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Video Game Hell


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You're trapped inside during an endless blizzard, warm and snug and infinitely supplied...and the only thing you have to pass the time is an RCA Studio II.


You're forced to play paddle games for eternity...with a D-pad.

You're stranded on a desert island with your desert island game...and it doesn't work.


You have thousands of games...and they're all Skeet Shoot. And every game you ever add to your collection will also be Skeet Shoot.

You save for eternity to afford an obscenely expensive, extremely well-regarded, and highly collectible system...that only has fighting games and JRPGs.

You're in Video Game Hell. :evil: What would it be like for you?

Edited by BassGuitari
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Video game hell for me


- Surrounded by Atari 7800 fanboys

- Black & White TV (I remember bringing my NES to a farm once so it wouldn't be so fucking boring and the spare TV was black & white and I was like NAHHHHHHH. Losing those pretty colors would suck.)

- Volume is too loud.

- One button on every controller happens to not work.

- Vic-20 from my childhood is there without the one game I actually remember playing.

- Batteries inside carts are all dead.

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I think I'd say fanboys in general, but yes. Whether it's the Jaguar or 7800, Atari fanboys seem to be a special kind of delusional.


I thought you could only have one type of fanboy because if you had multiples, they'd all fight one another and it'd be hilarious and negate being in hell. So I had to go to the bottom of the barrel, the lowest of low, the most annoying without a thread of sincerity or legitimacy even when they're over 40 years old... the 7800 fanboys.

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- forced online connectivity where your buggy unfinished software requires updates every single time you turn on your system


- every driving game forces you to customize your car before racing


- angry generic heavy metal background music where the singer sounds like like a constipated demon (the kind that plagues many driving games currently), is used in ALL games


- controllers with lcd screens that force one player to watch instead of splitting the main screen (looking at you Wii-U Sega All Stars)


- video game systems and TV's that still haven't figured out how to get around input lag, despite having a "game mode"


- forced to watch or wade through countless ads before getting to play or level intermissions with terrible voice acting like the FMV crap some dared to endure throughout the 90's

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Being told the only way to play any video game is to finish Cheetahmen2 without cheat device.


Power failure, portable devices with non standard battery that are dead, and no car adapter to recharge them. (why I still keep Game Gear and Lynx, they use AA's)


Online game where you're the only honest player that doesn't hack or use cheat and none of the server's admin gives a fuck about cheaters. Phantasy Star Online for DC was pretty bad back in the day with hackers, illegally large heal that causes negative HP, NOL, VMU kill, etc.

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Being around a slueth of Atari Jaguar fanboys


Your console is a Mattel Hyperscan and a game.com for the handheld.


Boxed Ataaaaweees are now over $300


You buy a boxed Incredible Hulk only to find out there is no game inside or it can be a cart of Frankenstein's Monster.


You are forced to play games with your controllers upside down.


And when you input cheats you have the game yelling "Cheater" nonstop through the tv speakers.






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32X can be hell by itself. Cable connector issue, flaky cable inside, 12 different possible connections where corrosion can prevent 32x from working at all (15 if you include CD system), and can't have 32x in core system if you wanted to play SMS games. Gotta unplug 20 cables and remove the black mushroom top and reconnect a couple cables to play SMS games. Reverse it to play 32x games.


(I leave SMS games to either Game Gear or a second Genesis so I don't have to mess with 32x and risk it not working right again)

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