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What is the game about and how is the gameplay?


I found the only video for the game very lacking, as it shows so little of the game (and, then, only the Videopac+ version) and kept obscuring even that with illustrations. Don't understand why they didn't do a straight screen-capture vid.


Here is how to play the game.


Hero is "H" on the screen, you start with 75 strength points. Hero retrieves key, try not to be hit by crocodiles, as you lose 5 strength points if you touch them. The key opens door to same colored castle. Hero enters castle and battles monster. You can only damage monster with arrow in the heart. Heart is gray cross in center of monster object. Hero can shoot left or right only - this is perfect and allows for very good movement and shot control. I usually put hero on left of screen and shoot right. If monster hits you, you are forced from castle and lose 5 strength points. Hero must then retrieve the key again. Game remembers how much damage was done to the monster if you must face him again. Once you defeat the 4 monsters you win and game repeats. You keep playing while adding to your score until strength is zero and then the game ends. Strength points decrease slowly by 1 when your in the open lands, not during battle with monster. So you want to keep time in open lands to a minimum.

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