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atari2600land's Blog - I like feedback.


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So I posted my Action 54 game on PVB, and got a reply saying it was a neat idea, but too easy. And suggested that I make the spinies come in on the ground from either side. Well, that proved easier said than done. I began work at 6pm. 6 hours later, I had it working, after a total rewrite beginning from the last update. You'd think such a simple thing would take mere minutes to do. But not when you're stupid like me. I kept trying and trying for hours to make it what I wanted it to do. Part of the time was spent figuring out what to do once a mushroom was caught. If the spinies all came from the sky, then it was real easy, since the mushroom and spiny1 share the same x and y positions (I just force spinies 2 and 3 off the screen when the mushroom comes.) All the spinies have the same y position, so it was real easy to just put the spinies up in the air once the mushroom was caught. But it was hard to think of what to do when the spinies didn't come from the air and instead come from the side. I couldn't put spinies' y position up in the air. Well, I COULD, but that would have made it so after each mushroom was caught the spinies always came from the air the first time. I wanted as much variety as possible since the VB does not have a "random" number generator, so this was not an option. Or am I making my life too hard by programming video games?

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