMotion animation
R_sprite_rmcurfrm       152     RMotion internal
R_sprite_rmfrm          156     RMotion internal
R_sprite_userdat1       160     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat2       164     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat3       168     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat4       172     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat5       176     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat6       180     Reserved for future expansion
R_sprite_userdat7       184     Reserved for future expansion
So, awaiting for user input! Edited by ggn
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  • 3 weeks later...

as i stated before to ggn, i have been making some additions to the quick reference guide for my own reasons and need to get tee main file updated so that I don't loose my changes upon new update releases, so here are some contributions that I have made so far.


I will add more here when i add more to mine


hopefully they will be of some use to some people who may be having some trouble with things like zerosquares joypad reading routines, like i did using a case statement which i think that the two commands are pretty much incompatible and if elseif endif should be used instead

rlist [object list number].<raptor object list variable name> {= new value}	- a faster version of RGETOBJ and RSETOBJ, to 'SET' an objects list variable use RLIST [object list number].<raptor objest list variable name> = <new value>
										  to 'GET' an objects list variable use RLIST [object list number].<raptor objest list variable name>
										  this command can be used in both forms 'SET' and 'GET' in a single command line without issues, example: RLIST [enemy_object_number].x = RLIST [player_object_number].x
										  supported raptor object list variables: active, x, y, xadd, yadd, flip, width, height, vbox, hbox, gfxbase, framesz, framedel, curframe, maxframe, animloop, wrap, timer,
										  track, colchk, scaled, scale_x, scale_y, CLUT, animspd, bytewid, tracktop, was_hit, coffx, coffy, remhit, bboxlink, hitpoint, damage, flash, gwidth, rmotion, rmcurfrm,
										  rmfrm, userdat1, userdat2, userdat3, userdat4, userdat5, userdat6, userdat7
										  don't forget to add the dependency 'rlist=(RAPTOR_LIST *)strptr(RAPTOR_sprite_table)' to the top of your code before using this command

rhit (<source first object>, <source last object>, <target first object>, <target last object>)		- will return 1 (hit has occurred) if anything within the specified range has collided.  this is only a general indication of a collision and
													further interrogation via the 'was_hit' variable will let you know which object has actually collided with any of the source objects.
													The values of damage variables of the source objects is deducted from the target objects.  raptor can be set to automatically kill an object when its hitpoint variable
													reaches -1 (dead) by setting the object variable 'remhit' to 'cd_remove' (1)

													if rhit is not used, the collision detection and deduction of source objects damage variable from targets hitpoint variable does not occur.
													The collision check will only work on objects that have their 'colchk' variable set to 'can_hit' (1), objects that are set to 'cant_hit' (-1) will be skipped

ZEROPAD()                                               - reads both pad ports and sends results back to variables zero_left_pad, zero_right_pad,
                                                          zero_mousex_delta, zero_mousey_delta and zero_rotary_delta. 
							  This command needs to be used in capitals.
							  example projects: chessboard, print
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Thanks! I edited them very slightly and added them to the guide (which is being pushed upstream as I type this. Love the "example projects" idea, maybe this should be expanded further :).


And added a few things myself.


Remember, this guide is mostly for you guys so if you spot something wrong or feel like adding a couple of sentences to fill in the blanks, please do so here!


As a final remark, maybe this guide could be converted to one of those hipster formats like markdown or reStructuredtext so an html guide can be generated too. Thoughts?

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Thanks! I edited them very slightly and added them to the guide (which is being pushed upstream as I type this. Love the "example projects" idea, maybe this should be expanded further :).


And added a few things myself.


Remember, this guide is mostly for you guys so if you spot something wrong or feel like adding a couple of sentences to fill in the blanks, please do so here!


As a final remark, maybe this guide could be converted to one of those hipster formats like markdown or reStructuredtext so an html guide can be generated too. Thoughts?


i thought the example projects seemed a good idea seeing as demonstration of that particular command is quite scarce


might be good to have some examples of using compression and some other existing but undocumented stuff, i looked briefly but i was slightly confused by the address bits


any guide format is ok by me, perhaps an html compiled guide like the bcx guide perhaps?

Edited by omf
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Ok, so I had a play with restructuredtext (or however they call it, some letter needs capitalisation blah blah) and I produced this. Doesn't look too bad! So I'll commit it to the repository and work with that. For some reason it cannot be rendered directly to ascii text which is pretty ossom ;). Anyway, will play with this more and see where it leads us!


P.S. I still consider packing/unpacking an advanced topic so for now I refrain from going into details. If you think the command doesn't look straightforward then you should avoid it for now. But if your project has filled the entire RAM (or ROM) and could really use packing assets, drop me a line and I'll try to help!

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